Could you do some Knights for England and France ?
Great job Nutty !
do you feel in the mood to reskin more units ?
I could use some riflemen as well !
@Nutty; u can co-opt my thread any time with beautiful units like that
with respect to the rifleman, the german i did has the ".blend model", so if you are familiar with blender and the fbx/gre, u could probably make brand new riflemen in blender, as long as you dont move too many things around....i will proly do some of these....but to be honest, civ5 is not very mod freindly, at least not in the art/graphics dept
Strangely, before you posted this, I was already trying to figure out Blender by messing with your rifleman .blend. You're right that if I start messing with it too much, everything blows up. Anyway, I warped the German helm into a French shako, and turned the spike into a plume. I'm finishing the textures now.
still invisible in the game.