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Civilization III: Worldwide
Worldwide Download
Civ III: Worldwide is an alternate version of the full four-era game. The main purpose of the mod is to provide a more unique experience for individual civs with new units, graphics, and play options. The game is designed to clearly delineate each era and provide a more immersive experience with choices for different play styles. Worldwide has the following features:
24 Unique Civilizations: Each civ has special wonders and technologies available to to it, as well as an almost completely unique unit line. The idea is to make every game seem personalized to that specific civ. Instead of a single unique unit, civs have a number of powerful units at different times of their histories. Many also have special buildings available as well. Thus, each civ has greater options on how to develop its own strategy suited to its strengths.
Over 1400 units: Drawing from Civfanatics' best creators, there is an enormous variety in units to represent all the eras and nations involved. The roster is designed to give you a number of strategic choices without bogging the game down with redundant units. Many units change with the eras, allowing you to immerse yourself in the time period you are in.
City Attributes: Fine tune your cities with these mutually exclusive improvements to get the most out of your civ's assets. Each city can only have one Attribute at a time, and they are available based on resources, governments, technologies, and even individual civs. Will you build stables to gain early access to veteran units, monastaries to increase the spread of knowledge, shipyards to boost naval production, or investment banks to ship needed capital to far-off developing cities?
Global Hegemony: A new victory condition for Worldwide, Hegemony is the struggle to dominate the world by leading in the fields of science, energy, finance, and development. Be the first to discover the secret to renewable energy and launch a successful mission to Mars! Also, victory point scoring is enabled with rewards for science and trade.
Over a hundred new techs: The tech tree has been overhauled to expand your game. The techs are designed to give you a complete experience in 'mini-eras', so you can enjoy the iterations of new units, without sticking you with linear development. This process is also made to reduce the amount of obsolete enemy units. Race to make new units, get a head start on new Attributes, or access one of your own unique wonders!
Overhauled Combat: The early game will be familiar, but things take off from the Medieval to Enlightenment Era, Industrial to Modern, and beyond to the Information Age. No spearmen will be threatening your tanks, as units progress gradually in strength and hit points to dominate the world. Infantry are the heart of your armies, with cavalry more suited to harassment and scouting, and artillery that can smash your enemies with attacks and bombardment. Aircraft can pound your troops and are deadly to naval vessels, while fighters can rebase and perform air superiority in the same turn. Artillery gives you powerful bombard abilities, but the enemy will use it in an aggressive, offensive fashion. Also, there is improved performance in AI Army capabilities and use of aircraft carriers.
Scores of new buildings: There's plenty of new structures with development options, in addition to the Attributes and civ-specific wonders. Some of the traditional wonders have their functions changed as well. The game also features building graphics from some of Civfanatics' best artists!
Worldwide Interface: A brand new look accompanies the game from the main screen to your advisors.
Complete Civilopedia: Trying to decipher a new mod can be an exercise in frustration, so the game includes a new Civpedia covering game concepts, units, attributes and buildings, governements and more.
One victor: Only one civ will reign supreme. Will you be crushed and relegated to the forgotten pages of history, or are you prepared to lead your people to project your influence Worldwide?
Thank you to all who helped over the last year's development, whether you knew it or not. Worldwide has been possible due to the generosity and capabilities of these CivFanatics members:
[Units]: Imperator1961, Sandris, Wyrmshadow, Plotinus, Orthanc, Balou, Bebro, Vinegar Joe, Utah Jazz Numero 7, Ripptide, George Stow, Ares de Borg, H. Balck, Virote Considon, Shiro Kobbure, Swoggy, Gary Childress, CivArmy s. 1994, NavyDawg, Dom Pedro II, aaglo, Micaelus, Quinzy, odintheking, CamJH, embryodead, Bjornlo, Smoking Mirror, TopGun, Colonel Kraken, Boulboulgadol, Kinboat, MoscaTNT, LizardmenRule!, la_dav, 19D, Tom2050.
[Additional Buildings/Wonders]: Kyriakos, Ogedei the Mad, Red Alert, Hikaro Takayama, Yoda Power, Ukas
[Terrain/map/resource graphics]: Rhye, Pounder, Goldfool, Kyriakos, MeteorPunch, Logitech, waya2009
[Leaderheads]: Grandraem, ShiroKobbure, Plotinus
[Additional and unwitting help]: Balthasar, Steph, General 666, Wild Weasel, Civinator, Vuldacon, MeteorPunch, General jcl, Yoda Power, R8XFT, Tom 2050, King Coltrane.
The game may be downloaded here:
Worldwide Download
(Updated 17 MAY 13)
-If you do not have Worldwide on your computer, you can update the full game from the above link.
-If you have the full game already, please upload the attachment (version 2.8) at the end of Post 1 which has the most recent corrections (as of 29 MAR 2014).
-If you are playing the Steam version of Civ 3 - download the attached Labels file and place it in your Worldwide/Text folder. This will replace the regular labels file, which is for disc versions of the game.
To play Worldwide, download the main folder from the link above, and then place it in your C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios folder (or where ever you keep your Scenario folder), along with the scenario biq file which is in the Worldwide folder. Make sure there is not an additional folder hiding inside the Worldwide folder; you should open it and see an Art and a Text folder. Then start up Civ 3 and access the game from Civ content.