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Spoiler Button in Quick Reply


Rise Up! (Phoenix Style!)
Hall of Fame Staff
Mar 11, 2008
I had posted a comment regarding adding the Spoiler button to the Quick Reply task bar in this recent thread:


However, since my comment was added after the mods addressed the OP request, I think my request was overlooked.

As mentioned, the Spoiler button is the button I used the most BY FAR. I reckon to assert that many others use this button quite frequently as well. Since the Quick Reply task bar appears to have a lot of space, I think it would be a really good idea to add the Spoiler button.

It would be greatly appreciated. :)

This would certainly help, and the Quick Reply bar isn't exactly cluttered atm, but is it really that hard to type [spoiler=lol]rofl[/spoiler] every time you want to spoil something?
Spoiler :
Spoiler :
Spoiler :
Spoiler :
Spoiler :
Spoiler :
I think a YouTube button would be better, since most people have to ask how to embed videos.

That would be so much better, than the spoiler, since it is easy to type.
Or you could just add both buttons. I find typing tags in general to be a nuisance. Not everyone is adept at the keyboard.

Anyway, I hope this thread eventually gets the attention of the staff :(
I generally go to advanced reply over typing out the spoiler code, but yeah I'd appreciate this feature anyways. If I had to choose, I'd much rather have the option for spoilers rather than the smiley box or the insert link button, since I can put type these out on my own much easier.
I hope you find the time to add a load.. there is a heck of space available on that "bar"
[spoiler] is really that much easier to type than [youtube]?

You would be surprised that a lot of people still do not know how the youtube functions works, so they get confused when trying to use it, so there have been plenty of attempts at explaining it to people. Also you did not need the no parse for the above statement, since you are not finishing any vB code.
I find it a lot easier to type
Spoiler :
[ / spoiler ] than I do to go into another response mode.

What I would really like is quote-to-reply just put in the text down in quick-reply so it wouldn't load a new page.
I totally support the youtube and spoiler buttons in quick reply.

It's much easier to type the one letter codes for bold, itallic and underline.

In addition, the advanced reply should include more of the BB codes that are allowed, but not present. A lot of people probably aren't aware of the huge amount of layout, design and functionality of codes.

Just going back to the list, I never noticed the google or definition codes.

A subscript, superscript and strike out button would be cool in advanced.
Hello Staff -

I'm bumping my OP request to hopefully get some attention to this issue. I would really appreciate the addition of a spoiler button to the quick reply bar. I use the spoiler option very frequently as do many on the forum. Thank you for your attention.
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