RFC Germania

The Flame8

Dec 17, 2009
United States
Welcome to Rhye's and Fall of Germania!

by The Flame8


843 AD-1873 AD

Using RFCEurope as a base, I will be warping it to be focused on Central Europe, and specifically Germany.

I feel that RFCEurope was far to vague in this area and I wish to focus here.

The main timeline will be between 843 AD with the splitting of France and the end of the Franco-Prussian war (this can be flexible depending on how much help I get).

SVN: You will need a google account to make changes.

Read only (anyone): http://rfc-germania.googlecode.com/svn/trunk
Message me your google account and I'll give you access to make changes
To make changes: https://rfc-germania.googlecode.com/svn/trunk

The civs I'm thinking about currently, some can be removed (In development) *=playable **=German (always playable)
Spoiler :
France* (spawn at start as major power)
Saxony** (spawn at start)
Bavaria** (spawn at start)
Lombardy (spawn at start)
Burgundy* (spawn at start)
The Netherlands*
Lower Saxony**
Teutonic Order*

All info for development is listed here (Thanks Merijn V1): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqXyufVYme78dEx6YUFMUWVDNTVWemtEeWptNlJVTFE#gid=0

Checklist for development of Alpha 1: (x)= complete (o)= in progress
Spoiler :
Map (x)(in development by Constantinople)
SVN: (x)
Spawn dates (x)
Civs (x)
Leaders (o)
Units and Buildings (o)
UHVs and UPs (o)
Civics (o)
Wonders (o)
Corporations (o)

Editing of XML (started)
Civs (o)
Editing of art (o)
Leaderheads ()
civopedia (o)
Units and Buildings (o)(will mostly come from RFCEurope)
UHVs (o)
Unique Powers (o)
Civics (o)
Religions (o)
Technology ()
more to come...
Editing of Python (will need help with this)
Constants (o)
UHVs (o)
UPs ()
Events ()
Stability ()
Spawning ()
More to come...
Editing of DLL (need someone to help with this as I don't know much about it)

UHVs will only be for the Playable Civs

The Holy Roman Empire must be addressed also.
It will be an event similar to the Apostolic Palace and will unite the German States. There will be a UHV goal to lead the Holy Roman Empire for most of them.

I'm going to need help with maps and such, but this should develop well.

I'm a new modder with not a ton of experience, so I really need coding help for mainly Python and DLL (I heard this needs editing)! I also need someone to help with art for wonders and units! Contact me if you're interested!

The Flame8 (Head Developer/Coder)
Constantinople (Map/Contributor)
Wessel V1 (Contributor)
Trexeric (Contributor/Nordic Expert)
Merijn v1 (Coder)
Srpt (coder)
Bair the Normal (Contributor)
Interesting idea. Sadly I don't know how to mod anything and I can't really help other than research, but I'll keep an eye on this in case anything comes out of it. Good luck!
Thank you! And for research I need mainly leaders and text for civopedia. I'm taking this on as I love history and the German States of the time, but my experience in coding doesn't go much farther than XML so I need some support
Looks good, the idea is young so it could go anywhere. I could make you map if you'd like, I do have some experience.
As for python, I'm not too experienced but I know the basics.
How big will the region be? Because a lot of these civilizations seem far away from Germany. And I don't think you need Islam.
I believe I will cut off the eastern civs like Russia and Lithuania. Prussia is required due to their involvement in German history. Spain probably also isn't required.

The map will most likely go with West Francia cut off a bit on the Western border to just a bit of eastern Poland left out in the east. I agree with your points there, and if you could make a map that's great. I'll probably also leave the Papal states out and have the Alps with Switzerland and Lombardy as the Southern border.

I also agree with the Islam thing
Ideally, I would focus the map on the 'rectangle' that the HRE was. If you want to include Prussia, the map has to be quite a lot bigger because you also have to include Yugoslavia, Austria etc. on the map. Another solution could be to tilt the map slightly, so the eastern border would be from Kalingrad to Rome and the Western border from Denmark to about Bordeaux. That would also leave some more room for France and less useless space in the southeast. Also, I'd say a few more civs should be playable, about 12 to 15 at least. A few more small entities in Germany could be fun.
I like the tilting idea, because I'd like to avoid putting Southeastern Europe in there. I still don't know what I'll do about the Papal States if I included them
The playable probably will change, and most of them will be the German civs (I'm working on researching some to add more).

I'll check out that SoI link and see about that.

So is anyone very familiar with DLL or Python. Python I can handle a bit of, but I'm still confused about what to change in DLL if required.

EDIT: Or perhaps Prussia could only be partly included as the eastern quarter is cut off?
I think the map should be this big:

It should include the Baltics because of the northern Crusades and only needs to go as west as Île-de-France. Sweden should be added because 1. my map includes a lot of it. 2. Sweden held territories in Germany for a time.

1870 is a nice time to end because of the unification of Germany and the Papal States were given to Italy at the same time if you were to include them.


  • euoutleu.jpg
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Ignore the map I had there before.

I agree with your map completely. 1870 was around when I planned to end because of the unification of multiple countries.

I will add Sweden.

Should I include Lithuania as competition for Prussia or leave them as independents?

If you could make a map, that'd be great as that is the perfect size with France still represented.
Either or could work. You could add them as a civ or maybe a barbarian spawn every few turns.
I think I'll make them independents. There's no need to add them as a civ except for small balance with Prussia.
I've added a few more German states and removed West Francia from the list and changed East Francia to France. The focus is on Germany, so there will be more of the German states.
Okay. Since Lithuania will not be included, I can make the map include a little less of eastern Europe so it goes only as east Vilnius. Maybe in X AD Vilnius, and maybe other cities, spawns as a barbarian city (represents the pagans) and every Y years, Z "Pagan units" spawn in the Baltics.
Sounds great! This will make Prussia face some resistance in the East and could represent Russian forces also.

I'm working on defining the civs now
How many turns will the game be?

Anyway, I think I've got some ideas for UHVs.

Control the Baltics by 1400 AD
Have three Great Generals in your capital by 1700 AD
Be the most powerful Germanic state in 1700 AD
Build the Brandenburg Gate by 1780 AD

Have five resources of beer by X AD (You can add a wonder or building that gives the player beer)
Never lose a city to a Germanic state before Y AD

Have three cities in Germany and four in the Baltics by 1700 AD
Become the Holy Roman Emperor by 1630 (Gustavus Adolphus' dream)
Raze at least three German cities(Thirty Years War)

Never lose a city to Prussia before 1700
Have three cities on the Baltic Sea by 1200 AD
Never lose a city to barbarians (Mongol spawn) before 1300 AD

Make Paris the largest and most cultured city by 1000 AD
Have seven great people in your capital by 1500 AD
Be the largest empire in 1812 (Napoleonic Wars)
Have at least three vassals in 1812

Have the largest army in 1700 AD
Build three wonders by 1650 AD
Conquer five cities from Prussia by 1800 AD
Be the Holy Roman Emperor the most.
As far as number of turns I hadn't thought of that. Probably somewhere between 400-500. What do you think?

On UHVs:

Prussia: Like them, but remove the great general one as it is extremely similar to having most powerful civ.

Bavaria: haha I like the beer thing. The third one could be hold the largest army and most land in Germany in z AD

Sweden: Sounds good

Poland: Good, but I don't think we should have two "never lose a city" ones. Top one could be have the highest population in X AD.

France: Get rid of the great person one, and move the vassal one to around 1400

Austria: Get rid of the large army as they'll need it already against Prussia. Looks good otherwise
I was thinking about something like this. The Y-axis could be extended to include a bit more Sweden and the Baltics, perhaps to about Stockholm? The area of France is a bit big, but on the other hand that gives the possibility to create an English part, and even an event of the Brittish conquest of France could be coded in. You could also just decrease the western part a bit and perhaps the southern one too, though that would mean a bit less of Italy.


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It's good but there is too much of France and the Baltics should be included for the Northern Crusades. I also think more of eastern Europe needs to be included so the Austrians can expand.
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