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These will likely become redundant when the mod tools are updated, but in the meantime allow for full unit/building/wonder modding, including re-skinning and adding completely new units and wonders
For a tutorial on getting new units in the game using this tool, look here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=392985
Also check out the new version of this tool, rebranded the Nexus Buddy, which will no doubt replace this one soon: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=9834949&postcount=21
Please note, all these tools tie into Nexus, and therefore most of the heavy lifting and all the granny file manipulation is done by Nexus. So credit where credit is due, I wouldn't want anyone to think I've managed to make a working alternative to the Nexus pipeline in a day or two, as that would be massively unfair to the awesome guys at Firaxis and all their hard work, without which this tool would pretty much be a user interface that didn't do anything.
IndieStone Material Maker!
Allows you to edit materials on your meshes pretty much as you would in Nexus, except it works... and doesn't have the preview sphere (which currently doesn't work anyway)
DOWNLOAD HERE: http://www.theindiestone.com/lemmyandbinky.com/civ2/IndieStoneMaterialMaker.zip
Place it in your Nexus/x86 directory and run it from there.
This tool provides a replacement for the currently non-functioning Nexus material editor.
With it you can do the following things to your gr2 models:
Add new materials - click 'add' to add a material, select it's type (Currently only UnitShader_Skinned, BuildingShader, LandmarkShader and LandmarkShader_Stencil supported) then you can set textures on them.
Edit materials - Select the material and edit the textures in the property grid to the right.
Delete materials - Select materials (hold shift/ctrl to multi-select) and click delete to delete materials from the file.
Easy skinning - Load up a firaxis gr2, save it to a new filename with Save As... then edit the materials how you like. NOTE: To reskin Firaxis buildings you will need to install the unofficial Nexus patch here or they won't work. Making your own new buildings or reskinning units should work without the patch, however.
Material reassigning just click on a mesh and you will get a drop down box in the mesh's material column, this will allow you to select the material that mesh uses.
And that's it, not sure what else to say!
Below is the material hacker which is now largely redundant but left here in case it comes in useful to anyone.
For a tutorial on getting new units in the game using this tool, look here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=392985
Also check out the new version of this tool, rebranded the Nexus Buddy, which will no doubt replace this one soon: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=9834949&postcount=21
Please note, all these tools tie into Nexus, and therefore most of the heavy lifting and all the granny file manipulation is done by Nexus. So credit where credit is due, I wouldn't want anyone to think I've managed to make a working alternative to the Nexus pipeline in a day or two, as that would be massively unfair to the awesome guys at Firaxis and all their hard work, without which this tool would pretty much be a user interface that didn't do anything.
IndieStone Material Maker!
Allows you to edit materials on your meshes pretty much as you would in Nexus, except it works... and doesn't have the preview sphere (which currently doesn't work anyway)

DOWNLOAD HERE: http://www.theindiestone.com/lemmyandbinky.com/civ2/IndieStoneMaterialMaker.zip
Place it in your Nexus/x86 directory and run it from there.
This tool provides a replacement for the currently non-functioning Nexus material editor.
With it you can do the following things to your gr2 models:
Add new materials - click 'add' to add a material, select it's type (Currently only UnitShader_Skinned, BuildingShader, LandmarkShader and LandmarkShader_Stencil supported) then you can set textures on them.
Edit materials - Select the material and edit the textures in the property grid to the right.
Delete materials - Select materials (hold shift/ctrl to multi-select) and click delete to delete materials from the file.
Easy skinning - Load up a firaxis gr2, save it to a new filename with Save As... then edit the materials how you like. NOTE: To reskin Firaxis buildings you will need to install the unofficial Nexus patch here or they won't work. Making your own new buildings or reskinning units should work without the patch, however.
Material reassigning just click on a mesh and you will get a drop down box in the mesh's material column, this will allow you to select the material that mesh uses.
And that's it, not sure what else to say!
Below is the material hacker which is now largely redundant but left here in case it comes in useful to anyone.
1. Granny Material Hacker - Allows for unit reskinning and works around the issues with Nexus' material editor
This tool can be used to copy the entire material set of a Firaxis model onto your own exported gr2 model. You can also reset the textures the materials point to to your own dds files. (See below for current limitations).
So to use it, place it in your Nexus directory and run it.
You select a firaxis gr2 in the top text box using the browse button.
Then you can browse the structure of it, to see what materials are in the gr2, and what textures are set on those materials.
You can, if you wish, replace any of the textures by double clicking the paths in the last column, to allow you to browse for a new texture. They should be in your Resources/DX9 directory.
Then select YOUR gr2 in the 'My GR2' section, this is the model that you exported in Nexus (the all black version. this file should be placed in the Resources/Common directory) or your duplicate of the first model if you're doing a unit re-skin .
If you only have one material, or just one mesh making up your model, then you can ignore the 'mesh -> material binding' section and just click HACKIFY!
This will transfer all the materials across to your GR2, with your new textures selected in each one. It will save the gr2 out as 'yourfilename_new.gr2' in the common directory. You will need to rename and remove the '_new' from the name of your main gr2 so it'll get picked up by the nexus viewer, I just did it like this so there would be no unsavoury overwriting going on.
It doesn't quite work for everything (the texture path for the wonders / buildings textures seems to also be stored in a place I can't easily get and it seems to be using that one instead of the material setting) but we've tested it with the unit shader and it seems to work a treat. This means we've technically got everything we need for doing units.
It will allow you to transfer the material from an existing building / wonder onto your new one (we managed to get the pyramids materials and textures displaying on a test object in nexus, we just couldn't alter what texture it was pointing to), so if you want to test your wonder in-game in the meantime you can replace the unpacked dds files for the wonder you're ripping the materials from in the DX9 directory and it should work properly for your wonder that shares them (but will display the wonder you used to transfer from incorrectly using your texture, obv, but who cares if you're just testing).
ALSO assuming you can open the source dds's for reference, this tool will allow for proper unit reskinning! it will allow you to duplicate, say, the rifleman.gr2 to superrifleman.gr2, run the tool to point him at a new dds file, and therefore reskin units! All without ever going into Nexus! WEEE!
Mesh -> Material Mapping
For cases where you have multiple meshes and/or materials, and you only want certain materials adding to specific meshes, you can use this section to 'unbind' materials from your meshes. The program by default binds every material to every mesh, to ease in use of the tool when doing simple material hacks.
For cases where you have multiple materials (builders / leaders for example, when support is in for them) you may for example want one material assigning to each mesh part of the model. To do this you can select each of your meshes in the box on the left, to show all the bound or unbound materials in the boxes to the right. By default they will all be in the bottom 'bound' section. Select each material you don't want to be bound to this mesh and click 'unbind' to take that material off that mesh.
Then click HACKIFY! when you're happy.
(Note version 1, before the mesh binding feature went in is linked here, in case there's any problems or bugs with the new version: http://www.theindiestone.com/lemmyandbinky.com/civ2/GrannyMaterialHacker.zip)