Chapter 3: First In War
By 1776 A.D. we have met most of the world's civs - we have one Caravel exploring the Mediterranean, and Galleases headed for Northern Europe and the Far East (by way of Africa and Arabia).
We keep meticulous notes on each new civ we meet, which is crucial as we are FAR behind. For reference, here is how the tech tree looks in Rhye's Of Civ Expanded:
We are at Mercantilism; most of Europe as well as Japan are in the Industrial Age. We know they don't have Electricity yet because communications trading isn't enabled.
Of the civs we have met, the following are on par with us: Carthage, Austria, Rome, and Byzantium. The rest are either far ahead or far behind.
We have extra Saltpeter, so we take note of the civs that lack this resource: Greece, France, Egypt, and Byzantium.
In 1776 A.D. we discover Mercantilism and take this opportunity to pull off
one of the best trades of all time:
1. Magnetism, Banking, and World Map to ROME for Firearms, Christianity and Printing Press.
2. Firearms, Magnetism, and World Map to CARTHAGE for Humanism and Metallurgy.
3. Saltpeter, World Map, and Mercantilism to BYZANTIUM for Physics, Military Tradition, and World Map.
4. 105 GPT, World Map, and 297 gold to EGYPT for Naval Tactics and Flintlock.
The gold trade to Egypt is based on the fact that in Rhye's Of Civ there is a 5-turn minimum for each tech. We were hitting the cap at 60% science so it made more sense to go into debt. We enter the Industrial Age and since we are Scientific, we get a free tech - Enlightenment!
ZOOM! That's the sound of America learning
ten techs in one turn. Now we're just 5 turns away from Democracy.
It turns out that Portugal and Egypt don't have Enlightenment, so we trade it for 600g, 4gpt and Wines. This is enough liquid cash to deficit-spend our way to Democracy... In the meantime, we start constructing lots of Cavalry.
In 1796, Democratic revolutionaries overthrow our Republic! We switch Washington from Slave Trade to Statue of Liberty which will be done in 8 turns.
We have a choice here between putting science at 0 and getting lots of gold to rush Cavalry, or researching Chemistry which England doesn't have yet. We choose the second option since we want to get to Sanitation and Hospitals ASAP.
In 1820 we discover Chemistry. We have an army of 8 Cavalry and NO defensive units (military upkeep is exorbitant in Democracy). There are two Iroquois Settlers making their way through our territory. Free workers - a perfect pretext for war!
Our 6.3.3 Cavalry make quick work of the 1.3.1 Tomahawk Warriors.
And soon after....
We learn Steam Power, Economics, Electricity and Nationalism immediately.
Until the space race (discovery of Satellites) America will automatically learn any tech known by at least 2 other civilizations. Hence we begin the
Great American Giveaway: we gift every technology to every civ. With every civ researching modern technology, we should be able to power through the Industrial Era and get to the space race in time to win.
Meanwhile, in the Iroquois War, we take Salamanca and rename it Buffalo; Grand River falls and is renamed Minneapolis (which ironically means the exact same thing!). After we capture Duluth in 1848, Hiawatha trades us Oil Springs (now Salt Lake City) for peace. His civilization has been reduced to a puny 2 cities in Canada.
The English complete Encyclopedia, a Wonder giving them two free techs. We trade Medicine for Industrialization; they are ahead by Sanitation, Replaceable Parts, and Steel. They finally trade Replaceable Parts so we learn it (our workers double in productivity).
And that's where we'll end for now.
Strategy Notes, 1868
The next task is to kick China and Japan off the West Coast. I'm not looking forward to these wars just because every single AI seems to have 10-15 naval units roaming the world. It's difficult to predict how hard Japan and China will strike back...
England, Japan, China, and Russia are the only civs ahead of us in score at this point. With Temples rushed in each former Iroquois city, we should soon be getting a lot of Territory points.
Ever since we built the Statue of Liberty, England has been the ONLY civ to discover new techs. I dunno,
is the AI smart enough to hold back on researching and trading techs because it "knows" I'll get them for free?