I just dont wanted to say one single Word... McMonkey said, when i spoke about Nikoagonistes´ Sobieski,
that i am a bit harsh... and yes, i am a german, pedantic Perfectionist, i have no Job, am happy with,
and CIV2 ToT is my Hobby since i played Michael Jeszenkas Second Reich, Beginning of 2009...
I think, from Time to Time, about a Total Conversion of CIV2 ToT.
By the Grace of Catfishs Terrain, Fairlines Units, and Siblings TownGraphics,
there is a huge Potential to create some new Skins for CIV2 ToT, to create
for all of the four Games of ToT a Total Conversion, and yes, the Original Game
could be much better, with much more Units, a much nicer Terrain Gfx,
and a much better Events.txt, and the Extended Original-Original Events.txt
needs that Events-Fix anyway. So why not a brandnew ToT, with four brandnew Games?
I am looking forward, to play another Sibling Fantasy Game, to play McMonkeys Spanish Civil War,
and i was happy to see, Techumseh modded again!
But, in my Opinion, your Results are sad.
When i came in, in this Forum, anno 2009, Catfish told me, that the Terrain Gfx
could be much better, and he was totally right. Now your Terrain Gfx seems
even worse to me, compared with the Original Terrain Gfx ToT. Look at Nikoagonistes´ Sobieski!
We have much better Terrain Gfx right now!!!
Your Ships have no Sound.
Your Unit Gfxs seem like a Mixture out of MGE and Fairlines, why not using complete Fairlines?
Then you have a couple of Terrain.bmps, and Terrain Rules.txts, to give every Age another,
why making it so complicated playing my 6000 Years, by using Batches?
You have no Events.txt.
That sweet 2 kb Standard Thing is sad to me... i write at least over 80 kb,
and i use Standard Orders to make the Game much more drastic and "alive"...
I would suggest, to include a Whaler into the Original Game!!!
In my Fantasy Games, or in every ToT Game, i use Standard Orders for Animals,
which i cheat in Game, and which give Money or Extra Units to the TriggerAttacker.
If we would cheat some Whales in the Original Game, all over the seven Seas,
the Players Ships could catch these Whales to earn Extra Money, for Example.
To make a Total Conversion or a CIV2 ToT Original Game Mod, there would be
much Ideas, to write in another, much more interesting Events.txt!!!
Future Tecs, like Robo-Armies, War Shuttles, Laser Tanks.
Crazy Wonders, like Space Station, Mars Rover, or another Things.
And Special Units like Whales, or even Lions, Sharks, Ghost Privateers, Pirates.
To let this great Option Events.txt empty, is a real Tragedy, i, and very sorry, think.
Your Idea and Work, to mod Original Game, is really grand, but i dont like your Terrain Gfx,
most of the Units, no Future Tec and Future Units in, Sound of the Ships is missing,
and the Events.txt is empty, and thats a bad Mistake, in my Opinion, o Techumseh.