America Redesign


Nov 4, 2011
Virgo Supercluster
In the spirit of my Rome Overhaul, I give you ideas for a new

==== United States of America ====


Before going into details, I must say that IMO it's impossible to make America overpowered, because it spawns the latest and thus can only affect the rest of the world in ways predetermined by the older powers. In this respect America is the opposite of Rome or China, who must be carefully balanced (like China) or brutally shut down (like Rome). America is a civ that allows practically unlimited creative freedom in its design - it is time to exercise that freedom more fully.

== Unique Power: The Power of Commercialism ==

Money Slider also counts as Culture Slider.

The old Immigrant UP can be kept as an extra hidden boost (and possibly generalized to South America) or discarded. It was mostly cosmetic, anyway. The new UP does several important things:

(1) It gives America a solution to its Happiness problem, right from the start. The lack of religions or Dynasticism will be less of an unbalanced hindrance. To further enhance this effect, (optionally) give America free Amphitheatres in all cities.

(2) It gives America a more elegant solution to its Culture problem. Late spawning civs require extra Culture boosts - the Thai have their UB, the Ottomans their UP, the Dutch their free buildings in Amsterdam. America needs something. This new UP won't lead to some small Arctic village becoming one of the top cities in the world. Instead, America's great commercial centers such as New York and Los Angeles will become top Cultural cities faster, just like they are IRL.

(3) It synergizes beautifully with Capitalism, since you would keep your Money Slider up in order to hurry things.

== Unique Unit: Militia ==

The manifestation of the Second Amendment that Americans are so proud of. Replaces Rifleman. It differs from regular Rifleman in several ways:

(1) It upgrades to Infantry, Marine, and Mechanized Infantry. This means you can build this unit till pretty much the end of the game, and then optionally upgrade them if necessary. This means you can partially replace :hammers: with :gold:, which synergizes with the new American UP and Capitalism/Free Market.

(2) It starts with free March Promotion. In early game, this represents the home field advantage the Americans had against the European colonial powers. In mid to late game, this replicates the old Navy Seal UU in a less overpowered form.

(3) It has no Unit Maintenance or Support costs. This represents how the Militia are ordinary citizens in peace time. In early game, this gives America an easier time financially to wage its War of Independence. In late game, this doesn't matter as America's economy will trivialize any unit costs anyway. Also in late game wars you will need to upgrade Militia into Marines or Infantry for them to be effective, which removes this cost benefit effect.

(4) It has -50% Hurry Production cost. This makes the unit easier to hurry with Capitalism, which further synergizes with the new American UP. In late (WWI and later) game, this represents America's frighteningly large Reserves.

(5) (Optionally) +25% City Defense. This only matters in early game (before Assembly Line), but would be a nice touch if it's needed for balance.

In general I feel this UU is carefully designed to represent both the Navy SEAL, the Minuteman, and America's famed Second Amendment and huge Reserve pool, and synergizes beautifully with Capitalism and the new UP.

== Unique Building: Mall ==

The current Mall is already very well-designed, so I will only make one small but important tweak:

Instead of +20% :gold:, it should give +15% :gold: and +15% :commerce:.

The difference here is that :commerce: comes from Cottages and Trade Routes only, whereas :gold: comes from those, but also Specialists and Corporations. I feel the :commerce: bonus will make it more appealing for America to stay with Capitalism and Free Market, instead of a pure Specialist economy. I have not tested these percentage numbers so they may still need to be tweaked, but I think 15% of either would be noticeable but far from overpowered.
I think these changes are a great idea, America is boring to play and is hopeless just after it spawns. More often then not they will become a monarchy which is dumb when you think about the Revolution and Civil War. These changes encourages the AI as well as the player to actually be American rather then England 2.0

I also think that the Settler map for America could use some love. Because Australian Culture is now a mix of England and America then we could really add Australia and New Zealand to the historical Settler maps of the US. This would also solve the problem of the English collapsing and there being a continent just for the Dutch.
Something else to consider for the UP or add to the proposed one.

+1% on culture slider (and maybe gold also) for each city in the world under civilizations running the same economy (or society?) civic as the United States (including the United States).

Looks very good, I've always been for a little UHV tweaking also, but as is is fine.
What about UHV?

I've always been for a little UHV tweaking also

What new UHVs do you have in mind?

I quite like the current UHVs. They are a good mix of expansion, tech, wonders, and economy. The Oil UHV is the main reason America interesting, and the Monroe Doctrine is the main reason America is challenging. They are both good UHVs.

The only change I would like to make is to the Wonder UHV. But that requires tweaking the Wonders (specifically Graceland, Hollywood, and possibly bring back Broadway) to make them work better with the new American UP and UB. Graceland and Hollywood have +50% :culture:, which already works great with the new Commercialism UP. Plus they also synergizes with Mall, so pretty much every Human player would build them anyway. We could make them explicitly part of the Wonder UHV, but in practice it won't make that much of a difference.

Mt. Rushmore however is a challenge to get in most games because Germany & England like to beeline Fascism, and America needs to prioritize other techs and Wonders. Also IMO Mt. Rushmore is not remotely as iconic or influential as Rock'n'Roll, Hollywood, or Broadway.

As for Apollo Program, Manhattan Project, and trans-continent railway, those are already the Russian UHVs.
I'd like to see Broadway brought back as a Wonder. If only to use its fantastic Wonder Movie:

It should provide no additional resources - Broadway musicals are not nearly as globally influential as Hollywood movies.

Instead, it should provide free Theaters and Amphitheaters in all cities. This would

(1) Work great with the new American UP to speed up America's growth.

(2) Doesn't work so great with older civs such as England, since you'd have most of your Theaters and Amphitheaters in place already by the time Electricity is researched.

(3) Give America the option to pass on Eiffel Tower. The one big concern I have with the new Commercialism UP is that it will give America too much culture which can lead to unwanted flips and instability. Theaters and Amphitheaters provide less boosts to raw :culture: output, but more :) from the :culture: slider that the new UP makes use of.
I also think that the Settler map for America could use some love. Because Australian Culture is now a mix of England and America then we could really add Australia and New Zealand to the historical Settler maps of the US. This would also solve the problem of the English collapsing and there being a continent just for the Dutch.
Hear, Leoreth, hear. An Aussie is telling you this. You should follow this suggestion.

That said, I think the relation is mutual. Australians have greatly influenced American culture as well. My favorite:

I like your ideas, apart from the Australia settler map one, which doesn't really make any sense.

If you really wanted to expand the settler map you could choose areas where the U.S. has good sized military bases? Though some of these may be already covered?
I like your ideas, apart from the Australia settler map one, which doesn't really make any sense.

If you really wanted to expand the settler map you could choose areas where the U.S. has good sized military bases? Though some of these may be already covered?
Truth be told I think Australia should be Green for any Western civ. Even then the wisest policy for almost everyone is to never settle it because it's as barren and hostile in this game as it is IRL.

I think the Caribbean (all islands, and the coasts of Gran Columbia) should be Green for America. I don't see why not, seeing as Canada is Green. Also the Philippines, obviously.

Rhye's original version of America's Stability map was much larger, with Contested Areas in much of Europe (and Sicily being Historical, for some reason). Leoreth removed all parts of it outside of North America. Then he added Hawaii (along with giving Hawaii better terrains) some time ago.

As for U.S. military bases look at this:


I don't think adding any apart from Caribbean and Philippines (and possibly parts of Australia), as they are all in the core of other civs and not really under major influence of American culture.
I think these changes are a great idea, America is boring to play and is hopeless just after it spawns. More often then not they will become a monarchy which is dumb when you think about the Revolution and Civil War. These changes encourages the AI as well as the player to actually be American rather then England 2.0

I also think that the Settler map for America could use some love. Because Australian Culture is now a mix of England and America then we could really add Australia and New Zealand to the historical Settler maps of the US. This would also solve the problem of the English collapsing and there being a continent just for the Dutch.

The US came very close to being a monarchy at the outset. The leaders of the Revolution offered George Washington a crown. (He turned it down.) It's a common misconception that the American Revolution was about democracy; it wasn't. It was about the economic interests of the colonies, particularly the elites of New England. It wouldn't be so unlikely for the US to be a monarchy in its early years.

The Militia is also very problematic. Realistically, there's no special "militia power" in the US. It might fit history for the very early Revolutionary period, but thereafter it's kind of silly. The SEAL isn't great, either, but at least it's historical. And neither has any real function in the game; the SEAL at least fits with the American UHV, since you have to invade somewhere abroad.

Money = Culture and the changes to Malls are fine (though the latter feels mostly cosmetic).
The Militia is also very problematic. Realistically, there's no special "militia power" in the US. It might fit history for the very early Revolutionary period, but thereafter it's kind of silly. The SEAL isn't great, either, but at least it's historical. And neither has any real function in the game; the SEAL at least fits with the American UHV, since you have to invade somewhere abroad.
You have a better idea for the UU?

I could also use the same unit, call it Minuteman, and not let it upgrade to Mechanized Infantry. It would be more historical (as you can no longer build it after Industrialism, circa 1910) then but still keeps most of its features.
You have a better idea for the UU?

I could also use the same unit, call it Minuteman, and not let it upgrade to Mechanized Infantry. It would be more historical (as you can no longer build it after Industrialism, circa 1910) then but still keeps most of its features.

Works, I guess. I don't see what's wrong with the SEAL.
I don't see what's wrong with the SEAL.
It only becomes available when the game has already been won.

Slaughtering Muslim Muskets and Rifles with SEALs is completely boring. Battling English/French/Spanish Redcoats/Rifles/Cavalry with Minutemen/Militia would be much more fun because the fight is more even. IMHO.
It only becomes available when the game has already been won.

Slaughtering Muslim Muskets and Rifles with SEALs is completely boring. Battling English/French/Spanish Redcoats/Rifles/Cavalry with Minutemen/Militia would be much more fun because the fight is more even. IMHO.

I must agree with your point. It would make the establishment of the Monroe Doctrine more interesting, because if you manage to get SEALs; then European cities are pretty much doomed. For instance, the Caribbean is already yours with a couple Transports with SEALs. Also, it would give more incentive to actually launch a full scale attack on the Arabian Peninsula, combined with sea, air and land strike forces instead of just putting a bunch of SEALs and watching them slaughter everyone foolish enough to be there...
The US came very close to being a monarchy at the outset. The leaders of the Revolution offered George Washington a crown. (He turned it down.) It's a common misconception that the American Revolution was about democracy; it wasn't. It was about the economic interests of the colonies, particularly the elites of New England. It wouldn't be so unlikely for the US to be a monarchy in its early years.

This isn't even the least bit true. A popular myth for some reason.
The Revolution was about Liberty. Being free and having a say. Under the Magna Carta and English Common Law, the Crown could not change taxes without the permition of the parliament. However, in the colonies it was different. They were seen as second class and the English government changed taxes as the pleased and ruled over them as an Absolute monarchy. Americans wanted freedom, that is why they left England in the first place. So there was Financial and Liberty reasons for the Revolution.

Regarding the American monarchy. It didn't happen, therefore 9 times out of 10 it should happen in game. the last 7 times I have played America spawns and then goes straight for monarchy. Not very American I would say.

BTW iOnlySignIn Russell is actually from New Zealand his family move to Aus when he was little. Australians just like to came him as there own.

"It should provide no additional resources - Broadway musicals are not nearly as globally influential as Hollywood movies."
I beg to differ. Wicked, the Lion King, The Sound of Music, Chicago etc where all MASSIVE musicals that traveled the world. I would say the Musicals would be better then the Sport resources.
I think adding more resources to the happiness bonus list of the Mall would help reflect the rampant consumerism and help take care of the happiness problem that America suffers.

I'd recommend corn, cotton and oil.
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