Events (only those already in existence)


C2C Supreme Commander
Mar 13, 2006
As the title says, i am going to put out ideas/suggestions to events, trying to get ALOT more into Caveman2Cosmos.

I believe the more events the better the gameplay and adding to the "fun" factor, IMPO.:clap:

So i will put them in these thread, so i can get a Yea or a Nay on them, as not to get things imbalanced (i hope).

You will have to come back to this post (#1) for UPDATEs.
Civil War!!

Event Infos:

Spoiler :

Event Trigger

Spoiler :

Event TXT:

Spoiler :
		<English>Bring me his head on a pole, crush this city, I am the ruler here.</English>
		<English>A civil war has broken out in the %s1_civ_adjective empire, battles are going on against the rebels in %s2_city.</English>
		<English>Riots are breaking out in one of your cities! A new leader has arisen, and his only goal is to free the people from your cruel leadership. %s2_city is now rebelling and fighting under a new flag.</English>

Event Python:

Spoiler :
######## Civil War ########

def canTriggerCivilWar(argsList):
	kTriggeredData = argsList[0]
	player = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
	pCity = player.getCity(kTriggeredData.iCityId)

	if gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS() == CyGame().countCivPlayersAlive():
		return False
	if player.getNumCities() <= 1:
		return False
	if pCity.isCapital():
		return False

	return False ### Disabled!!!

def applyCivilWar(argsList):
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	DeclareWar = True
	dice = gc.getGame().getMapRand()

	lAlive = []
	del lAlive[:]

	iMaxCiv = gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()
	for i in range(iMaxCiv):
		pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(i)

	iAllCivs = gc.getNumPlayableCivilizationInfos()

	pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
	iDerivative = gc.getCivilizationInfo(pPlayer.getCivilizationType()).getDerivativeCiv()
	if not iDerivative in lAlive:
		iNewCiv = iDerivative
		lNotAlive = []
		del lNotAlive[:]
		for i in range (iAllCivs):
			if i in lAlive:

		iTempCiv = dice.get(len(lNotAlive), "Civil War Civilization")
		iNewCiv = lNotAlive[iTempCiv]

	CurCiv = gc.getCivilizationInfo(iNewCiv)
	NumLeaders = CurCiv.getNumLeaders()
	LeaderNum = dice.get(NumLeaders, "Civil War Leader")
	LeaderCounter = 0
	for iLeaders in range(gc.getNumLeaderHeadInfos()):
		if CurCiv.isLeaders(iLeaders):
			if NumLeaders==1:
				NewLeaderID = iLeaders
				if LeaderCounter == LeaderNum:
					NewLeaderID = iLeaders
		LeaderCounter += 1

	# Find ID for new civ
	iNewID = -1
	for iID in range(iMaxCiv):
		pTestPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iID)
		if not pTestPlayer.isAlive():
			iNewID = iID
			return False

	# Add the player to the game
	CyGame().addPlayer(iNewID, NewLeaderID, iNewCiv)

	pNewPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iNewID)
	pNewTeam = gc.getTeam(pNewPlayer.getTeam())
	pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
	pCity = pPlayer.getCity(kTriggeredData.iCityId)
	pTriggerTeam = gc.getTeam(pPlayer.getTeam())

	# Give new team open borders tech (for unit handover)
	iMaxTech = gc.getNumTechInfos()
	for OBtech in range(iMaxTech):
		pTech = gc.getTechInfo(OBtech)
		if pTech.isOpenBordersTrading():
			pNewTeam.setHasTech(OBtech, True, iNewID, False, False)

	# Remove open borders tech
	pNewTeam.setHasTech(OBtech, False, iNewID, False, False)

	# Add techs to new player
	iMaxTech = gc.getNumTechInfos()
	for counter in range(iMaxTech):
		if (pTriggerTeam.isHasTech(counter) == True) and (pNewTeam.isHasTech(counter) == False):
			pNewTeam.setHasTech(counter, True, iNewID, False, False)

	# Hand over cities
	iX = pCity.getX()
	iY = pCity.getY()
	#CyInterface().addMessage(0,False,15,str(kTriggeredData.iCityId),'',0,'Art/Interface/Buttons/General/',ColorTypes(44), iX, iY, True,True)
	pNewPlayer.acquireCity(pCity, False, False)

	# Hand over units
	pPlot = CyMap().plot(iX, iY)
	iMaxNumUnits = pPlot.getNumUnits()
	for iUnits in range(iMaxNumUnits, -1, -1):
		pUnit = pPlot.getUnit(iUnits)
		if pUnit.getOwner() == pPlayer.getID():
			pUnit.doCommand(CommandTypes.COMMAND_GIFT, -1, -1)

	for i in range(2):
		pNewPlayer.initUnit(pCity.getConscriptUnit(), iX, iY, UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.NO_DIRECTION)

	# Declare war
	if DeclareWar:
		pNewTeam.declareWar(pTriggerTeam.getID(), False, WarPlanTypes.WARPLAN_LIMITED)

	return True
New "event" suggested: Cooked Food Having Problems with this one?????

Event trigger:

Spoiler :

Event Info:

Spoiler :


Spoiler :
		<English>In their attempt to find a way to conserve food, %s1_civ_adjective tribe has accidentally learned the benefits of Cooked Food.</English>
		<French>In their attempt to find a way to conserve food, %s1_civ_adjective tribe has accidentally learned the benefits of Cooked Food.</French>
		<German>In their attempt to find a way to conserve food, %s1_civ_adjective tribe has accidentally learned the benefits of Cooked Food.</German>
		<Italian>In their attempt to find a way to conserve food, %s1_civ_adjective tribe has accidentally learned the benefits of Cooked Food.</Italian>
		<Spanish>En su intento por descubrir un modo de conservar la comida, la tribu %s1:2_civ_adjective ha descubierto los beneficios de la Comida Cocida.</Spanish>
    <English>One of our tribe members has accidentally found a way to get more digestible food by putting it over fire for a short period of time.</English>
    <French>One of our tribe members has accidentally found a way to get more digestible food by putting it over fire for a short period of time.</French>
    <German>One of our tribe members has accidentally found a way to get more digestible food by putting it over fire for a short period of time.</German>
    <Italian>One of our tribemembers has accidentally found a way to get more digestible food by putting it over fire for a short period of time.</Italian>
    <Spanish>Uno de nuestros miembros de la tribu han encontrado accidentalmente un modo para conseguir comida más digerible colocándole sobre el fuego por un periodo breve de tiempo.</Spanish>
    <English>Interesting. Let's share this knowledge with the rest of our tribe.</English>
    <French>Interesting. Let's share this knowledge with the rest of our tribe.</French>
    <German>Interesting. Let's share this knowledge with the rest of our tribe.</German>
    <Italian>Interesting. Let's share this knowledge with the rest of our tribe.</Italian>
    <Spanish>Interesante. Compartamos este conocimiento con el resto de la tribu.</Spanish>
    <English>Cooked food is easier to eat than raw food.</English>
    <French>Cooked food is easier to eat than raw food.</French>
    <German>Cooked food is easier to eat than raw food.</German>
    <Italian>Cooked food is easier to eat than raw food.</Italian>
    <Spanish>La comida cocida es más fácil de comer que la comida cruda.</Spanish>
    <English>One of our tribe members has accidentally found a way to get more digestible food by putting it over fire for a short period of time.</English>
    <French>One of our tribe members has accidentally found a way to get more digestible food by putting it over fire for a short period of time.</French>
    <German>One of our tribe members has accidentally found a way to get more digestible food by putting it over fire for a short period of time.</German>
    <Italian>One of our tribemembers has accidentally found a way to get more digestible food by putting it over fire for a short period of time.</Italian>
    <Spanish>Uno de nuestros miembros de la tribu han encontrado accidentalmente un modo para conseguir comida más digerible colocándole sobre el fuego por un periodo breve de tiempo.</Spanish>

Python Needed:

Spoiler :
######################## COOKED FOOD ########################

def canTriggerCookedFood(argsList):
	kTriggeredData = argsList[0]
	player = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
	city = player.getCity(kTriggeredData.iCityId)
	if (city.goodHealth() - city.badHealth(true) < 0):
		return true
	return false
def canApplyCookedFood1(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	player = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
	playerTeam = gc.getTeam(player.getTeam())
	iCookedFood = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getTechInfo,gc.getNumTechInfos(),'TECH_COOKED_FOOD')
	if (not playerTeam.isHasTech(iCookedFood)):
		return true
	return false
New "event" suggested: KNOWLEDGE_INHERITANCE

Event trigger:

Spoiler :

Event Info:

Spoiler :


Spoiler :
    <English>An old shaman from the %s1_civ_adjective tribe has reached an understanding of the changing reality. His new ideas will help their tribe to develop faster.</English>
    <French>An old shaman from the %s1_civ_adjective tribe has reached an understanding of the changing reality. His new ideas will help their tribe to develop faster.</French>
    <German>An old shaman from the %s1_civ_adjective tribe has reached an understanding of the changing reality. His new ideas will help their tribe to develop faster.</German>
    <Italian>An old shaman from the %s1_civ_adjective tribe has reached an understanding of the changing reality. His new ideas will help their tribe to develop faster.</Italian>
    <Spanish>Un viejo chamán de la tribu %s1_civ_adjective ha alcanzado el entendimiento de la realidad cambiante. Sus nuevas ideas guiarán a la tribu a un mejor desarrollo.</Spanish>
    <English>An old shaman from our tribe seems to have reached an understanding of the changing reality. He says he has new ideas that can help the tribe develop faster.</English>
    <French>An old shaman from our tribe seems to have reached an understanding of the changing reality. He says he has new ideas that can help the tribe develop faster.</French>
    <German>An old shaman from our tribe seems to have reached an understanding of the changing reality. He says he has new ideas that can help the tribe develop faster.</German>
    <Italian>An old shaman from our tribe seems to have reached an understanding of the changing reality. He says he has new ideas that can help the tribe develop faster.</Italian>
    <Spanish>Un viejo chamán de nuestra tribu parece haber alcanzado el entendimiento de la realidad cambiante. Asimismo dice tener nuevas ideas que ayudarán a la tribu desarrollarse más rápido.</Spanish>
    <English>A thinker? Let's see what interesting ideas he has.</English>
    <French>A thinker? Let's see what interesting ideas he has.</French>
    <German>A thinker? Let's see what interesting ideas he has.</German>
    <Italian>A thinker? Let's see what interesting ideas he has.</Italian>
    <Spanish>Un pensador? Veamos qué ideas interesantes tiene.</Spanish>
    <English>Just what we needed. Let him tell the entire tribe his ideas and make sure they pass from generation to generation.</English>
    <French>Just what we needed. Let him tell the entire tribe his ideas and make sure they pass from generation to generation.</French>
    <German>Just what we needed. Let him tell the entire tribe his ideas and make sure they pass from generation to generation.</German>
    <Italian>Just what we needed. Let him tell the entire tribe his ideas and make sure they pass from generation to generation.</Italian>
    <Spanish>Justo lo que necesitábamos. Dejemos que le cuenta a la tribu entera sus ideas y asegúrense de que pasen de generación en generación.</Spanish>
New "event" suggested: Extra Animal Spawning

Event trigger:

Spoiler :

Event Info:

Spoiler :


Spoiler :
		<English>Rumours of dangerous beasts have come to our attention. Beware when travelling at night, and always walk in groups.</English>
		<French>Rumours of dangerous beasts have come to our attention. Beware when travelling at night, and always walk in groups.</French>
		<German>Rumours of dangerous beasts have come to our attention. Beware when travelling at night, and always walk in groups.</German>
		<Italian>Rumours of dangerous beasts have come to our attention. Beware when travelling at night, and always walk in groups.</Italian>
		<Spanish>Rumours of dangerous beasts have come to our attention. Beware when travelling at night, and always walk in groups.</Spanish>
		<English>[ICON_BULLET]A dangerous number of wild animals have been spotted near our border.</English>
		<French>[ICON_BULLET]A dangerous number of wild animals have been spotted near our border.</French>
		<German>[ICON_BULLET]A dangerous number of wild animals have been spotted near our border.</German>
		<Italian>[ICON_BULLET]A dangerous number of wild animals have been spotted near our border.</Italian>
		<Spanish>[ICON_BULLET]A dangerous number of wild animals have been spotted near our border.</Spanish>
		<English>We will lock our doors and keep our children inside!</English>
		<French>We will lock our doors and keep our children inside!</French>
		<German>We will lock our doors and keep our children inside!</German>
		<Italian>We will lock our doors and keep our children inside!</Italian>
		<Spanish>We will lock our doors and keep our children inside!</Spanish>

Python Needed:

Spoiler :
######## ANIMAL SPAWNING ###########

def canTriggerAnimals(argsList):

	kTriggeredData = argsList[0]
	player = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
#   If Barbarians are disabled in this game, this event will not occur.
	if gc.getGame().isOption(GameOptionTypes.GAMEOPTION_NO_BARBARIANS):
		return false
#   At least one civ on the board must know Archery.
	bFoundValid = false
	iTech = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getTechInfo, gc.getNumTechInfos(), 'TECH_HUNTING')
	for iPlayer in range(gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):			
		loopPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
		if loopPlayer.isAlive():
			if gc.getTeam(loopPlayer.getTeam()).isHasTech(iTech):
				bFoundValid = true
	if not bFoundValid:
		return false
#	Find an eligible plot
	map = gc.getMap()	
	for i in range(map.numPlots()):
		plot = map.plotByIndex(i)
		if (plot.getOwner() == -1 and not plot.isWater() and not plot.isImpassable() and plot.area().getCitiesPerPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer) > 0 and plot.isAdjacentPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer, true)):
			return true

	return false

def getHelpAnimals1(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	szHelp = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_EVENT_ANIMALS_HELP_1", ())	

	return szHelp

def applyAnimals1(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	player = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)

	listPlots = []
	map = gc.getMap()	
	for i in range(map.numPlots()):
		plot = map.plotByIndex(i)
		if (plot.getOwner() == -1 and not plot.isWater() and not plot.isImpassable() and plot.area().getCitiesPerPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer) > 0 and plot.isAdjacentPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer, true)):
	if 0 == len(listPlots):
	plot = map.plotByIndex(listPlots[gc.getGame().getSorenRandNum(len(listPlots), "Hun event location")])
	if map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_DUEL'):
		iNumUnits  = 1
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_TINY'):
		iNumUnits  = 1
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_SMALL'):
		iNumUnits  = 2
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_STANDARD'):
		iNumUnits  = 2
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_LARGE'):
		iNumUnits  = 2
		iNumUnits  = 2
	iUnitType = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getUnitInfo, gc.getNumUnitInfos(), 'UNIT_WOLF2')

	barbPlayer = gc.getPlayer(gc.getBARBARIAN_PLAYER())
	for i in range(iNumUnits):
		barbPlayer.initUnit(iUnitType, plot.getX(), plot.getY(), UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH)

######## ANIMAL SPAWNING2 ###########

def canTriggerAnimals2(argsList):

	kTriggeredData = argsList[0]
	player = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
#   If Barbarians are disabled in this game, this event will not occur.
	if gc.getGame().isOption(GameOptionTypes.GAMEOPTION_NO_BARBARIANS):
		return false
#   At least one civ on the board must know Archery.
	bFoundValid = false
	iTech = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getTechInfo, gc.getNumTechInfos(), 'TECH_HUNTING')
	for iPlayer in range(gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):			
		loopPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
		if loopPlayer.isAlive():
			if gc.getTeam(loopPlayer.getTeam()).isHasTech(iTech):
				bFoundValid = true
	if not bFoundValid:
		return false
#	Find an eligible plot
	map = gc.getMap()	
	for i in range(map.numPlots()):
		plot = map.plotByIndex(i)
		if (plot.getOwner() == -1 and not plot.isWater() and not plot.isImpassable() and plot.area().getCitiesPerPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer) > 0 and plot.isAdjacentPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer, true)):
			return true

	return false

def getHelpAnimals1(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	szHelp = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_EVENT_ANIMALS_HELP_1", ())	

	return szHelp

def applyAnimals2(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	player = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)

	listPlots = []
	map = gc.getMap()	
	for i in range(map.numPlots()):
		plot = map.plotByIndex(i)
		if (plot.getOwner() == -1 and not plot.isWater() and not plot.isImpassable() and plot.area().getCitiesPerPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer) > 0 and plot.isAdjacentPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer, true)):
	if 0 == len(listPlots):
	plot = map.plotByIndex(listPlots[gc.getGame().getSorenRandNum(len(listPlots), "Hun event location")])
	if map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_DUEL'):
		iNumUnits  = 1
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_TINY'):
		iNumUnits  = 1
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_SMALL'):
		iNumUnits  = 2
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_STANDARD'):
		iNumUnits  = 2
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_LARGE'):
		iNumUnits  = 2
		iNumUnits  = 2
	iUnitType = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getUnitInfo, gc.getNumUnitInfos(), 'UNIT_LION2')

	barbPlayer = gc.getPlayer(gc.getBARBARIAN_PLAYER())
	for i in range(iNumUnits):
		barbPlayer.initUnit(iUnitType, plot.getX(), plot.getY(), UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH)

######## ANIMAL SPAWNING3 ###########

def canTriggerAnimals3(argsList):

	kTriggeredData = argsList[0]
	player = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
#   If Barbarians are disabled in this game, this event will not occur.
	if gc.getGame().isOption(GameOptionTypes.GAMEOPTION_NO_BARBARIANS):
		return false
#   At least one civ on the board must know Archery.
	bFoundValid = false
	iTech = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getTechInfo, gc.getNumTechInfos(), 'TECH_HUNTING')
	for iPlayer in range(gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):			
		loopPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
		if loopPlayer.isAlive():
			if gc.getTeam(loopPlayer.getTeam()).isHasTech(iTech):
				bFoundValid = true
	if not bFoundValid:
		return false
#	Find an eligible plot
	map = gc.getMap()	
	for i in range(map.numPlots()):
		plot = map.plotByIndex(i)
		if (plot.getOwner() == -1 and not plot.isWater() and not plot.isImpassable() and plot.area().getCitiesPerPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer) > 0 and plot.isAdjacentPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer, true)):
			return true

	return false

def getHelpAnimals1(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	szHelp = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_EVENT_ANIMALS_HELP_1", ())	

	return szHelp

def applyAnimals3(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	player = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)

	listPlots = []
	map = gc.getMap()	
	for i in range(map.numPlots()):
		plot = map.plotByIndex(i)
		if (plot.getOwner() == -1 and not plot.isWater() and not plot.isImpassable() and plot.area().getCitiesPerPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer) > 0 and plot.isAdjacentPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer, true)):
	if 0 == len(listPlots):
	plot = map.plotByIndex(listPlots[gc.getGame().getSorenRandNum(len(listPlots), "Hun event location")])
	if map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_DUEL'):
		iNumUnits  = 1
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_TINY'):
		iNumUnits  = 1
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_SMALL'):
		iNumUnits  = 2
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_STANDARD'):
		iNumUnits  = 2
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_LARGE'):
		iNumUnits  = 2
		iNumUnits  = 2
	iUnitType = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getUnitInfo, gc.getNumUnitInfos(), 'UNIT_PANTHER2')

	barbPlayer = gc.getPlayer(gc.getBARBARIAN_PLAYER())
	for i in range(iNumUnits):
		barbPlayer.initUnit(iUnitType, plot.getX(), plot.getY(), UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH)

######## ANIMAL SPAWNING4 ###########

def canTriggerAnimals4(argsList):

	kTriggeredData = argsList[0]
	player = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
#   If Barbarians are disabled in this game, this event will not occur.
	if gc.getGame().isOption(GameOptionTypes.GAMEOPTION_NO_BARBARIANS):
		return false
#   At least one civ on the board must know Archery.
	bFoundValid = false
	iTech = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getTechInfo, gc.getNumTechInfos(), 'TECH_HUNTING')
	for iPlayer in range(gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):			
		loopPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
		if loopPlayer.isAlive():
			if gc.getTeam(loopPlayer.getTeam()).isHasTech(iTech):
				bFoundValid = true
	if not bFoundValid:
		return false
#	Find an eligible plot
	map = gc.getMap()	
	for i in range(map.numPlots()):
		plot = map.plotByIndex(i)
		if (plot.getOwner() == -1 and not plot.isWater() and not plot.isImpassable() and plot.area().getCitiesPerPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer) > 0 and plot.isAdjacentPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer, true)):
			return true

	return false

def getHelpAnimals1(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	szHelp = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_EVENT_ANIMALS_HELP_1", ())	

	return szHelp

def applyAnimals4(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	player = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)

	listPlots = []
	map = gc.getMap()	
	for i in range(map.numPlots()):
		plot = map.plotByIndex(i)
		if (plot.getOwner() == -1 and not plot.isWater() and not plot.isImpassable() and plot.area().getCitiesPerPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer) > 0 and plot.isAdjacentPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer, true)):
	if 0 == len(listPlots):
	plot = map.plotByIndex(listPlots[gc.getGame().getSorenRandNum(len(listPlots), "Hun event location")])
	if map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_DUEL'):
		iNumUnits  = 1
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_TINY'):
		iNumUnits  = 1
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_SMALL'):
		iNumUnits  = 2
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_STANDARD'):
		iNumUnits  = 2
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_LARGE'):
		iNumUnits  = 2
		iNumUnits  = 2
	iUnitType = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getUnitInfo, gc.getNumUnitInfos(), 'UNIT_BEAR2')

	barbPlayer = gc.getPlayer(gc.getBARBARIAN_PLAYER())
	for i in range(iNumUnits):
		barbPlayer.initUnit(iUnitType, plot.getX(), plot.getY(), UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH)

######## ANIMAL SPAWNING5 ###########

def canTriggerAnimals5(argsList):

	kTriggeredData = argsList[0]
	player = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
#   If Barbarians are disabled in this game, this event will not occur.
	if gc.getGame().isOption(GameOptionTypes.GAMEOPTION_NO_BARBARIANS):
		return false
#   At least one civ on the board must know Archery.
	bFoundValid = false
	iTech = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getTechInfo, gc.getNumTechInfos(), 'TECH_HUNTING')
	for iPlayer in range(gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):			
		loopPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
		if loopPlayer.isAlive():
			if gc.getTeam(loopPlayer.getTeam()).isHasTech(iTech):
				bFoundValid = true
	if not bFoundValid:
		return false
#	Find an eligible plot
	map = gc.getMap()	
	for i in range(map.numPlots()):
		plot = map.plotByIndex(i)
		if (plot.getOwner() == -1 and not plot.isWater() and not plot.isImpassable() and plot.area().getCitiesPerPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer) > 0 and plot.isAdjacentPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer, true)):
			return true

	return false

def getHelpAnimals1(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	szHelp = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_EVENT_ANIMALS_HELP_1", ())	

	return szHelp

def applyAnimals5(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	player = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)

	listPlots = []
	map = gc.getMap()	
	for i in range(map.numPlots()):
		plot = map.plotByIndex(i)
		if (plot.getOwner() == -1 and not plot.isWater() and not plot.isImpassable() and plot.area().getCitiesPerPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer) > 0 and plot.isAdjacentPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer, true)):
	if 0 == len(listPlots):
	plot = map.plotByIndex(listPlots[gc.getGame().getSorenRandNum(len(listPlots), "Hun event location")])
	if map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_DUEL'):
		iNumUnits  = 1
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_TINY'):
		iNumUnits  = 1
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_SMALL'):
		iNumUnits  = 2
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_STANDARD'):
		iNumUnits  = 2
	elif map.getWorldSize() == CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getWorldInfo, gc.getNumWorldInfos(), 'WORLDSIZE_LARGE'):
		iNumUnits  = 2
		iNumUnits  = 2
	iUnitType = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getUnitInfo, gc.getNumUnitInfos(), 'UNIT_BENGAL_TIGER2')

	barbPlayer = gc.getPlayer(gc.getBARBARIAN_PLAYER())
	for i in range(iNumUnits):
		barbPlayer.initUnit(iUnitType, plot.getX(), plot.getY(), UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH)

New Units Needed:

New "event" suggested: Overwhelm Doctrine

Event trigger:

Spoiler :

Event Info:

Spoiler :


Spoiler :
		<English>Our brightest admiral has proposed an amphibious assault strategy 

designed to capture port cities with lightning strikes.[PARAGRAPH:1]If we construct a 

large enough aircraft carrier battle fleet, we can bring any coastal city to its knees, 

making it much easier to attack amphibiously. We need a force large enough to disable all 

defenses with heavy shore bombardment and soften the defenders by bombing from the air. 

Then our troops may land on the same day the battle begins and thrust inland against a foe 

who will be in total disarray.</English>
		<French>Notre amiral le plus brillant a proposé une stratégie 

d'assaut amphibie, afin de capturer les villes portuaires lors de frappes éclairs.

[PARAGRAPH:1]Si nous construisons une flotte de porte-avions assez importante, nous 

pouvons soumettre toutes les villes portuaires pour faciliter l'assaut amphibie. Nous 

devons disposer d'une force assez importante, afin de détruire toutes les 

défenses avec des bombardements côtiers et d'affaiblir les défenseurs avec 

des bombardements aériens. Ensuite, nos troupes accosteront le jour du début de 

la bataille et avanceront dans les terres pour affronter un ennemi en plein 

		<German>Unser klügster Admiral hat eine Amphibienangriffsstrategie 

vorgeschlagen, mit der Hafenstädte per Blitzangriff eingenommen werden.

[PARAGRAPH:1]Wenn wir eine Flugzeugträger-Schlachtflotte bauen, die groß genug 

ist, können wir jede Küstenstadt in die Knie zwingen, was einen Amphibienangriff 

bedeutend erleichtert. Unsere Streitmacht muss groß genug sein, um die gesamte 

Verteidigung mit schwerer Küstenbombardierung auszuschalten und die Verteidiger durch 

Luftangriffe zu schwächen. Dann können unsere Truppen an dem Tag, an dem die 

Schlacht beginnt, bereits landen und ins Landesinnere gegen einen Feind vorrücken, 

der in vollkommenem Chaos versinkt.</German>
		<Italian>Il nostro ammiraglio più brillante ha proposto una strategia 

di assalto anfibio progettata per catturare le città con i porti con attacchi 

fulminei.[PARAGRAPH:1]Se costruiamo una flotta abbastanza grande di portaerei, possiamo 

mettere in ginocchio qualsiasi città costiera, rendendo molto più facile un 

attacco anfibio. Abbiamo bisogno di una forza abbastanza grande da disabilitare le difese 

con pesanti bombardamenti e ammorbidire i difensori bombardandoli dal cielo. Quindi le 

nostre truppe potranno sbarcare il giorno dell'inizio della battaglia e penetrare in un 

territorio difeso da un nemico in totale confusione.</Italian>
		<Spanish>Nuestro más brillante almirante ha propuesto una estrategia 

de asalto anfibio diseñada para apoderarse de ciudades portuarias con ataques 

relámpago.[PARAGRAPH:1]Si construimos una flota de combate de portaaviones lo 

bastante grande, podremos doblegar a cualquier ciudad costera, lo que facilitará 

mucho el ataque anfibio. Necesitamos una fuerza lo bastante grande como para anular todas 

las defensas mediante un intenso bombardeo en la costa y debilitar a los defensores 

bombardeando desde el aire. Entonces nuestras tropas podrán aterrizar el mismo 

día que la batalla empiece y presionar hacia el interior a un enemigo que estará 

totalmente confundido.</Spanish>
		<English>The Overwhelm Doctrine[PARAGRAPH:1]You are tasked by your 

military leaders to construct a fully functional aircraft carrier battle fleet.</English>
		<French>La Doctrine de l'Ecrasement[PARAGRAPH:1]Vos dirigeants militaires 

vous chargent de construire une flotte opérationnelle de porte-avions.</French>
		<German>Die Überwältigungsdoktrin[PARAGRAPH:1]Eure 

Militärführer verlangen von Euch, eine voll funktionale Flugzeugträger-

Schlachtflotte zu bauen.</German>
		<Italian>Dottrina della sopraffazione[PARAGRAPH:1]I capi militari ti hanno 

incaricato di costruire una flotta da battaglia con tanto di portaerei.</Italian>
		<Spanish>Doctrina del doblegamiento[PARAGRAPH:1]Los líderes militares 

encargan la construcción de una flota de combate de portaaviones plenamente 

		<English>[PARAGRAPH:1]To complete this quest, you must build %d1 



units. A source of [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Oil[COLOR_REVERT] will be required to fuel the 

planes.[PARAGRAPH:1]An additional reward option will be available if your civilization was 

the one to build [COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]%s9_building[COLOR_REVERT].[PARAGRAPH:1]You will 

fail this quest if a rival civilization completes it first.</English>
		<French>[PARAGRAPH:1]Pour achever cette quête, vous devez construire 

%d1 unités : [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]%s2_unit[COLOR_REVERT], %d3 unités : 

[COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]%s4_unit[COLOR_REVERT], %d5 unités : [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]%s6_unit

[COLOR_REVERT] et %d7 unités : [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]%s8_unit[COLOR_REVERT]. Une source de 

[COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Pétrole[COLOR_REVERT] sera nécessaire pour ravitailler les 

avions.[PARAGRAPH:1]Une option de récompense supplémentaire sera disponible si 

votre civilisation est la seule à construire le bâtiment : 

[COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]%s9_building[COLOR_REVERT].[PARAGRAPH:1]Vous échouerez si une 

civilisation rivale achève cette quête avant vous. </French>
		<German>[PARAGRAPH:1]Um diese Quest abzuschließen, müssen Sie 

%d1 [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]%s2_unit[COLOR_REVERT]-, %d3 [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]%s4_unit

[COLOR_REVERT]-, %d5 [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]%s6_unit[COLOR_REVERT]- und %d7 

[COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]%s8_unit[COLOR_REVERT]-Einheiten errichten. Für den 

Flugzeugtreibstoff wird [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Öl[COLOR_REVERT] benötigt.

[PARAGRAPH:1]Sie erhalten eine zusätzliche Belohnung, wenn Ihre Zivilisation das 

Gebäude [COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]%s9_building[COLOR_REVERT] errichtet hat.

[PARAGRAPH:1]Sie scheitern, wenn eine gegnerische Zivilisation die Quest vor Ihnen 

		<Italian>[PARAGRAPH:1]Per completare l'impresa devi costruire queste 

unità: %d1 [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]%s2_unit[COLOR_REVERT], %d3 [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]%s4_unit


[COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]%s8_unit[COLOR_REVERT]. È necessaria una fonte di 

[COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Petrolio[COLOR_REVERT] per fornire carburante agli aerei.

[PARAGRAPH:1]Otterrai un'ulteriore ricompensa se sarà stata la tua civiltà a 

costruire [COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]%s9_building[COLOR_REVERT].[PARAGRAPH:1]Fallirai 

nell'impresa se un'altra civiltà la completa per prima.</Italian>
		<Spanish>[PARAGRAPH:1]Para completar esta misión, debéis 

construir %d1 [NUM1:unidad:unidades] de [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]%s2:2_unit[COLOR_REVERT], %d3 

[NUM3:unidad:unidades] de[COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]%s4:2_unit[COLOR_REVERT], %d5 

[NUM5:unidad:unidades] de [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]%s6:2_unit[COLOR_REVERT], y %d7 

[NUM7:unidad:unidades] de [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]%s8:2_unit[COLOR_REVERT]. Será necesaria 

una fuente de [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Petróleo[COLOR_REVERT] para alimentar los 

aviones.[PARAGRAPH:1]Será posible elegir una opción de recompensa adicional si 

vuestra civilización es la que construye [NUM9:un:una:unos:unas] 


fracasará si una civilización rival la completa antes.</Spanish>
		<English>Congratulations! You have built a powerful Aircraft Carrier 

battle fleet capable of conquering enemy cities in a single attack. A force capable of 

executing the Overwhelm Doctrine is now yours to command. Please choose your 

		<French>Félicitations ! Vous avez construit une puissante flotte de 

porte-avions capable de conquérir les villes ennemies en une seule attaque. Vous 

dirigez à présent une armée capable d'exécuter la Doctrine 

d'Ecrasement. Veuillez choisir votre récompense.</French>
		<German>Glückwunsch! Sie haben eine mächtige 

Flugzeugträger-Schlachtflotte aufgebaut, mit der feindliche Städte in einem 

einzigen Angriff erobert werden können. Sie befehligen jetzt eine Streitmacht, welche 

die Überwältigungsdoktrin ausführen kann. Wählen Sie Ihre Belohnung 

		<Italian>Congratulazioni! Hai costruito una potente flotta da battaglia 

con portaerei, in grado di conquistare città nemiche con un singolo attacco. Ora al 

tuo comando c'è una forza in grado di mettere in atto la dottrina della 

sopraffazione. Scegli la ricompensa.</Italian>
		<Spanish>¡Felicidades! Habéis creado una poderosa flota de 

combate de portaaviones capaz de conquistar ciudades enemigas con un solo ataque. Ahora 

tenéis a vuestras órdenes a una fuerza capaz de ejecutar la doctrina del 

doblegamiento. Elegid vuestra recompensa.</Spanish>
		<English>Take advantage of our momentum to provide additional training for 

these crews. Prepare them for battle.</English>
		<French>Profiter de notre avantage pour fournir un entraînement 

supplémentaire aux équipages et les préparer pour la bataille.</French>
		<German>Nutzt die günstige Situation, um die Besatzung weiter 

auszubilden. Bereitet sie auf die Schlacht vor.</German>
		<Italian>Approfitta dello slancio per addestrare ulteriormente le truppe. 

Preparale per la battaglia.</Italian>
		<Spanish>Aprovechemos estos favorables momentos para dar entrenamiento 

adicional a estas tripulaciones. Que se preparen para la batalla.</Spanish>
		<English>Our intent is to keep the peace through strength. Leverage our 

might in to commercial opportunity.</English>
		<French>Notre intention est de conserver la paix en impressionnant. 

Utiliser notre puissance à des fins commerciales.</French>
		<German>Unser Ziel ist es, den Frieden durch Stärke 

aufrechtzuerhalten. Setzt unsere Macht geschickt ein, um daraus wirtschaftliche Vorteile 

zu ziehen.</German>
		<Italian>Il nostro scopo è di mantenere la pace con la forza. 

Trasforma la nostra potenza in un'opportunità commerciale.</Italian>
		<Spanish>Nuestra intención es emplear la fuerza para mantener la paz. 

Que nuestro poder sea utilizado para explotar las oportunidades comerciales.</Spanish>
		<English>Leverage our military advantage to persuade the world to ban 

nuclear weapons.</English>
		<French>Utiliser notre avantage militaire pour persuader le monde de 

bannir les armes nucléaires.</French>
		<German>Setzt unseren militärischen Vorteil dazu ein, die Welt vom 

Nuklearwaffenverbot zu überzeugen.</German>
		<Italian>Sfrutta il nostro vantaggio militare per persuadere il mondo a 

bandire le armi nucleari.</Italian>
		<Spanish>Que nuestra ventaja militar se aproveche para convencer al mundo 

de que se deben prohibir las armas nucleares.</Spanish>
		<English>[ICON_BULLET]No nuclear weapons.</English>
		<French>[ICON_BULLET]Pas d'armes nucléaires.</French>
		<German>[ICON_BULLET]Keine Nuklearwaffen.</German>
		<Italian>[ICON_BULLET]Niente armi nucleari.</Italian>
		<Spanish>[ICON_BULLET]Armas nucleares no.</Spanish>
		<English>The %s1_civ_adjective people have constructed what is by far the 

most deadly fleet of warships in the history of warfare. Their aircraft carrier battle 

group could crush anything that gets in its way.</English>
		<French>Le peuple %s1_civ_adjective a construit ce qui est de loin la plus 

impressionnante flotte de navires de guerre de l'histoire. Leur groupe de porte-avions de 

combat pourrait écraser quiconque se met en travers son chemin.</French>
		<German>Das %s1:3_civ_adjective Volk hat die weitaus mächtigste 

Kriegsschiffflotte in der Geschichte der Kriegsführung errichtet. Ihre 

Flugzeugträger-Kampftruppe könnte alles zerschmettern, das sich ihr in den Weg 

		<Italian>La popolazione %s1_civ_adjective ha costruito la più letale 

flotta di navi da guerra della storia. Il loro gruppo da battaglia con portaerei può 

schiacciare qualsiasi cosa si metta sulla sua strada.</Italian>
		<Spanish>Los %s1:3_civ_adjective han construido la que es, con mucho, la 

más letal flota de barcos de guerra de la historia bélica. Su grupo de 

portaaviones de combate podría aplastar cualquier cosa que se cruzase en su 

		<English>You have failed the quest of the "Overwhelm Doctrine!"</English>
		<French>Vous avez échoué dans la quête de la Doctrine de 

l'Ecrasement !</French>
		<German>Die Quest "Überwältigungsdoktrin" ist gescheitert!

		<Italian>Hai fallito nell'impresa della Dottrina della sopraffazione!

		<Spanish>¡La misión Doctrina del doblegamiento ha fracasado!


Python Needed:

Spoiler :
######## OVERWHELM DOCTRINE ###########

def canTriggerOverwhelm(argsList):
	kTriggeredData = argsList[0]
	map = gc.getMap()
	iNumWater = 0
	for i in range(map.numPlots()):
		plot = map.plotByIndex(i)
		if plot.isWater():
			iNumWater += 1
		if 100 * iNumWater >= 55 * map.numPlots():
			return true			
	return false

def getHelpOverwhelm1(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	iDestroyer = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getUnitInfo, gc.getNumUnitInfos(), 'UNIT_DESTROYER')
	iNumDestroyers = 4
	iBattleship = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getUnitInfo, gc.getNumUnitInfos(), 'UNIT_BATTLESHIP')
	iNumBattleships = 2
	iCarrier = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getUnitInfo, gc.getNumUnitInfos(), 'UNIT_CARRIER')
	iNumCarriers = 3
	iFighter = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getSpecialUnitInfo, gc.getNumSpecialUnitInfos(), 'SPECIALUNIT_FIGHTER')
	iNumFighters = 9
	iProject = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getProjectInfo, gc.getNumProjectInfos(), 'PROJECT_MANHATTAN_PROJECT')
	szHelp = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_EVENT_OVERWHELM_HELP_1", (iNumDestroyers, gc.getUnitInfo(iDestroyer).getTextKey(), iNumBattleships, gc.getUnitInfo(iBattleship).getTextKey(), iNumCarriers, gc.getUnitInfo(iCarrier).getTextKey(), iNumFighters, gc.getSpecialUnitInfo(iFighter).getTextKey(), gc.getProjectInfo(iProject).getTextKey()))

	return szHelp

def canTriggerOverwhelmDone(argsList):
	kTriggeredData = argsList[0]
	player = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
	iDestroyer = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getUnitClassInfo, gc.getNumUnitClassInfos(), 'UNITCLASS_DESTROYER')
	iNumDestroyers = 4
	if player.getUnitClassCount(iDestroyer) < iNumDestroyers:
		return false
	iBattleship = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getUnitClassInfo, gc.getNumUnitClassInfos(), 'UNITCLASS_BATTLESHIP')
	iNumBattleships = 2
	if player.getUnitClassCount(iBattleship) < iNumBattleships:
		return false

	iCarrier = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getUnitClassInfo, gc.getNumUnitClassInfos(), 'UNITCLASS_CARRIER')
	iNumCarriers = 3
	if player.getUnitClassCount(iCarrier) < iNumCarriers:
		return false

	iFighter = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getSpecialUnitInfo, gc.getNumSpecialUnitInfos(), 'SPECIALUNIT_FIGHTER')
	iNumFighters = 9
	iNumPlayerFighters = 0
	(loopUnit, iter) = player.firstUnit(false)
	while (loopUnit):
		if loopUnit.getSpecialUnitType() == iFighter:
			iNumPlayerFighters += 1
		(loopUnit, iter) = player.nextUnit(iter, false)

	if iNumPlayerFighters < iNumFighters:
		return false
	return true

def getHelpOverwhelmDone3(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]

	szHelp = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_EVENT_OVERWHELM_DONE_HELP_3", ())
	return szHelp

def canApplyOverwhelmDone3(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	player = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
	iProject = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getProjectInfo, gc.getNumProjectInfos(), 'PROJECT_MANHATTAN_PROJECT')
	if gc.getTeam(player.getTeam()).getProjectCount(iProject) == 0:
		return false
	return true

def applyOverwhelmDone3(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
New "event" suggested: Scholars

Event trigger:

Spoiler :

Event Info:

Spoiler :


Spoiler :
		<English>There has been a recent surge of promising young scholars wishing to study science, magic, and the arcane. %s2_city's current facilities will be overcrowded with activity and suffer material shortages. Additional funding will be needed to expand and accommodate everyone.</English>
		<French>There has been a recent surge of promising young scholars wishing to study science, magic, and the arcane. %s2_city's current facilities will be overcrowded with activity and suffer material shortages. Additional funding will be needed to expand and accommodate everyone.</French>
		<German>Kürzlich gab es einen Anstieg an vielversprechenden jungen Gelehrten, die sich für Forschung oder magische Studien einschreiben wollen. Die derzeitigen Einrichtungen von %s2_city werden bald überfüllt sein und einen Mangel an Lehrmaterial haben. Zusätzliche Gelder sind für eine Erweiterung und Unterbringung aller Interessenten nötig.</German>
		<Italian>There has been a recent surge of promising young scholars wishing to study science, magic, and the arcane. %s2_city's current facilities will be overcrowded with activity and suffer material shortages. Additional funding will be needed to expand and accommodate everyone.</Italian>
		<Spanish>There has been a recent surge of promising young scholars wishing to study science, magic, and the arcane. %s2_city's current facilities will be overcrowded with activity and suffer material shortages. Additional funding will be needed to expand and accommodate everyone.</Spanish>
		<English>We cannot afford it.</English>
		<French>We cannot afford it.</French>
		<German>Nein. Das können wir uns nicht leisten.</German>
		<Italian>We cannot afford it.</Italian>
		<Spanish>We cannot afford it.</Spanish>
		<English>Scholarly study is the foundation of advancement! Expand our libraries.</English>
		<French>Scholarly study is the foundation of advancement! Expand our libraries.</French>
		<German>Wissenschaftliche Studien sind das Fundament unseres Fortschritts. Baut die Biobliotheken aus!</German>
		<Italian>Scholarly study is the foundation of advancement! Expand our libraries.</Italian>
		<Spanish>Scholarly study is the foundation of advancement! Expand our libraries.</Spanish>
		<English>Sounds like good news. Build them a Mage Guild.</English>
		<French>Sounds like good news. Build them a Mage Guild.</French>
		<German>Klingt nach guten Nachrichten. Errichtet einen Magischen Zirkel.</German>
		<Italian>Sounds like good news. Build them a Mage Guild.</Italian>
		<Spanish>Sounds like good news. Build them a Mage Guild.</Spanish>
		<English>Scholarly societies are for the weak. Press these foolish youths into our army.</English>
		<French>Scholarly societies are for the weak. Press these foolish youths into our army.</French>
		<German>Wissenschaft ist etwas für Schwächlinge. Sie wissen nicht wohin? Teilt sie unserer Armee zu!</German>
		<Italian>Scholarly societies are for the weak. Press these foolish youths into our army.</Italian>
		<Spanish>Scholarly societies are for the weak. Press these foolish youths into our army.</Spanish>
		<English>Receive 2 Warriors</English>
		<French>Receive 2 Warriors</French>
		<German>Erhalte 2 Krieger</German>
		<Italian>Receive 2 Warriors</Italian>
		<Spanish>Receive 2 Warriors</Spanish>

Python Needed:

Spoiler :
################ SCHOLARS ################

def CanDoScholars4(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
	if (pPlayer.hasTrait(gc.getInfoTypeForString('TRAIT_POLITICIAN')) or pPlayer.hasTrait(gc.getInfoTypeForString('TRAIT_PHILOSOPHICAL'))):
		return True
	return false

def DoScholars4(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
	pCity = pPlayer.getCity(kTriggeredData.iCityId)
	iUnit = gc.getCivilizationInfo(pPlayer.getCivilizationType()).getCivilizationUnits(gc.getInfoTypeForString('UNITCLASS_AXEMAN'))
	if iUnit != -1:
		newUnit = pPlayer.initUnit(iUnit, pCity.getX(), pCity.getY(), UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
		newUnit2 = pPlayer.initUnit(iUnit, pCity.getX(), pCity.getY(), UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH)

def CanDoScholars2(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
	pCity = pPlayer.getCity(kTriggeredData.iCityId)
	if pCity.getNumRealBuilding(gc.getInfoTypeForString('BUILDING_LIBRARY')) == 0:
		return False
	return True	
def helpScholars4(argsList):
	iEvent = argsList[0]
	kTriggeredData = argsList[1]
	szHelp = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_EVENT_SCHOLARS_4_HELP", ())
	return szHelp
OK 1st event is in post 1, a very small one for Clay, adding yield to a plot.

Yea / Nay ??

We have two clay resources. Fine Clay which is a map resource, and Common Clay which is s pseudo map resource because it is terrain and feature based.

Does this have anything to do with those two resources or is it in addition?
Does it give you access to common clay if you don't already have it in that city? I know of places with clay which don't fit the definition we use.

(I've been meaning to ask this of the Tin event since it happens on existing resources but we have Tin as a resource in C2C.)
We have two clay resources. Fine Clay which is a map resource, and Common Clay which is s pseudo map resource because it is terrain and feature based.

Does this have anything to do with those two resources or is it in addition?
Does it give you access to common clay if you don't already have it in that city? I know of places with clay which don't fit the definition we use.

(I've been meaning to ask this of the Tin event since it happens on existing resources but we have Tin as a resource in C2C.)

This is like "EVENT_MAN_NAMED_JED" oil resource event, but giving it an extra yield modifier and ONLY on Flood Plains.
Will you be "fixing" the other events that say they give resources but were written for mods without those resources. The Tin for example does not give Tin it just increases the production of the copper mine.
Will you be "fixing" the other events that say they give resources but were written for mods without those resources. The Tin for example does not give Tin it just increases the production of the copper mine.

From what i am reading, it should only pertain to Bonus_Tin? It requires Mining and Bronze working but does not say anything about copper, unless, you checked it, WHEN you got the Bronze working and already had a Copper Ore Mine, and from that it should be increased then, yes. But again, has nothing to do with this event.

Spoiler :
Can someone fix the "Parrot" event and have a Parrot resource spawn instead of a tile sign.

EDIT: Same goes for the Papyrus event too.

And it would be nice if new resources like Murex had events for them to appear on the map.

I'll check into those. I will see about the murex, can someone else check the resources that are needed to be added, as you can see this little one alone took me 2-3 hours. (Well i also get distracted easily also):blush:
Cool... SO is becoming our full on events guy! Good move there SO... we do need it!

And I have a feeling you'll be one of the best at it we've ever had :D
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