New czech article,, with new screenshots

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Here's a nasty twist: "The amount of Faith it takes to found a Pantheon will increase with every Pantheon that has been founded on the whole map."

"The Great Admiral has the ability to instantly repair every naval and embarked unit in the same hex, as well as in adjacent hexes. The Great Admiral is consumed when performing this action. The Great Admiral also provides a 15% combat bonus to all player-owned naval units within 2 tiles. The Great Admiral is NOT consumed when he provides this bonus."
Pacal... don't say that to Gucumatz, or you'll fulfill your own prophecy.

I suppose these screenshots are pretty indicative that Great People can't be used to trigger Golden Ages anymore. Unless that would be scenario-exclusive.
As a native czech speaker I can tell you that the article is written in a very, VERY casual tone. It sounds like it was written by a 15 year old using all sorts of "funny" and "cool" phrases. I just skimmed through since I couldn't bring myself to read it all as the style is really not my cup of tea.

That being said, it doesn't bring anything new (apart from the screenshots). It praises the espionage system and disses the religion as being just another resource similar to culture but nothing that wasn't already said.
If starting Golden Ages is going to be removed in ALL of the Great People then Artists are going to become very quickly useless, their current ability is bad enough since it's only useful for stealing OTHER territory, and building Monutements, yea, I don't wanna remove my Farm for a Monuement.
Copper resource on the screenshot with salt. Is copper a strategic resource???
Nope, there's no way it's a strategic resource since it has NEVER appeared on the main panel, it is more likely a bonus production resource like Stone.

Ok that works. Thanks
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