Narnia Mod


Judas Maccabeus
Sep 11, 2011
This is my first mod. (I'm so proud!!)
It was reccomended to set up a thread for my mod, so...
The Narnia mod has the following:
Narnia (Peter, CHA/CRE/ORG; Caspian X, CRE/ORG/AGG)
Carlomen (Tisroc Rabadash, SPI/AGG)
Archenland (King Lune, PRO/CRE)
The Lone Islands (Lord Bern, ORG/PHI)
Centaur Knight (UU for Narnia, Knight, +1 mp, ignores terrain cost, +25% vs Melee)
Three Hundred Horse (UU for Carlomen, Horse Archer, 1/2 cost, +1 first strike)
Mountain Man (UU for Archenland, Worker, 1str, can't attack, +100% vs Animals [An unfortunate side affect is that Archenland starts with one and the AIs use it for exploration]
Exploration Ship (UU for Lone Islands, Caravel, +1mp, +1 special cargo)
Missionaries for Aslan and Tash religions
Palace of Cair Paravel (UB for Narnia, Palace, +50% culture, +2xp for all units)
Temple of Tash (UB for Carlomen, same as Aztec Sacrificial temple)
Grand Market (UB for Lone Islands, Market, +40% gold instead of +25%)
Mountain Castle (UB for Archenland, Castle, free Guerrilla I for land units)
Shrine, Temple, Monastery, and Cathedral for Aslan and Tash religions
Faith in Aslan (req. Monarchy)
Worship of Tash (req. Bronze Working)
Custom Diplo Text for most of the leaders (some just made sense with the auto)
BUG mod (which is glitchy for me, I probably should put in patch 3.19...)

Comments would be so greatly appreciated that I'll probably tear up when I get one.
Thank you!
Sounds pretty cool. I'm downloading it now!
Thanks! Feedback would be appreciated. Although I'm getting more on my Narnia story. :D
Wasn't Rabadash the only Calormen leader not to be a warmonger?
Yes. But in his younger days he was aggressive (if only because he was lovestruck) and I couldn't find another specific Tisroc. But he still has Ramesess's personality, because I was too lazy to change it. It is a better fit, though, so when I make King Lune stop acting Imperialistic I will probably leave him as-is.
Hmm everytime I try to load it it says Civilization 4 has stopped working :(
Hmm everytime I try to load it it says Civilization 4 has stopped working :(

Same here, wasn't this an issue before, Jwitti? It worked on my computer when I made the barebones, so I don't know what's happening, did you find a solution?
I have no idea why it doesn't work with the patch, I'm going to redo it. It will be on around the weekend barring catastrophe.
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