What is your steam ID?


Apr 20, 2002
NES/FG/SF Activity:Arguing the toss
Mine is Sierra-259, but only because my brother and I share.:(

I don't plan to play multiplayer. Maybe once to try it out but that's it.

They say when you go MP, you never go back (i.e. playing against the AI loses it's charm after playing with humans). So I'm kinda scared of giving it a try, being a longtime single player.
For those that are posting their "vanity urls" that is not actually your "steam ID". Though people can add you with them.

But if you really need your Steam ID, in situations like registering at CivPlayers to play competitive MP games, here is a site that will give you your Steam ID(6 bit) and your Steam "Friends ID" or 64bit ID number that is in your default URL.


For instance feeding in Doskias51's url get's you a Steam ID of STEAM_0:1:18844406 Cut and paste that back into the search field again gets you his 64 bit ID of 76561197997954541

That is an example of a Steam ID.

Mine is http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021954438/

And for anyone interested CivPlayers does have a growing MP Centric Steam Group to compliment our league site at http://steamcommunity.com/groups/civplayers

CFC does have a group, two actually, but the management here doesn't seem to be proactive in advertising them for some reason. Just do a search in Steam for Civilization, and you will see them.

How do you even get your "default URL"? Is SteamID the same thing as the account name?

Think I found it. Steam --> Community tab --> View my profile
Then copy the url:
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/<your number here>

For the benefit of Steam newbies like myself:p
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