HOF IV Update Discussion


Where's my breakfast?
Hall of Fame Staff
Retired Moderator
Nov 28, 2003
The Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated. 63 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to iggymnrr for the highest score of the update with a Huge, Marathon, Settler, Space Colony game for 333553 points.

Junuxx was the most active player during this update, submitting 10 games.

Only 1 player was brave enough to take on Deity this update:
Pious_Pete - 1892 AD, Tiny, Normal, Deity, Cultural game for 29385 points​

Gauntlet Results:
G-Minor 144 - Space Colony, Chieftain , Standard, Quick (no Huts, Barbs On)
1st Sir Drake 1630 AD
2nd Pollina 1655 AD
3rd WithTea 1825 AD

** New Gauntlets Starting **
G-Minor 145 - Diplomatic, Warlord, Standard, Normal on Medium and Small with Charlemange
A number of players gained number one positions:
cabert with a 1993 AD, Huge, Quick, Immortal, Conquest game for 16130 points.
ozbenno with a Jul 1970 AD, Huge, Epic, Immortal, Conquest game for 15572 points.

Firmlife with a 1480 AD, Huge, Quick, Emperor, Religious game for 63511 points.

Atredes with a 1622 AD, Large, Epic, Monarch, Domination game for 90188 points.
Firmlife with a 2050 AD, Huge, Quick, Monarch, Time game for 17352 points.

ozbenno with a 940 AD, Huge, Normal, Prince, Religious game for 32440 points.
Tone with a 1910 AD, Huge, Quick, Prince, Space Colony game for 26438 points.

Junuxx with a Jan 2050 AD, Duel, Normal, Warlord, Time game for 9154 points.

Sir Drake with a 1630 AD, Standard, Quick, Chieftain, Space Colony game for 42325 points.

iggymnrr with a 140 BC, Huge, Marathon, Settler, Space Colony game for 333553 points.

A number of players gained a composite table High Score (i.e. Any Condition):
brianbog with a 1580 AD, Huge, Epic, Noble, game for 160702 points.

Junuxx with a 1240 AD, Tiny, Quick, Prince, game for 98029 points.

Firmlife with a 1480 AD, Huge, Quick, Emperor, game for 63511 points.
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