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A trial ballon named Condi

May 13, 2011
With Condi Rice being floated as the potential VP pick I'd like some feedback from everyone on that possibility.

Will Rice be attacked as many GOP blacks are by the left?

Does Romney gain just by floating her name like this?

Does it scare the hell out of anyone but me to have the NeoCon princess in position to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency?

Did anyone here but me read her book and if so, wasn't it the most boring and lengthy apology ever?

If she is selected, doesn't that make Joe Biden very nervous?
Um, she's probably among the top five smartest individuals in the country.

Besides her connection to Bush (which I'm sure Obama would attack incessantly, for lack of any other campaign platform), she's a perfect candidate.

Now, imagine a debate between her and Biden. You'd have Rice with all her genius vs. a lunatic telling sex jokes.
Condi Rice is certainly one of the top 5 smartest people in her own office most times.

This certainly shows grave desperation on the part of Romney to dig up an incompetent boob from the past. He should have picked Dave Chappelle's blind black white supremacist, Clayton Bigsby. Now that would have been an awesome race card to play.
Um, she's probably among the top five smartest individuals in the country.

Besides her connection to Bush (which I'm sure Obama would attack incessantly, for lack of any other campaign platform), she's a perfect candidate.

Now, imagine a debate between her and Biden. You'd have Rice with all her genius vs. a lunatic telling sex jokes.

Don't you really think there would be pressure to dump Biden for Hillary if this happens?
With Condi Rice being floated as the potential VP pick I'd like some feedback from everyone on that possibility.

Will Rice be attacked as many GOP blacks are by the left?

wouldn't it be "racial" to exempt them from attack?

Does Romney gain just by floating her name like this?

is she better than Palin?

Does it scare the hell out of anyone but me to have the NeoCon princess in position to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency?

hell yeah, lying a nation into war is treason in my book...and in my book, we were lied into a war with Iraq

Did anyone here but me read her book and if so, wasn't it the most boring and lengthy apology ever?

No, but if it was an apology thats a step in the right direction

If she is selected, doesn't that make Joe Biden very nervous?

I'd be nervous ;)
I think it would be an exceptionally smart pick. There is really no way anybody can credibly call Condi stupid. It would make Bush attacks fairly easy, but I don't think Condi caught nearly as much blame for what went wrong there as most other cabinet officials during that era.

I would be surprised if she agreed though, and I can see how it might make libertarian type people very uneasy.
She was the National Security Advisor when Bush manufactured the Iraq War and decided to torture innocent people. I can't believe anybody is seriously considering her for a political office. She may be "smart" in a smarmy neocon way. But she is just as incompetent as GWB was, if not more so.

She was also one of the worst State secretaries that the US has ever had.
Jeb Bush is such a guy.

As is the bland Mr. Portman.

While I do like the idea of picking a secretary of the state (which has foreign policy experience that governors lack), I don't like this particular combination for other reasons.
Sigh. Why not just pick some white dude from a swing state and win the sucker. Perhaps Romney's overthinking this like McCain did?

There are very few of those that could credibly help deliver a state. I absolutely think he should pick a woman, or somebody who could generate energy.
There are very few of those that could credibly help deliver a state. I absolutely think he should pick a woman, or somebody who could generate energy.

Energy will pick up once its obvious to all the economy simply isnt coming back by election time. Romney doesnt need to get fancy, he just needs to ride the wave of national suckiness to victory.
yup, try to secure Florida or the midwest - she doesn't do enough to get black and female voters (not her fault) - and could lose voters unhappy with Bush ruining the country
Energy will pick up once its obvious to all the economy simply isnt coming back by election time. Romney doesnt need to get fancy, he just needs to ride the wave of national suckiness to victory.
lol ok. so what, are you on the portman bandwagon then?

yup, try to secure Florida or the midwest - she doesn't do enough to get black and female voters (not her fault) - and could lose voters unhappy with Bush ruining the country

Condi has a high rating with independent voters. The only pol who has shown in polling to impact florida or a midwestern state is Paul Ryan, who has very high negatives elsewhere.
It's a perfect match: Plastic Man Mitt and his token veep pick.

The Chinese Communist government has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, they've governed a population of 1.4 billion people, and they have, indeed, done the miraculous, in terms of social and economic change.
There's Condi Rice praising the Chinese government for making China what it is today, demonstrating her remarkable ignorance of what makes an economy grow. A perfect pick to go along with the other nuts running for office.
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