Kentucky church votes to ban interracial couples


Slippin' Jimmy
Oct 14, 2001
Chicago Sunroofing
A vote to bar interracial couples from a small church in eastern Kentucky has triggered hand-wringing and embarrassment.

Nine members of Gulnare Freewill Baptist Church backed their former pastor, with six opposed, in Sunday's vote to bar interracial couples from church membership and worship activities. Funerals were excluded.

This is really upsetting. I cannot believe the members of this church had the audacity to vote on a Sunday. I foresee some smitings.
Doesn't seem to be a large church to me, so that is saying things about it's membership, that not many people are bothered to join the church, so I think there are other issues with the church besides this.
This is one small church and it looks like most of the members don't really agree with it. It's not really surprising that there are some bigots in the world and I think we've actually made a lot of progress when some minor incident like this makes the news.
freedom of religion :)
This is a sad example of those within Christianity who still hold racist views and give other Christians a bad name.
A copy of the language voted on:

That the Gulnare Freewill Baptist Church does not condone interracial marriage. Parties of such marriages will not be received as members, nor will they be used in worship services and other church functions, with the exception being funerals. All are welcome to our public worship services. This recommendation is not intended to judge the salvation of anyone, but is intended to promote greater unity among the church body and the community we serve.
There are still a fair number of people who think that the Bible condemns interracial marriage - I certainly ran into my fair share growing up in southeastern Indiana. I'm not at all surprised that this happened. What's encouraging is that this sort of thing is now rare enough to make headlines when it happens even if it's just a tiny church in rural Kentucky, and that a number of the congregants opposed it anyway.
Probably if you don't have the right accent, skin color, etc., they grab their shotgun and tell you to keep on walking.
I wonder how they define interracial. Could a German marry a Swede?

I'm sure they could. In America hardly any white people are purely from one European ethnicity. I mean unless their parents more recently immigrated from Europe.
If churches which hold these views want to air them in public then I welcome it. In fact, I think the government should pay to publicise this case so everyone can hear about it.
Man there's enough things wrong with Christianity to be falsely attributing racism to it. Have some sense of legitimacy.
And that is one reason Christianity has never been good for America.
So on one hand, you have things like the Salvation Army, and on the other, nine people that don't like interracial couples, and Christianity has been a net negative in America?
And that is one reason Christianity has never been good for America.

So on one hand, you have things like the Salvation Army, and on the other, nine people that don't like interracial couples, and Christianity has been a net negative in America?

This is exactly what I mean about giving other Christians a bad name.
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