PURPOSEThis thread is an online design document for an upcoming mod of Civ5 based on the Brave New World Expansion Pack. It is for the discussion of ideas and suggestions related to this mod, as well as a place to discuss the technical implementation of specific game play elements.
This mod will focus exclusively on the period of history starting in the late Renaissance era and continuing through the present. It borrows some of the art and ideas from the Empires of the Smoky Skies scenario, but it will not be an exclusively steampunk style mod. If you haven't played the Empires of the Smoky Skies scenario, please look here for a synopsis.
EoZ simulates an alternative history of the world following The Great Cataclysm. This period of upheaval resulted in a great world war that devastated the nations of the world. Afterwards, the world's leaders and great thinkers created a new global system of government known as the World Congress to avoid such a catastrophe in the future.
The late Renaissance period spanning 1700 AD - 2050 AD. The player will start in the Renaissance Era, then advance through the Industrial Era, Modern Era, Post-Modern Era, and finally the Future Era. Each era contains many new technologies required for advancing in the game.
The Federation of Altneuland

Leader: Solomon ben David
Goal: The Altruists seek a world where brotherly love reigns supreme.
Capital: Kallipolis
Philosophy: Statism
Free Great Work: The Republic
Unique Ability: Prince of Peace
Bonuses from City-States are doubled.

The Federation and their friends receive a 20% boost to

Unique Building: Palace of Nations
Unique Unit: Ambassador

History - Like the proverbial phoenix of mythology, The Federation arose from the ashes of The Great Cataclysm to reestablish rule of law among the people of the world. While the Altruists would have preferred that everything was under their direct control, they were forced to compromise with the other factions who were leery of their statist philosophy. Their role has been limited to hosting the World Congress, operating the world's judicial system, and mediating world affairs. Despite this hindrance, they spend long hours scheming to use the power of government to control all of the other factions and eventually the entire world.
The United Banks of Oz

Leader: Milburn "Midas" Pennybags
Goal: The Capitalists seek a world where the almighty pecuniary credit (PC) rules the day.
Capital: Emerald City
Philosophy: Mercantilism
Unique Trait: Everything He Touches
Double the number of trade routes available.
Resource diversity grants twice as much

Trading partners receive +2

Receives +3

Unique Building: Trading Company
Unique Unit: Trader

History - Promising the citizens of the world that they would never again be victims of the business cycle, the Capitalists of Oz were able to quickly monopolize the wealth of the world within their borders. Their control over the money supply and the inequality this creates, continues to be a source of contention in the world.
"We (the bankers) must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized resistance."
- The Banker's Manifesto of 1892
The Academies of Nerdvana

Leader: Copernicus Galileo
Goal: The Sophists seek a world where the Arts and Sciences flourish.
Capital: Lyceum
Philosophy: Scholasticism
Unique Trait: Reason Conquers All
Great Scientists spawn twice as fast.
Great Person gifts to City-States gain 90

Each trade route with a different civ or City-State gains +3

Trading partners receive +2

Unique Unit: Schoolmaster

Unique Building: Oxford University
History -
The Wehrmacht of Dominion

Leader: Frederick Hindenburg
Goal: The Militarists seek a world of strict law and order, so long as they are in charge.
Capital: Oberkommando
Philosophy: Authoritarianism
Unique Trait: Might Makes Right
Units require 25% less experience to level up.
Armor and mechanized units receive one extra

Great Generals spawn at twice the normal rate and give an extra 20% boost to

Unique Unit: Drill Instructor

Unique Building: Military Academy
History -
The Republic of Heartland

Leader: John Q. Public
Goal: The Industrialists seek a world where everyman is judged by his hard work and merit.
Capital: Hometown
Philosophy: Individualism
Unique Trait: Everyman's Creed
Unique Units: Blacksmith

Unique Building:
History - Left with nothing more to do than the mundane tasks of production, the Industrialists of Heartland created a powerhouse of industry and agriculture within their borders. With little time to spare from their daily labor, but always mistrustful of the Capitalists of Oz, the Sophists of Nerdvana, the Militarists of Dominion, and the Altruists of Altneuland, the hard working inhabitants of Heartland rely heavily on the media to form their political opinions.
"I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man a living but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living." - John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
Major religions will be represented in the mod using city states instead of major civilizations founding them. This idea will borrow from the Holy City States mod. The following are the only religions currently planned for inclusion. Others may be added if they have contributed significantly to world events in the last couple of centuries. Christianity has been split into Catholicism and Protestantism to reflect the major schism in that religion. Islam has been split into Sunni and Shia for the same reason. These schisms occasionally come into play in world events in the form of sectarian violence. The ultimate goal will be to incorporate these religious/political tensions into the game as random events / city state quests.
Hinduism - Holy City: Varanasi
Buddhism - Holy City: Lhasa
Judaism - Holy City: Jerusalem
Catholicism - Holy City: Vatican City
Protestantism - Holy City: Wittenberg
Sunni Islam - Holy City: Mecca
Shia Islam - Holy City: Karbala
In addition to the major religions, each factions philosophy will be represented in the game using the religion system. Each faction's unique unit can spread that philosophy as a "missionary".
The world will be limited to a custom mapscript which balances resources between the factions. The FSA will always be placed in the geographic center of the map with the other states surrounding them. The world may vary in style and shape but it will be mirrored or in some way balanced among the states in a hexagram pattern like spokes on a wheel.
More to follow...
Note: TBD=To Be Determined