Gotm 109


Civ2 GOTM Staff
Retired Moderator
Apr 6, 2006
Amersfoort (Netherlands)
Game of the Month 109: April 2010

Game Settings:
Civilization: Germans
Map: Normal map; 7 civ's, round, no huts
Difficulty: King
Barbarians: Raging hordes
Restarts: On
Victory by conquest or by spaceship

Starting Techs:
~ Bronze Working

A little late this month due to eastern. This month just a normal game but without huts. Have fun.

Games will be due on May 23th, 2010.

Please be sure to follow the submission guidelines when submitting your game (please do not send your files in a .zip file. Attach them directly to your e-mail with your name in the save file).

Please sent the savegames only to

Have fun.

Starting save is here

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Anybody started yet ? We've had some discussion of this GOTM in the 108 spoiler/etc. I am still deciding whether to play, and if so, whether to go for EC or EL. Most likely, I will play for EC with Grigor and anyone else who wants to do that, probably starting very soon, even today. There has also been some talk about a serious EL gotm soon [109? 110? 111?]. I guess if several people speak up soon, that is still possible for 109.
I will either skip this one altogehter or play OCC due to lack of real time. It will be late Aprial before I have any hopes of finishing GOTM 108.
Thanks for replies. I am playing for EC. My early plan [before starting] was:

ICS til at least 1500BC [fairly-fat EC], without the size 1 trick.
Build a one-tile road ASAP, mainly for the arrow.
Plan on early MPE, but wait-and-see on HG,LH,Pyr,etc and on whether to trade.
My usual anti-respawn strategy [find/control the kill zone].

Of course, I may change plans as I go. I found the very early game interesting and made frequent saves, in case anyone wants to compare in detail later. I have saves at 3400, 3000, 2400, 2000, 1500....
I didn't see restarts were on, this should be frustrating.

My only real plan this time is to attack with 3 ships for each civ (4 crusaders or ellies, 1 settler and 1 defending unit) This should avoid repeating my previous way of failing.
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