Civilization IV Hall of Fame Update


Fly Fly Away
Hall of Fame Staff
Apr 5, 2006
Sydney, Australia
The Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated. 62 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to db8044db for the highest score of the update with a Large, Marathon, Immortal, Domination game for 5004113 points.

Pious_Pete was the most active player during this update, submitting 6 games.

Only 3 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update:
Kaitzilla - 1420 AD, Small, Marathon, Deity, Space Colony game for 273326 points
Pious_Pete - 360 BC, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 43035 points
Pious_Pete - 80 AD, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 26203 points
Pious_Pete - 1 AD, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 33314 points
Pious_Pete - 280 BC, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 33536 points
Pious_Pete - 290 AD, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 46798 points
Pious_Pete - 1 AD, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 24719 points
Sun Tzu Wu - 760 BC, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 41966 points
Sun Tzu Wu - 560 BC, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 44897 points

A number of players gained number one positions at the higher positions:
Catalept with a 280 BC, Huge, Marathon, Immortal, Domination game for 408320 points.

bcool with a 1468 AD, Huge, Marathon, Emperor, Space Colony game for 529085 points.

Gauntlet Results:
G-Minor 157 - Space Colony, Noble, Standard, Epic
1st Pollina 1350 AD
2nd iggymnrr 1390 AD
3rd vranasm 1766 AD

** New Gauntlets Starting **

G-Minor 857 - Diplomatic, Noble, Standard, Quick

You can find the discussion thread here.
And the tables are here.
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