President of the United States
Earth: 2399. The first-ever human intersolar spaceflight lifted off from the international space center at Barcelona. It carried a thousand volunteer colonists who would make a new life on Alpha Centauri and spread humanity across the stars.
Months awaiting a response from the colonists turned into years, then decades, and finally almost ninety years passed. By now, almost everyone had acknowledged that the attempt had failed. Humanity's more base instincts took over, and the United States of North America went to war with the People's Republic of Greater Asia over the latter's claim to Hawaii and the Philippines. The European Confederacy was quickly attacked by the opportunistic New Russian Empire, and eventually the war went nuclear with the bombings of New York, Beijing, Moscow, Paris, Berlin, Stockholm, Denver, Washington D.C. and many other cities.
Earth: 3000 A.D. Humanity has been extinct for almost two hundred years, and the planet is slowly recovering from the horrendous damage wrought by the War and its aftermath. Then a fleet of starships of alien design burst into the system and settle above Earth. These ships belong to an alien race called the Protoss, which decides to colonize this very hospitable planet.
Unfortunately, the command staff is highly divided, and this results in many separate colonies being established on Earth instead of one coordinated one.
And many of these colonies do not trust each other . . . .
Welcome! This is a shameless IOT ripoff. . . err, IOT-inspired game. In it you will colonize Earth as a faction of an alien colonization force. However, there is nothing to say you must love your partners and fellow Protoss, and this endeavor may yet turn into an exercise in aggressive World Domination.
(Before anyone says anything, YES I took the PROTOSS name from StarCraft. I couldn't think of any others and I like those guys anyway. But Zeratul and Artanis and their ilk shall not be in this game.)
GM: Lighthearter
Assistant GM: Cull
He Who You Shall Listen To If He Claims To Speak For Me: Nukeknockout
The Rules:
- Rule #1: Thou shalt NEVER challenge The Man for His authority is absolute.
- Starting up: Claim eight provinces from the world map and post a bio of your nation it's not that hard and doesn't have to be that detailed, just some basics like government type and ideologies, plus your Tech Branch(I'll get to that in a minute).
- Expansion: Claim four territories every turn. If you are at war you may only claim two.
- Economy: Every province is worth 1 Credit per turn. Each economy technology also is worth 1(I'm getting to that). ANY MONEY YOU DO NOT SPEND IS LOST.
- Trade - Every 10 territories you have you can set up a trade route with another nation - each of you gets an extra credit each turn. You can only trade with someone that you have a border with or if you and your target nation both have coastal provinces.
- Technology: Every technology costs a one-time investment of 10 to research. There are four main tech branches and a few specific techs. The branches are:
- Space
- Land
- Sea
- Economy
Space techs affect your space fleets. Land techs affect your armies, and Sea techs affect your navies. Economy techs, as I said, each add 1 to your income every turn.
The specific techs are:
- Space Flight
- Orbital Insertion
- Space Defense
Space Flight allows you to build space fleets and research the other two techs, as well as the Space tech path. Orbital Insertion allows your space fleets to drop armies anywhere on the globe. Space Defense allows your space fleets to block other factions' attempted insertions.
- Tech Paths & Experimentals: At the start you must choose between 3 tech paths, each of which gives you two "level 11" technologies, which basically function as an extra level of their area, and an experimental, which greatly empowers one of your three unit types.
Here are the paths:
- Conventional: Land 11, Economy 11 and Land Experimental(Behemoth Tank)
- Aquatic: Sea 11, Economy 11 and Sea Experimental(Kraken Battlecruiser)
- Orbital: Space 11, Land 11, and Space Experimental(Arbiter Destroyer)
You choose ONE - you cannot change it after the fact. Your experimental will give you a big advantage in one of your three military areas, so choose wisely. Experimentals cost 20 to research instead of 10.
Units & Combat: You have three kinds of units:
- Armies
- Navies
- Space Fleets
Each one functions a bit differently. Let's start with Armies.
For every army that you have you can launch one attack per turn. Combat is handled the same for all three types - each unit has a defense of 10, modified by 1 for each tech into it's type. Attacks are made using a D20 with a modifier of +1 for each level of tech into the area of the unit, with the objective of beating the Defense stat of the other side. Armies are affected by Land research, Navies by Sea and Space Fleets by Space. Experimentals provide a +2 bonus to attack and Defense for the unit type. A 1 is an auto-miss and a 20 is an auto-hit. The first side to have its unit take three hits is defeated and the unit removed from play.
So, here's an example of use of an army:
You attack Texas and defeat your opponent's army in a pitched battle. s army is removed. You can then recall your army to defend any territory of yours that is under attack. If you don't then a battle still occurs, but you are defending only with militia and thus can only take ONE hit before succumbing. You can recall from anywhere to anywhere - your men can assault Tokyo Bay one turn and the next defend Washington DC and then knock out the enemy stronghold in Jerusalem. Amphibious assaults are basic attacks conducted by sea that involve one fleet and one army.
Navies require more micromanagement then armies. There are five major uses for a navy:
- Taking part in amphibious assaults
- Blocking amphibious assaults
- Raiding enemy sea-based trade routes
- Sallying against the enemy fleet
- Striking enemy ports
In order:
The main function of fleets is to assist your armies in amphibious assaults. It takes one fleet, one army and 5 credits to launch one. The second function is to trigger a naval battle by blocking an amphibious assault. Naval battles are fought just like land battles. If the attacking fleet is defeated, it is removed from play, as is the army on board. If the defending fleet is defeated, the amphibious attack proceeds. The next major use is to sever enemy trade routes in war, which will give you a one-time bonus of $1 on the next turn and deny the enemy nations involved their income. Fleets can also sally and challenge the enemy to a naval battle, which the enemy may or may not accept. They can also strike enemy ports, which may force a naval battle. Whittling down the enemy's troops can make a world of difference in war-time.
Space Fleets function primarily like navies. With the research of Orbital Insertion a combination of one army and one space fleet can attack any province on the globe for a fee of 10 Credits - it ain't cheap to drop a significant-sized force through the atmosphere. With the research of Space Defense a Space Fleet can stop an Orbital Insertion in the same manner as a fleet stopping an amphibious assault. They can also sally and hit enemy spaceports to trigger orbital engagements.
Acquiring Units: You receive one army and one navy for free. Each additional one costs 5 to build and a further 5 a turn to maintain. You can only get Fleets if you own a coastal province. If you do not start with one but later gain one, your free fleet will be given to you then, as will the ability to build more. Space Fleets cost 10 to build and maintain and you do NOT receive one free. During wartime all unit acquisition costs are doubled, but maintenance is not.
You are expected to manage your own finances, but the GM will occasionally check up on them to make sure you're not embezzling funds into your treasury.
Right, I'll post my nation bio up after the global map. No one posts until I've gotten both those things up, then you're free as a bird
Oh yeah . . . my favorite rule:
- By posting a nation bio, commenting on the situation or performing any other form of interaction with this game, you declare that you have read and understood these rules to the letter. I don't want to be a jerk guys, so keep it clean!
Let's do this thing!
- Lighthearter
Months awaiting a response from the colonists turned into years, then decades, and finally almost ninety years passed. By now, almost everyone had acknowledged that the attempt had failed. Humanity's more base instincts took over, and the United States of North America went to war with the People's Republic of Greater Asia over the latter's claim to Hawaii and the Philippines. The European Confederacy was quickly attacked by the opportunistic New Russian Empire, and eventually the war went nuclear with the bombings of New York, Beijing, Moscow, Paris, Berlin, Stockholm, Denver, Washington D.C. and many other cities.
Earth: 3000 A.D. Humanity has been extinct for almost two hundred years, and the planet is slowly recovering from the horrendous damage wrought by the War and its aftermath. Then a fleet of starships of alien design burst into the system and settle above Earth. These ships belong to an alien race called the Protoss, which decides to colonize this very hospitable planet.
Unfortunately, the command staff is highly divided, and this results in many separate colonies being established on Earth instead of one coordinated one.
And many of these colonies do not trust each other . . . .
Welcome! This is a shameless IOT ripoff. . . err, IOT-inspired game. In it you will colonize Earth as a faction of an alien colonization force. However, there is nothing to say you must love your partners and fellow Protoss, and this endeavor may yet turn into an exercise in aggressive World Domination.
(Before anyone says anything, YES I took the PROTOSS name from StarCraft. I couldn't think of any others and I like those guys anyway. But Zeratul and Artanis and their ilk shall not be in this game.)
GM: Lighthearter
Assistant GM: Cull
He Who You Shall Listen To If He Claims To Speak For Me: Nukeknockout
The Rules:
- Rule #1: Thou shalt NEVER challenge The Man for His authority is absolute.
- Starting up: Claim eight provinces from the world map and post a bio of your nation it's not that hard and doesn't have to be that detailed, just some basics like government type and ideologies, plus your Tech Branch(I'll get to that in a minute).
- Expansion: Claim four territories every turn. If you are at war you may only claim two.
- Economy: Every province is worth 1 Credit per turn. Each economy technology also is worth 1(I'm getting to that). ANY MONEY YOU DO NOT SPEND IS LOST.
- Trade - Every 10 territories you have you can set up a trade route with another nation - each of you gets an extra credit each turn. You can only trade with someone that you have a border with or if you and your target nation both have coastal provinces.
- Technology: Every technology costs a one-time investment of 10 to research. There are four main tech branches and a few specific techs. The branches are:
- Space
- Land
- Sea
- Economy
Space techs affect your space fleets. Land techs affect your armies, and Sea techs affect your navies. Economy techs, as I said, each add 1 to your income every turn.
The specific techs are:
- Space Flight
- Orbital Insertion
- Space Defense
Space Flight allows you to build space fleets and research the other two techs, as well as the Space tech path. Orbital Insertion allows your space fleets to drop armies anywhere on the globe. Space Defense allows your space fleets to block other factions' attempted insertions.
- Tech Paths & Experimentals: At the start you must choose between 3 tech paths, each of which gives you two "level 11" technologies, which basically function as an extra level of their area, and an experimental, which greatly empowers one of your three unit types.
Here are the paths:
- Conventional: Land 11, Economy 11 and Land Experimental(Behemoth Tank)
- Aquatic: Sea 11, Economy 11 and Sea Experimental(Kraken Battlecruiser)
- Orbital: Space 11, Land 11, and Space Experimental(Arbiter Destroyer)
You choose ONE - you cannot change it after the fact. Your experimental will give you a big advantage in one of your three military areas, so choose wisely. Experimentals cost 20 to research instead of 10.
Units & Combat: You have three kinds of units:
- Armies
- Navies
- Space Fleets
Each one functions a bit differently. Let's start with Armies.
For every army that you have you can launch one attack per turn. Combat is handled the same for all three types - each unit has a defense of 10, modified by 1 for each tech into it's type. Attacks are made using a D20 with a modifier of +1 for each level of tech into the area of the unit, with the objective of beating the Defense stat of the other side. Armies are affected by Land research, Navies by Sea and Space Fleets by Space. Experimentals provide a +2 bonus to attack and Defense for the unit type. A 1 is an auto-miss and a 20 is an auto-hit. The first side to have its unit take three hits is defeated and the unit removed from play.
So, here's an example of use of an army:
You attack Texas and defeat your opponent's army in a pitched battle. s army is removed. You can then recall your army to defend any territory of yours that is under attack. If you don't then a battle still occurs, but you are defending only with militia and thus can only take ONE hit before succumbing. You can recall from anywhere to anywhere - your men can assault Tokyo Bay one turn and the next defend Washington DC and then knock out the enemy stronghold in Jerusalem. Amphibious assaults are basic attacks conducted by sea that involve one fleet and one army.
Navies require more micromanagement then armies. There are five major uses for a navy:
- Taking part in amphibious assaults
- Blocking amphibious assaults
- Raiding enemy sea-based trade routes
- Sallying against the enemy fleet
- Striking enemy ports
In order:
The main function of fleets is to assist your armies in amphibious assaults. It takes one fleet, one army and 5 credits to launch one. The second function is to trigger a naval battle by blocking an amphibious assault. Naval battles are fought just like land battles. If the attacking fleet is defeated, it is removed from play, as is the army on board. If the defending fleet is defeated, the amphibious attack proceeds. The next major use is to sever enemy trade routes in war, which will give you a one-time bonus of $1 on the next turn and deny the enemy nations involved their income. Fleets can also sally and challenge the enemy to a naval battle, which the enemy may or may not accept. They can also strike enemy ports, which may force a naval battle. Whittling down the enemy's troops can make a world of difference in war-time.
Space Fleets function primarily like navies. With the research of Orbital Insertion a combination of one army and one space fleet can attack any province on the globe for a fee of 10 Credits - it ain't cheap to drop a significant-sized force through the atmosphere. With the research of Space Defense a Space Fleet can stop an Orbital Insertion in the same manner as a fleet stopping an amphibious assault. They can also sally and hit enemy spaceports to trigger orbital engagements.
Acquiring Units: You receive one army and one navy for free. Each additional one costs 5 to build and a further 5 a turn to maintain. You can only get Fleets if you own a coastal province. If you do not start with one but later gain one, your free fleet will be given to you then, as will the ability to build more. Space Fleets cost 10 to build and maintain and you do NOT receive one free. During wartime all unit acquisition costs are doubled, but maintenance is not.
You are expected to manage your own finances, but the GM will occasionally check up on them to make sure you're not embezzling funds into your treasury.
Right, I'll post my nation bio up after the global map. No one posts until I've gotten both those things up, then you're free as a bird
Oh yeah . . . my favorite rule:
- By posting a nation bio, commenting on the situation or performing any other form of interaction with this game, you declare that you have read and understood these rules to the letter. I don't want to be a jerk guys, so keep it clean!
Let's do this thing!
- Lighthearter