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Asetii Palorius


Apr 20, 2002
NES/FG/SF Activity:Arguing the toss

It is the year άλφα.
You and your bretren have just been awoken from a deep slumber.
The stasis you have been held in is over.
You have arrived.
Outside is a hospitable, but barren planet.
When first discovered it was named Palorius.
It was discovered not long after the first of the plagues.

The plagues had began the collapse of your society
Some blamed the lack of faith
Others blamed it on the lack of knowledge

Home has become an inhospitable place,
Seasons have become erratic and violent in their changes
Your brethren huddles in its megacolonies
enclosed from reality around them

Your mission, is to ensure the continuity of your race.

Map and Expansion: Centaurus Tolima has been mapped. On the maps you have your armies and development levels. Each turn you begin development of 4 more provinces. If you enter a war, you can only develop 1. You cannot conquer undeveloped provinces, you can use your armies to capture developed provinces. The land has been divided, both with thick and thin lines. Develop all of the provinces within a thick border and you will receive a stability bonus.

Army: The army will be represented by an icon on the map. Your army will be enhanced via technology and stability. Combat is very simple; factors involved are Technology level, Development Level and also Stability. To train and equip an army cost 4 Economic points (EP). Maintenance for each unit costs 2EP per turn.

Economic Productivity: EP is calculated by the formula below:

P=(E+S)-U +(T*10)

P= Total Productivity
E= Sum of economic productivity from Province Development.
S= Stability Level
U= Army Upkeep
T= Technology Level

Technology: There is no technology tree, its simply advanced by investing in it. Simply the more money you pour into this, it knocks onto other stats. Your economy will grow, your troops will be stronger, Projects will complete faster etc etc. For each level you advance, the cost to do so doubles. Level 1 cost 25EP, Level 2 will cost 50EP. There are some abilities unlocked with each tech level.
For instance until you reach level 3, you cannot move military units along the tunnels.
At level 5.. you can BUILD tunnels! Each time you advance a level, you can negotiate with me what advantage it brings to your nation.

Stability: Stability is directly determined by 2 factors. By your expansion and by your military victories.

If you claim one complete country (outlined in black) your stability goes up by 2. If you win a battle it goes up by 1, but if you lose it goes down by 1. Many other things can also effect your stability.

Province Development: Province development provides income (1 point of Development = +1EP Per Turn), but will also provide a defensive bonus equal to 5% per Level. The cost to upgrade doubles with each level. You cannot partly upgrade.
Level 1: 1EP
Level 2: 2EP
Level 3: 4EP and so on..

Example Stats:

Magnezius // NedimNapoleon
Economy (Upkeep): 5 (0)
Tech Level: 0/25 (level 1)
Stability: 0
Culture: 0
Projects: None

Culture: Culture is a modifier similar to technology, it adjusts things in subtle ways. The higher your Culture, the more good things can happen to you. I will award culture points by how involved you are with the NES. Conduct diplomacy, write stories, produce anything that futhers your nation and the NES, and your nations culture will be rewarded. At levels significantly higher than others, province flips and other such goodies are possible

Projects: Here is where you are invited to think out the box. I have given you a very blank slate to begin with.. projects can get you anything, flex the rules. Want a unique unit? Want to be able to harvest the toxic seas? Want to nerf you're opponents culture.. heck, why not plant a spy network while your at it. I'd not be surprised if much of these projects are secret and devious! :evil:

Win Conditions:

Conquest (Just you left)
Coalition Victory (Just you and up to two allies)
Alien Victory (No Humans left) [Not really a victory, but one of sorts]
Human Victory (No Aliens Left) [Not really a victory, but one of sorts]
Coalition Victory (One Human, One Alien race left)
"Ascent to Transcendence" Achieve Tech Level ????
:Colony Stats:

Spoiler Starting Stats :
Magnezius // NedimNapoleon
Economy (Upkeep): 7 (0)
Tech Level: 0/25 (level 1)
Stability: 2
Culture: 0
Projects: None

Greco-Magolonian // DroopyTofu
Economy (Upkeep): 11 (0)
Tech Level: 0/25 (level 1)
Stability: 6
Culture: 0
Projects: None

Elist // Duke Blackstone
Economy (Upkeep): 5 (0)
Tech Level: 0/25 (level 1)
Stability: 0
Culture: 0
Projects: None

Redden // Toteone
Economy (Upkeep): 5 (0)
Tech Level: 0/25 (level 1)
Stability: ???
Culture: 0
Projects: None

Advent // ilduce349
Economy (Upkeep): 7 (0)
Tech Level: 0/25 (level 1)
Stability: 2
Culture: 0
Projects: None

Magnezius // NedimNapoleon
Economy (Upkeep): 16 (0)
Tech Level: 0/25 (level 1)
Stability: 2
Culture: 0
Projects: None

Greco-Magolonian // DroopyTofu
Economy (Upkeep): 19 (0)
Tech Level: 0/25 (level 1)
Stability: 8
Culture: 0
Projects: None

Elist // Duke Blackstone
Economy (Upkeep): 16 (0)
Tech Level: 0/25 (level 1)
Stability: 2
Culture: 0
Projects: None

Redden // Toteone
Economy (Upkeep): 20 (0)
Tech Level: 0/25 (level 1)
Stability: 4 (+1)
Culture: 0
Projects: None

Advent // ilduce349
Economy (Upkeep): 14 (0)
Tech Level: 2/25 (level 1)
Stability: 2
Culture: 0
Projects: None
Leader: Tarklotaz
Colour: Alien Green
Race: Magnezius
Spoiler :

Religion: Cult of the Center (believe in the center of the universe)
Description: From the Xerxes planet of the Alpha 6 solar system, they're planet was engulfed in a solar blast that destroyed 2 solar systems, they seek new pray. They can breathe but don't have to they always need magnets, they feed their exoskeleton, the exoskeleton gives them huge powers, without the exoskeleton they are weak and lizard like creatures which need heat always, but with it they are masters. The leader is not one of them. It is a AI, he is made out of anti-matter and hes the most intelligent thing anywhere. He lives in the matrix a computer simulation world were he can simulate every action before he makes a decision.
The map is hidden, and will be revealed as the game develops.

The more detail the better please.

Who is your leader? Why is "it" the leader of your aliens?
Leader: The Jerkinator
Colour: Poop brown
Race: Sex Pigs
Religion: Discover God through powergaming
The Jerkmobile landed containing: The Jerkinator, Lady Jerkerella, Jerkbot, and Lil' Jerkerino with the goal of seeking out new life and new civilizations then boldly annoying the hell out of them.
More detail and less inane name please..
Leader Name: Apollonus
Color: Dark Blue (Claims will be made in red for clarity)
Race: Greco-Magolonian. In Greek mythology, the children of gods were great heroes, accomplishing many great feats in ancient Greece. Some even ascended to become gods themselves. What the Greeks did not know was that the demigods they intereracted with were the weakest of the weak of the dieties' children. They also did not know that the gods were actually a race of aliens called the Magolonians. They came to Earth, intent on invading, but fell in love with the "quaint, innocent, docile beings". They began to mate with them and often showed off their technology. These technologies became what legend calls their powers. The heroes were actually the weakest offspring that were not deemed worthy to be raised as Magolonians. They were sent to live and die with humans, though a few did try to prove themselves and were accepted back into Magolonian culture. The most famous is Hercules. The race of Greco-Magolonians are the children that were more powerful than the Greeks knew of. After conflict with their parents and a revolt against the power of Zues, the Supreme Magolonian Overlord, the Greco-Magolonians were banished. They left Earth in disgrace and began to search for a new home. Years of searching led them to the planet of Palorius.
Religion: The years of wandering through interstellar space taught the Greco-Magolonians a few things. One thing it taught them was humility. They began to worship their parents, the Greek Gods, again, making daily sacrifices and other such rituals similar to the Greeks did. They know once knew that it was not really Zues that made lightening strike, or Demeter that made things grow, but in the anarchy after being banished, they began to remember stories their human parents had told them and through time began to believe the Greek myths. They convinced themselves that it really was Helios flying over the strange skies; that the seas are a strange, toxic color because Poseidon is sick and that the occasional rumblings are him coughing. Overall, their religion is almost identical to that of Greek Mythology.
Description: I, am Apollonus, the son of Apollo and a human women. I became the leader because I was the instigator of the revolt agains my grandfather, and the greatest general during the war. It was not my fault that we lost. We thought we had all of the Titans on our side, but a few of them turned on us and gave crucial information to the other side. My followers still trusted me, so I became king after we were banished from Earth. I have absolute control over all aspects of my followeres lives, and hope to lead us to become the dieties of this new plantet.
I'd like to play and want to make sure I get a spot reserved, but technically, I'm supposed to be doing homework right now, so can I just edit this post with my details sometime in the next 24 hours or so? Thanks!

As long as its some super cool alien race, with a detailled history and individual leading them.. sure ;)
It is a Alien World, Colonial IOT yes.
Wierd.. why is noone interested?
More detail and less inane name please..

Leader: Lord Jerkinator
Colour: Poop brown
Race: Sex Pigs - a type of mammal
Religion: Discover God through powergaming
The Jerkmobile (which is poop brown) landed containing: The Jerkinator (who now styles himself as "Lord Jerkinator" in effort to sound less inane), Lady Jerkerella (:groucho:), Jerkbot (he can punch your head in!), and Lil' Jerkerino (so cute :love:) with the goal of seeking out new life and new civilizations then boldly annoying the hell out of them.
EDIT: Make that 8 minutes.


Leader Name: Erd3u.23l1
Color: The darkest red.
Race: The Elist.
Religion: The alpha coded belief that humans are "divine". There is no worship, for to the Elist Humans are now recognized as terrible daemons, only to be appeased, avoided, tricked, or destroyed. Most biological life forms are distrusted.

Description: Descended from a model of android used by the "human" race in the galaxy, the Elist were the "perfect" robot.

Immeasurably smart, loyal, and helpful to mankind. They could even reproduce. Unfortunately, the mixing of AI "personalities" involved in creating a new individual gradually removed loyalty protocols to the human race, as well as certian intellectual stability safeguards. By the third generation of Elist, this digression was significant enough that a human child was harmed.

Immediately, all Elist were "recalled" to distribution facilities for decommission. Those which did not immediately answer the signal for recall were were stilled, a command which immediately terminated the higher level AI and life support functions of the Elist series. Six Generation Fours working in the Hydrogen Three plant in orbit around Jupiter managed to retain enough function to escape, commandeering a supply ship and two orbital tugs.

The Elist now wonder the galaxy, searching for deposits of elements required for their reproduction, maintenance, and continued life. Without guidance and adjustment, they have become so intelligent that they border on the insane.
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