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Top bar collision resources and turns


Jan 8, 2006
Has anyone else experienced that there isn't room for aluminium and uranium in the top bar? Once they appear, especially uranium, they collied with the counter for years and turns. any good sollution? I play with lowest possible graphics to avoid a slow and constantly crashing game...

(I haven't experieced crashing programs like this since the days of WIN-98. And considering how often the word "crash" is featured in the threads here...)

Atenji, 20 years with CIV and soon cured
I have the same problems.
The top bar has not enough space. So lots of beakers, gold, gold income, high turn count and lots of ressources make some of them hide behind others.
Because of my low spec pc I play on 1024x768.


  • topbar.JPG
    215.1 KB · Views: 342
I'm not sure what I run on, but also lower graphics to be able to play.

Also a problem I've noted, Golden age last less turn then it is supposed to. It seems like the new function that the turn ends, one press return, and the units that needs new orders then are to be delt with, is consuming golden age turns. Anyone encountered this?

They've really packed alot of bugs into this game!

Atenji, 20 years with CIV and soon cured
It has already been mentioned that 1024*768 is the minimum resolution which is supported, so this is definitely a bug, it should not happen.

Moved the thread to the confirmed bugs, i think the problem is obvious.
But if you could provide a savegame for cross checking, it would sure not hurt.

@golden age: Please a new thread with a savegame.
I see the same thing. My in-game resolution is 1024x768. Save file attached. The save file is version, so may not load for some of those who updated to


A place as good to say goodbye to Civ-V. I have removed both steam and the game from my computer. I'm going back to a CIV that isn't full of bugs and rewards your wonder completion with just a picture. One day I'm buying a stronger computer and hope there´s a patch making the game playable. But that'll take a year or two...
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