TSG9 Game in Progress

leif erikson

Game of the Month Fanatic
GOTM Staff
Feb 2, 2003
Plymouth, MA
Welcome to the TSG9 Game in Progress thread. This thread is used to discuss the game once you've started playing. There are no reading or posting restrictions as such (apart from normal decency), although we encourage players to use the spoiler tags for screenshots. Here you can post questions related to the game and share your achievements/anger/frustration/victories while you play. Please remember that we are running a family friendly site, so express anger or frustration with this in mind. :)

Once you've completed the game, head over to the TSG9 After Action Report thread.
Diplo? hmm completely noob here. What you need to win by diplo? UN and the most allied cs as possible?
This is a lot more difficult than the last one somehow..

Samurai are imba...

and noone wants to be my friend :/
So, things are about to get extremely interesting so I figured I'd stop and do one of these.

I'm on turn 200. 1400AD so if you're not that far yet you may want to wait on reading it....

Spoiler :

From the beginning... SIP and sent warrior west. Ruined mining. Nice start! :) Built scout/wkr/war, bought library and built NC. Sent scout east and eventually met everyone except Suleiman and Ramk interestingly enough. And, of course, Alex on the other land mass. I'm seeing all these people and wondering what's going on? A diplo game and no Ram-k or Alex? Must have felt bad for us for some reason. Not to be. Ram-k showed up on my way back with the scout. Trouble. Damn! And right next door, of course.

In the meantime, I've taken out a couple barb camps and gotten friendly with 2 mil and a maritime CS. All good. I send them all a little gold and take in 3 free units and enjoy the food bump. Until Siam starts taking them away that is... :( Very annoying...

Around 800AD I realize it's going to be me or him (this is before I discover Alex is in the mix). I've got the tech lead on him and a couple Longswords but I'm in the middle of building some wonders and other very necessary buildings so I wait. By the time I've got a little break to maybe go after him, the gap has closed and he's probably got too many armies. I also come to the very belated realization that the iron I settled by with my 2nd city is only a 2, not a 6. That ends my dreams of cats and LS. So....more waiting and hoping he leaves my CS's alone. Nope.

I tech to Astronomy (by the way, I've only done 2 RA's so far, both in the Ren Age) and get a caravel out to find that last "Unmet". Yup. Alex. So....now what does my plan need to be? There's no way I'm going to be able to outbid both Alex and Ram-k for a diplo win. I run in place while I start slogging through the Renaissance Era trying to figure out my options. I quit spending cash on the CS's cuz they won't stick anyway and do those RA's instead. Finally I decide that the only way I'm going to win this thing is to take out Ram-k and see if I can weather the consequences. I've been friendly with everyone the entire game except for Ram-k to start with (friendly now) and Wu (who's in last and can't reach me anyway). I know if I declare on Ram-k I'm going to probably get dogpiled by the rest so....what to do? I tech to Chemistry for the cannons and then get Metallurgy from one of those RA's. Okay, well, since that happened I use a GS and bulb rifles. This is going to be my one and only chance I think....

Then, out of nowhere Ram-k denounces Suleiman who's been taking out Japan (Suli's also the points leader at this point) Ram-k and Genghis also declare on Japan and Suleiman makes peace. I debate a couple turns trying to decide if I should go along with them when suddenly that bearded Arabic Santa Claus shows up on my screen asking me if I want to join him in taking down Ram-k. My wish come true!! I tell him to give me 10 turns so I can pop a cannon or three and here we stand...... The proverbial s***'s about to hit the fan. I don't know if I'm making the right decision but I just can't see myself generating enough cash to compete for CS's with only 2 cities. I need some puppets.

Also, Ramk has some of the wonders I want so hopefully I can take him down and then sell off the extra cities to appease the Genghis's and Darius's of the world. We'll see. Either way, it's going to be interesting. I'm committed to a diplo win or bust. I have a feeling it's going to be close. Yay!!!

A couple sidenotes: The whole game I've been saving and protecting the spot to the north for a third city later. 3 fish, a sheep, and gold. Alex settled the little island (the bastard) and since I can't raze (really sucks) I'm screwed for that spot unless I want that city too (which I don't). Plus, I don't need to be warring with Alex at this point.

I tried a little different SP start. I went Trad>Legalism and got the free monument early. ( I ruined one culture so that helped). Then I went Aristocracy just in time for the NC and GL. Worked great! Then Liberty and Collective Rule. That all worked perfectly. Now the bad news. Being a diplo game I then went to Patronage and down the left side of the tree. Those are all great if you actually HAVE a CS ally. So, I've wasted some SP's. Not technically wasted. If things go well I will definitely need them. But, I definitely took them too early. Cash is tight and about to get tighter as a build an army. I really could have used at least the last two in the column elsewhere. Oh well. Like I said, if things go well, I'll need them but..
Hey, somebody help me out please. I'm having a really fun game on this one for some reason. I made my decision a little late on how I wanted to go about winning this one and now I'm having a blast fighting battle after battle with the odds stacked against me. 8 of the CS's have been capped and I only own 2...errr...make that one. Therein lies my problem.

So, with so many of the CS's gone and the rest under Alex with whom I'm at constant war, I figure the only way I can still win diplo is to go liberate the ones he's capped. I think he has 4. I built the UN so I've got 3 votes right now. I was up to four when I liberated Seoul and I was beginning to march across Alex's landmass to take him down and liberate Warsaw, then Belgrade and Geneva, I think. Anyway, out of nowhere Seoul suddenly declares on me and goes back to Alex. How is that possible? With peace blocked and us at war (plus the fact I liberated him) he should be my friend for life, right?

I've got the patronage tree done except for the GP box in the lower right. I don't get it. Is there a rule I missed somewhere in the non-existent manual?!?!

If anyone has an answer I'd appreciate it. It really sucks cuz, like I said, I was having a ridiculously good time juggling all the balls in this scenario and warring from behind. This one whammy out of the blue has pretty much ended my game. Very unsatisfactorily I might add. :(
I'm having fun, but kind of lost in strategy. When I met Ram-k, I knew that I'd have to take him out to win... even though I forgot what VC I was supposed to aim for. He's a PITA for any VC, imo. At about t100, I checked the announcement thread to learn (re-learn) that I'm going for diplo VC.

The early game I'm just trying to take advantage of Ghandi's traits by going for growth. First 3 SP's into the Tradition tree.

I had aligned with CS-Ragusa (merc) for early growth, but let that expire since I couldn't afford to keep it. Ruins gave me an extra pop in capitol, which was nice. Got maybe one or two more ruins which gave cash.

I did a take-down on Ram-k using war elephants, horsemen, and a couple pike (got civil service early -- again to aid growth). I denounced him before the war, and Japan had denounced him and was in decl of friendship with me. Friendly Mongols and I likewise denounced Darius.

I took four cities from Ram-k and left him one so as not to be too bloodthirsty. I annexed his capitol eventually when I could buy a courthouse. Just after making peace with his ally cs-Genoa, I realize that Ragusa will love me if I eliminate Genoa... and it was strategically well-placed and had incense, and my troops are nearby, so why not? I declare on Genoa and take it very quickly. Not only Ragusa, but three other cs's became my allies for that act, so it seemed like a really great move.

I join the Mongol war on Darius at his request, though I only will fight defensively in that war.

What happens next? Japan, Mongol, Ottoman, ()not to mention Ram-k and Darius which were anticipated) all denounce me. In a couple turns, they all declare war on me. Not a great big deal at this point, since I have the cash to upgrade to cavalry (after burnig a GS on the enabling tech) and can fight a defensive war without problem. Just have to get cannons and troops out to defend Vienna from Mongols. Most of my units by now are gifts from military cs's.

But I'm a little miffed. Why did my friends turn on me? OK, the Mongols will turn on you when they have nobody else to turn on, but Darius was still holding out, and still at war with Mongols! Otto was never more than guarded, so ok, I can understand he listens to the denouncements of other. But my good buddies Japan? And Ram-k is in no condition to be declaring war on a city-state, let alone on one of the biggest world powers.

And why do they hate me? Lets see... I've settled too aggressively (actually have built only 3 settlers, rest are captured puppets). They covet my lands (well duh, I've got lots of resources, enough to keep a big empire happy). I've settled to close to them? Excuse me... its them who settled up to my borders, not me!) I'm a bloodthirsty warmongerer? Really? Only wars (other than Genoa) that I was in were either declared by someone else or in at the request of one of those now denouncing me!). So my conclusion is that if I try to win this game, they will all eventually hate me. Whats the point of making friends?

Anyhow... I've been taking the patronage tree to get +25% cs bonus and -25% decay bonus with cs's. I'm wondering is it worth it to get the 33% cs science bonus before going into rationalism or should I just go for rationalism asap?

Too much gold being wasted on wars... would rather buy buildings and more CS's. But not much I can do about it. Just detroy their armies and make peace deals, I guess. Or should I just take more cities? Nothing adjacent to me has any resource I want, so I'm tempted just to kill their armies. But will I come to regret that later on with more and more DOW's? Probably. So maybe the best best is to just weaken them forever, so that all furtue wars are nothing more than a minor annoyance.

I'm making about 150 gpt, 150 science, and 70 culture. Got a couple/three sp's each in commerce, tradition, Patronage. Time to aim for more science bonus, I think. Just about to complete Navigation.

Don't really know what I'm doing, but I seem to be on a winning course, if not an especially fast one. Just need 4 more CS's I think. Shouldn't be too much to ask for. I haven't been successful with RA's, though. Had one give me theology. Had two other's cancelled when my RA partner dow'd me. That sucks... should I get my money back? :mad:

Anyhow... this game seems to be taking the same trajectory as all my games. I'll win by the sword and then fix whatever VC I decide. I'll be the biggest and baddest civ out there. Kind of sucks when I just wanted a nice peaceful ghandi-like science race to the UN followed by bribing my way to victory by diplo. Not to be. Never is. Psychopathic AI won't let me. :lol:

World Wonders are Forbidden Palace and Oracle. Failed on a couple others... didn't even try on most of the ones I would have wanted... because my tech path didn't really take them into consideration... mostly aimed for techs that improve economy and/or happiness or science.

Need another Uni before I can do Oxford, but no hurry for that. Got one GS in reserve... will probably use it as soon as I open a next-tier tech. I suppose it would be smart to time my sp's so that I get the 2 free techs to go into globalization... but I doubt I have the patience or skill for that kind of game management... too many distractions. :ar15:
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