PC Gamer UK Review

Churchdown Yank

Cyber Caesar
Aug 2, 2009
Gloucester UK
Got the October 2010 issue of PC Gamer UK in the post today.

Civ V not on the cover? That honour went to "Portal 2". Hmmmm.

Review inside: 93/100. That's qualifies for Editor's Choice, but Civ IV scored 94. Another Hmmmm.

Nothing new feature-wise in the review that hasn't been covered here in some form. Although there are some descriptions of things that we've discussed but haven't usually been seen in the standard reviews. No mention of which version or build was played, although one presumes it must be pretty close to the final one. (or actually must be the final one, because PC Gamer will not review non-release builds, or when they have rarely done in the past they've mentioned it and not scored it)

The review does spend most of the time describing the features rather than how the reviewer feels about the features sadly, so there isn't much new to report.

Some selected tidbits:

"... similar enough to be familiar to veterans, different enough to be fresh and ... a great place for new players to pick up one hell of a Civ addiction."

"Firaxis were fearless about slaughtering the series' sacred cows in order to make taking over the world feel new again, and most of the sacrifices made have turned out to be wise decisions"

"indisputably the best-looking turn-based strategy game ever made"

after a few hours the reviewer barely noticed the difference between hexes and squares, but "never once found myself pining for the old squares"

Wasn't certain about the UI for the first dozen hours or so, but "the new super-friendly interface has grown on me quite a bit despite its almost overeagerness to move things along"

Combat is by far the most important change to gameplay. Definite thumbs up for 1 UPT and so on. AI can be a bit stupid, moving ranged units right up to melee units.

No information on diplo. No diplo screen = bad. The AI generally pretty good except for some combat stupidity as mentioned above.

Social Policies and City States are good additions.

"As for where this game fits into the series, Civ V isn't necessarily a definitively better empire-building game than Civ IV - as that would be almost impossible. This is more of an equal that exists in parallel, offering a fresh and invigorating style of play with more of an emphasis on combat"

"Civ V isn't simply a rehash of what came before with better graphics: it's a whole new world with a whole new set of rich, intricate rules to master. It's also impossible for a strategy fan to resist picking up... or to quit."

"Summary: Gorgeous graphics and deep combat make this a great place to start or renew your interest in global domination."
Thank you for posting this review. While I am glad that Civilization V has earned a good review, I am honestly a little disappointed that this game doesn't sound as if it will live up to its legendary predecessor, Civilization IV (though that is a near impossible task).

On the other hand, I am very disappointed that Portal 2 won out over Civilization V for the honor of being on the cover of the magazine: we all know Portal 2 is coming out and we all know how insanely popular it is, tough at the same time I view it as a usurper to many other, more venerated games. (Not least to mention Half-Life 3, which seems to have been shoved aside countless times in the name of Portal and Left 4 Dead). Honestly, I think that Civilization V as the latest in one of the most venerated game series of all time deserves to have more attention than some three hour puzzle game that has spawned a series of obnoxious platitudes like 'The cake is a lie' that have become more irritating than clever. But then, I'm biased. I'm a Civilization fan.

Anyways, thanks again for posting this!
well its good to hear that Civ V isn't a rehash of Civ IV. The more I think about it, the more it seems that Civ IV was a rehash of Civ III with better graphics and some really minor or downright annoying gameplay changes
It was Civ III with better graphics (and actual windowed mode support!) And (imo) better diplomacy, because you had a clue as to what the other guy was thinking.

Ouch, that portal hate :) I like Portal, however it's memes do get run into the ground a bit.

Of course my PC Gamer might be different, since i'm not in the UK.
it is a pre-release copy, they do it for print magazines so they can compete with internet media. Otherwise, IGN and all of them would review it and magazines couldnt publish their reviews for another two weeks or more.
Portal is legendary, I will go ahead and say it was better than any of the Civ games, the only thing it lacks is re-playability, which Civ has in heaps. Whats so hard about giving your customers a never ending game experience with randomly generated levels each time you play, DAMN!

Also thanks for the Article mention, do you know when it hits shops, I will try and find out from the site, I will go and buy it. :). I assume its out in the shops soon... although if its not by tomorrow I won't be able to get it for a while ^>^.
If this is the way pc gamer uk reviews products I wouldn't even used it when I went out of toilet paper.
OMG the hate has started!!!! lol.

P.s I get what you mean Arioch, ill just leave it at, they are both awesome games :D, i'm going to buy and look forward to playing both, and I guess maybe a bit more for Civ5, as I will play this easily for over 200+ hours, but Portal 1 for example, I played through maybe twice, as I said it lacks re-playability, hopefully they have improved on this somewhat otherwise when comparing 200+ hours of Civ5 against some 10 Hours of Portal 2, I think it is obvious which is better at satisfying my boredom :D.
OMG the hate has started!!!! lol.

Of course. A review almost a month before release is highly suspicious. It's not like reviewers aren't known to inflate the score of high-profile games in exchange for preferential treatment like early/easy access to preview or review versions.
Reviews might be useful for a rough good/OK/sucks estimate but I wouldn't take the score too seriously, especially when it's a relatively early review.
I mean they gave unpatched Civ4 a 94 score for crying out loud.

Nothing new from screenshots. Some pretty pictures similar to what's already everywhere.

Cover: Time was that a new Civ game would be an automatic cover. Portal has its good points I'm sure but it's not being released in 4 weeks time... Am I just getting crusty or is this a snub? Because PC Gamer has always creamed all over the Civ series, and rightly so. I was shocked.

Build: PC Gamer is strict about not reviewing and scoring non-release builds. I know this because they "reviewed"... mmm... *sh*t*.... think it was "Empire: Total War" but don't quote me... only in the last few months and there was an editorial feature that said because the dev couldn't say it was the release version they would "review" it, but wouldn't score it and that was their strict editorial policy. Let the debate begin, but that's what they've said quite clearly. I have no way of verifying this of course, but why would they bother making a fuss if they were bending the rules now and again?

Another tidbit from the front of the "Reviews" section. (At least Civ was the first review of the month - some consolation):

"Sid Meier's Civ games are the most unassuming blockbusters on the PC. Every game in the series has peaked into the 90% score range. It's a legacy that Civ V manages to continue and, remarkably, expand upon. How many series can say they've improved over 5 iterations? Different teams, demanding publishers, but the same wonderful historic strategy. It's somehow just as good decades later..."
Cover: Time was that a new Civ game would be an automatic cover. Portal has its good points I'm sure but it's not being released in 4 weeks time... Am I just getting crusty or is this a snub? Because PC Gamer has always creamed all over the Civ series, and rightly so. I was shocked.

Portal 2 is, to the General Gaming Public, a much bigger deal than Civ5. Any other month and Civ5 would've taken the cover, but Portal's just too much (and too many magazines sold) to pass up.

If this is the way pc gamer uk reviews products I wouldn't even used it when I went out of toilet paper.

Care to point out the egregious issues in the review, other than the blasphemy of praising the game?
Hmm, am I the only one who never heard of Portal? I have really no idea what so ever what that game is about? :confused:

When was Portal made? Is it some sort of sci-fi RPG?

Anyways, a game I don't know should never get the cover instead of CiV! Period
Hmm, am I the only one who never heard of Portal? I have really no idea what so ever what that game is about? :confused:

When was Portal made? Is it some sort of sci-fi RPG?

Anyways, a game I don't know should never get the cover instead of CiV! Period

It's not like reviewers aren't known to inflate the score of high-profile games in exchange for preferential treatment like early/easy access to preview or review versions.
Can you blame them? Wouldn't you write some nice stuff about Civ if they gave you a copy now?
Oy, more focus on combat. Not good.

Portal is a really fun and funny game, but you play it once, and that's about it. What I don't understand about the cover is that Civ V is out in a few weeks, while Portal 2 has been delayed to 2011 because "computer games are hard".
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