The "OMG! Look what happened in DoC!" Thread


Retired Moderator
Aug 23, 2009
In tradition with similar threads for vanilla RFC and SoI, I'll open up this one to post your "OMG moments" for DoC. This should also keep the confusion from the normal thread when people wonder about all the things that are quite usual in DoC.

It doesn't have to be something unlikely to be posted here. I'll also use this thread to post interesting (intended and unintended) developments due to new features, and you're very much encouraged to do so yourself as well.

I start this with some examples of the new (and finally working) resurrection mechanic:



I was lucky to have the (Ming) Chinese respawn from Mongol occupation exactly when I spawned as the Dutch. At the same time, a Muslim dynasty has already established independence in Egypt.

It's a little unfortunate that the usual resurrection mechanic excludes capitals because then the Ming never get Beijing back.

Edit: please limit posts to the base mod and not modmods. Modmods that change a lot can easily produce surprising developments from the perspective of the base mod.
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Don't have a screenshot, but in my last game, Korea controlled it's core, Manchuria, eastern China, the the southern part of the Arab peninsula, had Mali as a vassal and had just captured Sao Paolo :eek:
Don't have a screenshot, but in my last game, Korea controlled it's core, Manchuria, eastern China, the the southern part of the Arab peninsula, had Mali as a vassal and had just captured Sao Paolo :eek:
If that was AI Korea that sounds very nice.
If that was AI Korea that sounds very nice.

It was, I looked back on the history and they were a Chinese vassal, then Mongolia declared war on both of them, China collapsed, and Mongolia and Korea divided China up between themselves. They lost Sao Paolo through congresses not too long later unfortunately
Here's what you can expect from the next commit:



Currently it's additional, but maybe I'll have to weaken it a little, or tie it to the Trading Company corporation instead.

By the way, the same event happens to the AI civs when they discover Economics.
These are all from my latest test run of the second to last SVN version.


Was pleasantly surprised to be part of the Reformation despite having the Printing Press like five centuries ago.
I don't think there is a Pope though considering I razed the Catholic Holy City.


Continuing the tradition of strange North American cities.


Would've preferred to see Inca settle Australia but that works for me too!


Great Africa.

My stability is hovering around low Solid when it's normally Very Solid at around this time.
That can be attributed to all those dead civs (and about 12 razed cities). That's also probably because I got beaten to Taoism by Persia (I went for a gutsy Machinery+Engineering slingshot). Lisboa was conquered and flipped to my Spanish vassal and Amsterdam was burned to the ground, as well as their North American colonies. You can tell I am pretty tired of those outrageous "spawn on top of cities" conqueror events from playing China & Indonesia. England & France had to go too for the sake of the stability of my Indian vassal.

Here's to hoping for a quick commit so that conquerors are a bit more balanced (Like the Mongol/Mesoamerican ones currently are).
A quick commit is what you'll get :D

It seems you didn't have a state religion when the reformation occured, is that true?
I didn't have a state religion, correct.

I suspect I got the event because both Catholic France & England were under my control.
(I eventually razed Amsterdam, the Holy Protestant City as well) :D
Some of the last photos from my latest beta test.
I'll probably try an Indonesian/Mongolian game next.


This one goes out to all the Spain lovers.
Yes, that is the Spanish Netherlands!


Okay, so I admit I probably had a huge hand in this by killing off England,
but I wondered why the Vikings never tried to invade Ireland.
They've certainly come a long way in such a short period of time though.
Five turns ago, that garrison was made up of two Longbows :lol:

P.S. If you look at Europe, all the colors occupying it make up the three main yellow colors on the color wheel.
Such a nice yellow Europe :)
Nice. How did India fare against the Mughals? It looks like a quite accurate India/Pakistan situation, except that Mughals are dead. Did you interfere there?
Yes, I did interfere with the Mughals, but I didn't conquer any cities.
They declared war on me per Defensive Pact with the Mongols who wanted Beijing from a congress so I shipped over several Infantry and Cavalries.
They captured all of my Indian vassal's cities except for one that was sequestered in Kazakhstan (Jaipur) so my stack went around Mughal territory pillaging every single non-jungle improvement.
That as you can imagine severely dented their stability.
They collapsed a bit after I made peace with them and India regained almost every city except Lahore and a few Independent ones.
Oh, okay.

I started a game as Britain. I took a peek into Worldbuilder and saw that the celts had taken Rome, and France had Milan as it's capital. Paris hadn't been built, though France built Limoges and that city up there. Greece is Buddhist and Babylonia is still alive (they collapsed a few turns later).
I love to see alternate cities in France.

This is from an earlier version (when I force-Hindued myself as Khmer), but I wanted to point out the "Zoroastrian Male 0" thing at the top. I know that this is problem has been identified, but the only thing is, neither Korea or China are Zoroastrian. Neither of them have a single Zoroastrian city. I haven't experienced it since, but no one else mentioned it.


From a more recent version, a rather beautiful Russia, collapsed under the strength of Mongolia and the Vikings. Both nations were among the most powerful in the world.


Same game, interesting Mongol capital.


Even more recent game... what I saw after I autoturned America from 3000 BC on Marathon.


From my marathon America... an odd south-east Asia. Is that how it normally looks nowadays? Also, notice the beautiful Middle East, South Africa, Argentina and Louisiana. Mmm... so good.


From marathon America: No Protestantism and 17% Catholicism, yet only one Catholic nation (Netherlands).


Religions of Europe, from marathon America.


How do I get images to appear inside of my post? :confused:


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