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Dr kossin #28


Dec 4, 2008
EDIT: The start was changed since the original one was altered via WB.

Welcome to Dr kossin #28.

Dr is an acronym for Daily Round. Yes, I mean to get in an update every day to the games I will be playing. Of course there might be some days where I can only play a little or not at all, but I will make up for it those other days when I do have extra time on my hands.

Since the 21st edition of this series, the difficulty level has been cranked all the way up to Deity. I'm not at the point where I can win every game thrown at me on Deity level... I probably can't even win every game thrown at me on Immortal but it is getting a bit boring. My goal is now to achieve competitive skills on this level which should hopefully help me improve more.

You, the reader, can help me achieve this goal by pointing out where I got astray, give suggestions on how to proceed, use complex abstract mathematical analysis to argue, curse at me or anything that you may like. Please note that you must respect the Terms of Service of CFC in any case :)

You may shadow this game and post it here if you please, but I kindly request that you put it in spoiler tags and that anyone reading the report abstain from using information found there to help me out.

Should you want more clarification about something I've done, just ask for it and I will try to answer as best as I can.

Enough talk, on to the game.

Dr kossin #28​

Round 1 Rumors of my demise... have been greatly accurate

Game settings
Normal Speed
No Events
No Huts
BTS 3.19 with BUG 4.3 in CustomAssets and BULL 1.1
Everything else is normal.

A special thanks to ifinnem who provided the map.

The leader, this time, is:

Please refer to the Arabia Civ IV wiki for more information on this leader/nation.

The start:

This is better than the previous map for certain although there's still a lot of brown tiles.
SIP is an, I wouldn't go 1E for the levee, it's a waste here. I'd rather have a riverside grassland and not lose a turn. There may yet be something to the west on the unforested tiles so unless moving the warrior east reveals gems, moving doesn't sound too good.
I'll probably move the warrior 1N as 2E of him is a hill (potential settler move NE)

Ag>AH appears to be as good initial techs as any other. With TW already known, there won't be any worker turns sidelines. The question that comes next though is BW straight away or Pottery? This will depend on the map I believe.

I've uploaded the new save, but beware as it bears the same name as the previous one.
Yech... what an awful start. I would abort.

Is it true that you are guaranteed 3 food resources in the BFC? I don't recall that being true in vanilla (just got BTS).

Certainly moving the warrior may reveal something that would make the choice clear. But I think without any other food resources, I would go 1N on this map so that I could build a city south. Then again, I bet you'll get another clam in the tile 2E1S of the settler... in which case, SIP.
Yech... what an awful start. I would abort.

Is it true that you are guaranteed 3 food resources in the BFC? I don't recall that being true in vanilla (just got BTS).

Certainly moving the warrior may reveal something that would make the choice clear. But I think without any other food resources, I would go 1N on this map so that I could build a city south. Then again, I bet you'll get another clam in the tile 2E1S of the settler... in which case, SIP.

Sorry, you're guaranteed 3 resources, if I recall correctly. Right now we see 1.5 (1.6?), so we're guaranteed another resource. It might be food, it might be copper/horse/iron, if unlucky, it's just like coal and uranium or something which doesn't help early.
Another one already. :D

I've recently cranked up to immortal from emperor and some of the tricks I've learned from these playthroughs have helped me along, keep up the good work.

Awful start if there isn't another food resource in the BFC, those cows won't be workable until sailing. However with seafood don't they count as 1/2 a resource? Therefore there has to be another in the fog. If not its going to be one tough opening.
I still remember the map that Soirana generated for the Shaka EC game - you could be in trouble! :lol:
I do recall doing something in WB and being drunk. I strongly suggest taking another save.

Let's consider this being joke or something...

Spoiler :

basically i have not checked available land [which was absolutely done by map generator, i just redrawed capitol] it literally has no food....

On Deity it is straight unwinnable in my opinion...
Much better start, two 6F resources. 1E seems the best settling option for greener land and hills.
I would move the warrior NE to expose 5 more tiles, then decide. But probably settle 1E. Reasons: first, 1E gets those two unwooded hills, which can be mined before BW. Otherwise we have to work unimproved tiles until BW, which IIRC takes a while on Diety. Second, the land is greener -- west looks rather brown and unhelpful. Third, that empty grass tile 2E/2N is very suspicious; so far as I can tell, it is completely surrounded by forest. I suspect a hidden production resource: horses, or maybe copper or iron. I want it in the BFC. Finally, although a levee won't get much, it will get at least 2:hammers: I can see, and might get a few more if the southern river bends west.
That first map was pretty cruel. Obsolete would have had a field day on that cow being on a different landmass.
hey, more food!? Corn and Piggs are more than enough. If i wholden't go for an early rush i whold save some plain forests to make this an mid late game production city.
I'll be out of town from Thursday-Saturday, as well as part of Sunday for work.

I will play tomorrow but I won't be able to do anything else than check in from a mobile for the rest of the trip. My apologies in advance but real life comes first :)
Totally unacceptable of course. *signs a petition to change the name of the series to DRURLCF, which stands for daily round unless real life comes first.*
Round 1

I sent the warrior NE and reconsidered settling 1E for the additional green tiles.
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First build was a worker and then a warrior.

My initial warrior found Charlemagne to the east before being chased by a Bear.
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I thought I understood how animals worked on Deity since once I saw the first barb Archer, I assumed animals went poof. Well apparently not as my wounded exploring warrior got eaten by a Panther I could not see.

My second warrior went on a forested hill just outside my borders and was killed by a wounded warrior!

Seeing this, I dialed up Archery and got 2 Archers out to help deal with the frenzy. Hammurabi came from the west relatively so I think there's a bit more room in that direction.
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The barbs got nasty around turn 44, I debated between getting a 3rd archer or a settler and went with the settler before Charley got all the land.
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"Funnily enough", my second archer got KILLED, with these odds:

And @$%*)(U@HTIUH@$(*@$H*F@$*F(J@$*FH*$@(GH(<<<this means 2 turns later) what do you know, the warrior attacked me across the river followed by the same murderous Archer, finishing the round and, as a result, the game.

So where to go from now?
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Sorry, I just added this so it looked like the game was going on :)
This is the second time I've been barb-killed in the Daily Round and it really stinks!
The RNG was out to get me! I tell you!!!

Anyway, I guess I needed a 3rd archer and more luck in the beginning. Had I not lost my first 2 warriors, this would have been quite different.

And one last thing... I really hate commerce-poor forest-heavy starts,
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