Why have Brasilia??


Mar 16, 2013
Brasília. Not the faction.
I was watching the Rev3Games video released today and became very surprised when I saw that Brasilia was one of the cities that can be found by Brazil. Well, and I was thinking that the only weird thing I would see today was the inclusion of Maria I as leader of Portugal. If Brasilia is not the capital, what's the point of adding it? It's weird since Brasilia was build to be the brazilian capital and never EVER had other use; and a bit anachronistic since it will be probably the forth or fifth city on the brazilian screen while it was build in 1960.

(also, Ashurbanipal seems to be enjoying his vacation at Salvador)


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Guy, understand a point. Rio de Janeiro has been capital for more time than Brasília, and is still one of the most important cities of the country. It isn't being careless to add Rio as capital, as most people simply don't know Brasília.

And there's no useless city in a country, Brasília, if not being the capital adds all the same thing as any other city (excluding unique resources).
it's not a big deal, IMO. also, like Glassmage said just be happy :)
It seems to be adhering to the leader's time, which I wish they did with Russia/USA/likely others.
Portugal is in? It shows Lisbon.
Athens wasn't Alexander's capital, Thebes wasn't Ramses's, etc.

Honestly they go for the most recognizable capital.
I personally would prefer Brasilia as the capital, but I see no big deal in it being in the game even with Rio de Janeiro as capital city.
I saw this coming when they first showed a pic with Rio as the capital. It's probaly a 5th city or something...
Build Brasilia and change capital. Just it.
Rio was the capital for a long time, including Pedro II era.
I think that is the best choice, if you look well, brasilia is still the cultural capital of Brasil, with samba, carnival and other brazilians stereotypes.
Well thinking a little more, I have seen Ouro Preto as a city on another list. Ouro Preto is an old city, which was important in past centuries but is not so relevant nowadays (apart from tourism as being a historical city). Just the opposite of Brasilia, which is a new city, pretty relevant now and which didn't even exist some decades ago.

Having both cities is adopting some current and some historical at the same time, a little bit contradictory, but still not such a big deal for me personally.
Brasilia maybe should be the capital, but even though it is not, it simply must be included. It is a major city in Brazil. It would be bizarre not to include it at all. Even if New York was the capital, I would be appalled if Washington DC wasn't on the city list at all. Why would they leave it off?
Same issue is with Kyoto instead of the modern capital Tokyo. Doesn't matter.
Brazil wouldn't be the only one with a strange city list, like how the list of the Netherlands still wonders and bugs me. There really is no practical order, they start off with most provincial capitals but didn't add all of them. Then they placed the city that holds the parliament (The Hague) not only at the 7th place, but also entered it in English while they did write down 's-Hertogenbosch with its original Dutch name. Then if I remember correctly they misspelled 'Apeldoorn' as 'Apeldoom', added cities less than 50 years old (Almere) while not adding cities of historical importance. There is just no order or logic in it at all.

Some people might think it is quite irrelevant as it is simply a name that you can adjust by yourself. But when it is your own country it just looks weird and awkward, you expect them to a better job than this.
Not entirely true, I'm polish and I care less if Vilinius is in or not, I just hope Bydgoszcz makes it because it's my hometown, but if it isn't I won't cry over spilled milk.
There's no reason to suppose it's carelessness of any kind - it must have been a quite deliberate decision to choose a capital other than the current one for the country.

As for why it's in the species list, frankly this is a silly question - it's a list of Brazilian cities, and Brasilia is a Brazilian city, one sufficiently large and prominent that it would be decidedly strange not to include it in a list of two dozen or so Brazilian cities. The reason why it was founded is hardly relevant, and indeed plenty of cities have been founded with the intent of being used as capitals either after an established capital exists (such as Thebes or Washington DC), or were built as capitals and later the government moved elsewhere while the city itself continued (such as Belize City or Cartago in Costa Rica).
Veras, Brasilia us our Disneyland, but without the fun. In fact I associate this city with a lot of bad things. I see no point in worry, since we have Belo Horizonte (founded near XX century), Curitiba (same thing) and other cities not accurate in their date of foundation. Civs can change their capitals also. A stupid thing to do, in the game and in real life, unfortunately.

The problem is the same with other countries. The cities of the U.S. are not founded in respect to their antiquity. And Bizancio was just a city, only this and nothing more. =)

The japanese capital during a long time was Kyoto, and in the shogunate period, Tokyo was named Edo. Another good example.

Just relax and play. =)
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