New Leaders and New Leaderheads Modmodmod


Grand Emperor
Aug 14, 2011
Nergenshuizen, Belgium
I'm currently making a modmodmod of of Leoreth's Dawn of Civilization modmod that adds many new leaders and replaces some leaderheads with betters.
My plans (feel free to post suggestions)
Spoiler New Leaders :

Yu of China
Borandukht of Persia
Khri ma lod of Tibet
Wu Zetian of China (replaces Taizong)
Seondeok of Korea
Sejong of Korea
Myeongseong of Korea
Casimir III of Poland
Walesa of Poland
Ahmed al-Mansur of The Moors
Zewditu of Ethiopia
Ponhea Yat of the Khmer
Pol Pot of The Khmer
Askia of Mali
Lorenzo de' Medici of Italy
Karikala Chola of The Tamils
Harun al-Rashid of Arabia (replaces Abu Bakr)

Spoiler New/Better Leaderheads for :

Frederick Barbarossa
Suryavarman II
Pacal II
Rajendra Chola
Julius Caesar

You could somehow try to integrate Peter into Russia better. He is non-existent in DoC, and played a central part in his country's (the Tsardom/Empire that is, not USSR or modern Russia) history.
wu zetian is not so important in china,my advice is kangxi in Qing dynasty

I agree. I don't really understand your obsession (pardon if that's not the case, but that's how it appears) with Wu Zetian.
Although to her credit, if we are to include a female leader, she is miles and above a better choice over Cixi.
I agree. I don't really understand your obsession (pardon if that's not the case, but that's how it appears) with Wu Zetian.
Although to her credit, if we are to include a female leader, she is miles and above a better choice over Cixi.

And -10000 times better than Jiang Qing江青 XD
And -10000 times better than Jiang Qing江青 XD
Wasn't she the wife of Mao Zedong?
Wu Zetian was among the most remarkable persons in history and one the great leaders of China.
And than Hongwu can use Taizong's leaderhead so Sejong can use Hongwu's leaderhead (as it was originally Sejong's lh)
Taizong's LH also was originally Taizong's LH, Firaxis endorsed even.
I think Hongwu should become Sejong with Taizong still existing.
I use this code to make Sejong the leader of Korea if Korea discovers guilds.
Spoiler :
if tPlayer.isHasTech(con.iGuilds):
self.setLeader(iPlayer, con.iSejong)

But Sejong does NOT appear in game,never.
Wang Kon spawns for Korea in +-700 AD with another,so I also tried using the same code with Sejong,nothing happened in game.
What am I doing wrong?
This is my current whole code for Korea
Spoiler :
elif iPlayer == iKorea:
if iGameTurn >= getTurnForYear(600):
self.setLeader(iPlayer, con.iWangKon)

if tPlayer.isHasTech(con.iGuilds):
self.setLeader(iPlayer, con.iSejong)
Switch the leaders around. The Wang Kon check is first so after 600 AD the leader is set to Wang Kon and the checkLeader() method terminates (return) without ever reaching the Sejong part.
Spoiler :
elif iPlayer == iKorea:
if tPlayer.isHasTech(con.iGuilds):
self.setLeader(iPlayer, con.iSejong)

if iGameTurn >= getTurnForYear(600):
self.setLeader(iPlayer, con.iWangKon)

Th game now ends on turn 0 "You have been defeated".
Enable Python exceptions.
The game still ends on turn 0 with now extra weird messages.
And I still do not know what I'm doing wrong.
Could this cause it?
Spoiler :
iNumLeaders = 101
(iLeaderBarbarian, iAlexander, iAsoka, iAugustus, iBismarck, iBoudica, iBrennus, iCatherine, iCharlemagne, iChurchill,
iCyrus, iDarius, iDeGaulle, iElizabeth, iFrederick, iGandhi, iGenghisKhan, iGilgamesh, iHammurabi, iHannibal, iHatshepsut,
iHuaynaCapac, iIsabella, iJoao, iJuliusCaesar, iJustinian, iKublaiKhan, iLincoln, iLouis, iMansaMusa, iMao,
iMehmed, iMontezuma, iNapoleon, iPacal, iPericles, iPeter, iQinShiHuang, iRamesses, iRagnar, iFranklinRoosevelt,
iSaladin, iShaka, iSittingBull, iStalin, iSuleiman, iSuryavarman, iTokugawa, iVictoria, iWangKon, iWashington, iWillemVanOranje,
iZaraYaqob, iJimmu, iMeiji, iAkbar, iHiram, iHaileSelassie, iGustav, iAbuBakr, iMongkut, iElishat,
iPhilip, iBarbarossa, iCharles, iFrancis, iYaroslav, iAfonso, iAtaturk, iMaria, iHitler, iFranco, iNicholas, iCixi,
iChiangKaishek, iCavour, iAbbas, iKhomeini, iTaizong, iHongwu, iDharmasetu, iHayamWuruk, iSuharto, iShivaji,
iNaresuan, iAlpArslan, iBaibars, iNasser, iAlfred, iChandragupta, iTughluq, iBasil, iRahman, iRajendra, iLobsangGyatso,
iSobieski, iVatavelli, iMbemba, iKhri, iSeondeok, iSejong) = range(iNumLeaders)

Or this?
Spoiler :
<!-- Rhye - start -->
<!-- Rhye - end -->
<!-- Rhye -->
I don't think you actually have enabled Python exceptions.
Do you mean this?
Spoiler :
; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 0

I already tried that and it only gives me weird error messages.
Yes, reading these error messages could reveal what's wrong :rolleyes:
Are you sarcastic?
The rolling eyes smiley suggest that you are.
The error messages that I see only contain unclear or unrelevant things.
The error that I see with "You have been defeated".
Spoiler :
The error messeges suggest suggest that the code to change Korea's leader to Sejong is incorrect.


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Python Exception are explanatory and based on what you're altering on the code.

Maybe you did not modify CvAppInterface but something you're doing on the code is related to something there. Remember that programming is complex and everything is related~ ;)
But I think Leoreth said that I only need to edit the and the
Or do I need to edit other python files?
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