News: TSG27 Announcement

leif erikson

Game of the Month Fanatic
GOTM Staff
Feb 2, 2003
Plymouth, MA
Civilization 5 - Game of the Month Training Series Game 27

Welcome to the twenty-seventh game in the GOTM V Training Series! There are plenty of new features in Civilization 5 to explore and the Training Series games will allow new and old GOTM fans to try out these new features in a friendly environment. You are all encouraged to post your questions, stories, advice, tricks and failures in the dedicated game threads described below. You can read more about the GOTM and Training Series concept in this thread. Before going into the details of this game, we would like to ask you to abide to our most sacred rule: don’t replay any turns. If you make a mistake, accept it and try to recover. It's better to do the bad moves in the Training Series instead of in the actual GOTM competition, once it starts.

In this game, the designated VC is Culture. You may win by any VC you wish, as all VC's are enabled, but the results will be posted with fastest finish by Culture victory and then all other VC listed below by fastest time. Good Luck!

In this game you will play as Napoleon and lead the French civilization to victory. It's a standard-sized mystery map played at Deity difficulty and at standard pace. Culture victory is the designated VC for this game, all victory conditions are enabled. You will have until February 1st to complete the game and submit.

Sorry to say that Mac players cannot play this game as their update has not yet been completed. :sad:

Please note that you are only allowed to build Oxford University one time. :nono:

Civ V - TSG27 Game Settings:
Playable Civ: Napoleon - French
Number of AI Opponents: 7
Number of City-States: 24
Map type: Mystery
Map Size: Standard
Difficulty Level: Deity
Game pace: Standard
Game options: No options are set for this game. Quick Combat is disabled (You can enable it by following instructions in this link.)
Game Version: This game was created in Civ5 version

In this game, you will be playing as Napoleon, you possess Ancien Regime. You receive +2 Culture per turn from Cities before discovering Steam Power.

You can train the Musketeer, which replaces the Musketman. The Musketeer is significantly more powerful than the Musketman, making it the most powerful foot soldier unit in the game before the introduction of Industrial Era Infantry units. You must discover the technology of Gunpowder and do not need a resource to build it.

You can also train the Foreign Legion, which replaces Infantry. The Foreign Legion receives a significant combat bonus when operating outside of home territory, making it an excellent unit to launch an attack against enemy territory. You must discover the technology of Replaceable Parts and do not need a resource to build it.

This is where you will start:

Information about threads associated with TSG
TSG Announcement thread (this one). This thread is used to announce the game and clarify the settings and rules (don’t be afraid to ask questions). It’s also used to discuss the game before you start, and post problems with opening the save. Please don’t post any information from a game you have started. Instead use the next thread.

Game In Progress thread. This thread is used to discuss the game once it's on the way. There are no reading or posting restrictions as such (apart from normal decency), although we encourage players to use the spoiler tags for screenshots. Here you can post questions related to the game and share your achievements/anger/frustration/victories while you play.

After Action Report thread. In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state (preferably in the post title) your victory date and score, as recorded in the Hall of Fame, and the most important: your path to glory! , We will create a separate thread with the results at the end of the two week period (sorted by date and score). Players are encouraged to provide feedback on the game. Some players like to replay the game, and although we will not record the results from a replay, you can still post your new experiences. The game will not be closed as such, but after two weeks, the results will be compiled, and will not necessarily be updated with reports coming in after the finish date.

File Upload System
We now have a game file upload system you can find here. Please use it to upload your completed first attempt by saving the game on the turn after your victory or defeat. (by using the "lemme play one more turn" feature)

This game runs for four weeks and ends Wednesday, 1 February 2012.

The Save can be found here.
I think I'll settle on the hill between the mountain and silver.
woot, gonna enjoy this one!

Thanks, Leif, happy new year!
We will need luck? Some AIs are around? Hmm i won't make the same mistake than the other game(don't steal a worker from a cs under protection for god sake...). I'm going full military for first 120 turns i guess.

1st step : survive
2nd step : kill
3rd step : win
4th step : remember that you play for a culture victory :lol:
Yes, Deity is tough for us mortals. I am sure that Warlord is boring for others?

Myself, I look forward to seeing how some will win this game with hopes of learning new ways to improve.

Good Luck all. :)
Since I've think I've only ever one one game at Diety (as Bismark, not Napolean) I'm thinking just surviving for a 100 turns would be an accomplisment.
The most defensible city site is the hill just east of the settler (with a river in front too). May not be optimal for resources, but what the hey?! :)
Oh dear. :S

I've never tried Deity before...but I've watched the heck out of Deity LP videos! And cultural is my favorite victory! So it's all good! Right? Right? :crazyeye:

In all seriousness, I'm really looking forward to this - cultural GotM, best first shot at Deity I could hope for! Let's do it! :D
warrior SW of furs - if there's nothing there move i'll move the settler to the hill in the east.

first time trying deity in Civ 5 - i play exclusively immortal and it's almost impossible for me to go Culture - i normally end up winning in another way much earlier than i would with culture - but..i'll give it a try
One of my new year's resolutions is to improve my CIV game by finishing and submitting the GOTM games. Highest I've won is Emporer so far!
One of my new year's resolutions is to improve my CIV game by finishing and submitting the GOTM games. Highest I've won is Emporer so far!
Heck of a way to start, on Deity. :eek:

Good Luck with your resolution. :thumbsup:
Since I've think I've only ever one one game at Diety (as Bismark, not Napolean) I'm thinking just surviving for a 100 turns would be an accomplisment.
The most defensible city site is the hill just east of the settler (with a river in front too). May not be optimal for resources, but what the hey?! :)

I didnt know that cities got the +25% defensive bonus?
Do you need a melee unit(or another unit that gets the hill bonus) in the city to get this bonus?
The most defensible city site is the hill just east of the settler (with a river in front too). May not be optimal for resources, but what the hey?! :)

The river hill site to the east would not seem to be as defensible as the current warrior site or the hill to the NW of the warrior. The problem with defending a city on a hill is that ranged units placed behind the city for protection can't shoot through the city unless the ranged units are also on a hill. Also, the hill site to the east would be more susceptible to getting quickly surrounded by the enemy than the other sites that I mentioned.
Welcome to the Civ5 GOTM thread. :wavey:

From the Civ5 GOTM Welcome thread:

Welcome to the Civilization 5 Game of the Month forum


Excellent, but when does this all start?
Well, we're not yet set for the actual competition. First we need to develop a security mod that detects if the game has been modified. Hopefully we can reuse the mod developed for the Hall of Fame competition. Then we need to learn how to extract the information from the saves, and update the current submission system to support Civ5. With a bit of luck and lots of hard work, we could start before Christmas (this year), but we'll return with a target date once we know the amount of work that needs to be done. There are still a lot of uncertainties. Meanwhile, the Civ4 GOTM will continue. However, since we're all eager to play Civ5, we're happy to announce:

The Civ5 GOTM Training Series
Once the game is released (and the staff has learned the basic routines), we will start hosting training games. This training series will run until we have a security mod (a variant of HOF/BUFFY) that enables us to run the proper competition. The purpose is for Civ5-fanatics to try out the new features, share experiences, and informally compare games in a friendly environment based on the no-reload concept. The staff will propose objectives related to the new features to allow a more focused discussion, and the games will be provided twice a month.

Once the submission website and the security mod are in place, we will start the actual competition. The award system will be designed once we understand the scoring mechanics of the game, and the players will have an important role in this process. We will use the experience from the training series to devise an award system that is fair and encourages players to perform at their best. We will also decide later if we will use adventurer/challenger saves, or if there are other ways to allow for a variety of playing skills.
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