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[MODCOMP] Colonization: Forts


Jack of All Trades
Mar 25, 2008
Marooned, Y'isrumgone
This modcomp was created for the "Westward Ho" mod but I am releaseing it as an stand alone mod as well so others can use it in their own Mods. Right now its in testing phase so please report any problems. I will be updating this thread as work continues.

Westward Ho! Forts modcomp developement thread

Forts V.06a Updated 4-18-2010

SDK Patch
Two files where left out of the SDK they are attached here


TC01, KJ Jansson and the guys over at Westward Ho! for ideas.
Jeckel for his work on Cultural Control
charle88 for his Towns Guardmen reskins

Excerpt from "American West Chronicle"

Pioneers can now build forts that have several funtions as listed below.

Change Log: Version 0.6a

- Fix it so its actually Modular now

-Cannons have new functionality for Bombarding see below
- AI may attempt to guard forts in its territory
- SDK has been added

Pioneer Commands:

Building Forts:
  • 1. Your pioneers have this command.
  • 2. Each city can only support 3 Forts.
  • 3. Roads must lead out to the Fort connecting it to a city in order to gain full benefits from the fort. Forts can only get support from cities within 4 tiles or you can use the string of Forts strategy. Fort distance counting starts from the tile the fort is on.
  • 4. If you found a City next to or on a Fort it will consume the fort.

A string of Forts strategy: If you have a fort that is supported by a settlement. You can use that fort to support another fort. So instead of the 4 tile minimum distance you can increase this to 8, or 12 with a 3rd fort. This allows you to access hard to reach areas that are way out in the wilderness:)

To Claim a Fort:

  • 1. First Move a Soldier or Dragoon Unit into the Fort.
  • 2. Select the Change Profession button and select "Fort Commander".
  • 3. You will then be give a popup menu. If there are available Cities to support the fort they will be listed. If not you will have to build roads to the fort or have a city connected to it that has at least 2 extra food.
  • 4. Once a City is selected the Borders around the fort will expaned and you can then gain full benefits from the fort.
  • 5. A new unit will appear in the Fort called a "Fort Warehouse". This is where the goods you gather will be stored.
  • 6. Only one Fort Commander is allowed per fort.
  • 7. Fort Commanders cannot move. They must Change Profession in order to move.

To Produce Culture:

Forts produce Culture like Settlements. They use their Home Settlement's culture rate.

To Produce Goods around a Fort:
  • 1. Forts can gather from Bonus resources or from Forests. In order to produce from Forest a road must be built and a Lodge. To produce from Bonus Resouces the appropriate Improvement must be built (Mine for Ore, etc.) and a road.
  • 2. The Fort can only gather up to the maximum Warehouse space.

Fort Commander Commands:

Assign Home Settlement: This allows you to select which city to support the fort. Fort support is shown in the city management screen when you mouse over Food.

Assign Resources to Produce: If more than the maximum amount of cargo a Warehouse can hold is able to be collected this command will let you choose which goods to collect. By default the fort gathers goods from the North plot heading around to the east, this command changes that and only the goods selected are gathered.

Change Profession:
This command lets you change back to a Soldier or Dragoon. The Unit remembers what it was before it became a Fort Commander.

Transport Commands:

Assign Home Settlement: This allows you to select a Home Settlement

Return Home and Unload: If the unit has no home settlement you will be asked to choose one. Once a unit has a home settlement and you use this command it will travel to its Home and unload cargo automaticly. This is very useful for when ships just arrive from Europe

Upgrade Fort: Your Transports (Ships or Wagons) can upgrade a fort to the next level. Simply deliver 100 lumber and 100 Muskets to the Fort and select this command. The Fort will become a Fortress with extra goods space in the Warehouse and doubleing the goods produced per turn.

Assign to Fort duty: This command tells your Transport to Gather from Forts. You must select a Home City and the Transport will collect from all the forts that city is supporting. If the Unit has no Home City it will ask you to select one before it issues the command.

New Cannon Bombards

-Can now Bombard into Enemy Forts
-If your Fort has a Fort Commander your Cannons will be able to Bombard enemy positions. This reduces their defence bonus in the targeted plot.

Bugs and Things to Note:

  • -Scenerios are not fully supported atm that have existing forts. There may be errors when loading such Scenerios.
  • -There maybe a problem with building Forts within your borders
  • -Culture calculations need to be tweak still
  • -You can currently build more Forts than can be supported by your settlements.

Cheats: if you have cheats enable. This is for testing.

Spoiler :
1.Hold down Alt and Ctrl when you click to build any Improvement and it will auto build.


Several files in 0.6a are still non-modular. CIV4UnitInfos, CIV4CommandInfos, and CIV4UnitAIInfos all still have the core data included.

I've removed that myself for Westward Ho, but I just thought I should mention it.
While I like the idea behind this mod, I seem to be unable to add it to the Age of Discovery II mod. Seems like it requires a ton more copy and pasting coding than I thought it would.
Does this require the 1.01 patch?

Yes, it requires the lastest and only official Colonization Patch in order to play. And it does take a lot of cut and pasteing to use in other mods. Vanilla Colonization does not have a system to track if two plots are connected by roads or a trade network like in Civ4 so I had to add in the whole PlotGroup part of Civ4 to make this work.
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