Sleeping Dragon
Wonders and Projects
Traits and Promotions
Merged Packs
Monstrous Magical Magnificent MegaPack (Wonders and Projects)
Grand Gruesome Gigantic GigaPack (Wonders and Projects)
Talented Trendy Tasty TraitPack (Traits)
Perfect Precious Priceless PromoPack (Promotions)
Ultimate Unique Unbelievable UltraPack (User Interface)
Supreme Sexy Stunning ScriptPack (Player Script Data)
Components in UltraPack
Forgetful Modder
Tool to check XML Tags
Heroes Movies
Displays Movies when World Units Built
Hidden Promotions
1) Partial Hidden Promotions: Unit Interface only shows Highest Grade Promotion of the same type
2) Full Hidden Promotions: Hides All Promotions
1) Choice of arranging items instead of simply alphabetic order
2) Flexibility to adjust Font colors and icons
3) New pages: Traits, Limited Units, Routes
Sets all hidden game options to default XML values for new games
Time Keeper
Tool to trace Time for GameSpeed
Unique Background
Displays civ specific background for various screens
Unique DOM Text
1) Displays different Dawn of Man text based on civilization or leader chosen
2) Varies with Map chosen
World Builder
Advanced World Builder with New Abilites
Components in ScriptPack
Developing Traits
Traits benefits enhanced gradually
Uses Player Script Data
Grants Religious Benefits when a Faith level reached
Uses Player Script Data
Happy Golden Age
1) Triggers Golden Age when Excess Happiness reaches a target
2) Triggers +1 Population to All Cities when Excess Healthiness reaches a target
Uses Player Script Data
XML Scripts
Gains Equipments based on accessibility to Resources
Platypedia 2.16
Reinforcement Script
Spawns Units at Specified Location and Time stated in script
Requirement Script
More Requirements for Buildings and Units
War and Peace Script by The_J
Victory Types
Regicide by Primax
Defensive Victory
Fertile Victory
Financial Victory
Growth Victory
Mastery Victory by Sevo
Wonderful Victory
Brand New Mod Components
Adjustable Limit
National Unit Limit adjusted based on Map Size
Unique Promotions gained through Battles
Platypedia 2.16
Uses Game Script Data
Avoid Growth
Adds Option to Avoid Growth automatically when turning Unhappy or Unhealthy
Shared UU with teammates and vassals
Dynamic Promotions
Grants Promotions after Battles
Dark Ages
Penalties from Global Excess Unhappiness
Enhanced Great People
Grants additional abilities to Great People
Goodier Huts
New goody hut effects
Great Works
Allows Great People to create Great Works
Platypedia 2.16
Local Warming
More Controllable Global Warming
Manufactured Resources
New Resources are manufactured from Standard Ones which are used to produce Units
Platypedia 2.16
Migrating Great People
Allows settled Great People to evacuate from Cities
Units can gain Good/Bad Morale after Combat
Natural Wonders
Adds Natural Wonders as Unique Features
Platypedia 3.0
Palace Upgrades
Upgrades to Palace
Pesky Barbs
Spawns pests around cities
Plentiful Resources
Bonus to New Units Built with Extra Resources
Repair Improvements
Allows repair of improvements just like Civ V
Uses Plot Script Data
Resource Relocation
Allows relocation of resources
Uses Unit Script Data
Improvement Yield changes with Seasons
Senile Soldier
Allows unit to reselect promotions
Settler Promotions
Grants Promotions to Settlers which Grant Benefits to Cities Built
Starting Resource
1) Each Civilization starts with a specific resource
2) DOM and Pedia adjusted to reflect the resource
Tech Events
Techs / Projects trigger Events to grant various benefits
Training Center
Units built gained extra XP based on number of same type built
Unique Civics
Similar to UU and UB
Unique Promotions
Allows Civilization as a Pre-Req for Promotions
Vassal War
Allows declaration of war on Vassals directly
War Machines
Captures Naval, Air and Nukes stationed in Cities
World Tech
Set Global Limit to certain Techs
XP Needed Cap
Set a cap on Experience Required for Next Level
Revised Old Mod Components
Bad People by RogerBacon
Platypedia 2.16
Barbarian Civs by jdog5000
Fixed Borders
Great People Mod by Patricius
Happy Razing by vorius
Influence Driven War by moctezuma
Inquisiton by bmarnz
Lawyer by tsentom1
Mercernaries by Lopez
Mongol Camp by Fierabras
Movement Limit by flug_auto
Partisans by GIR
Revolutions by jdog5000
Settlers by The Navy Seal
Team Manhattan by snapple232
Tech Conquest by Bhuric
Tech Diffusion by jdog5000
True Prophet by kiddunu
Unique Great People Names by Gaius Octavius
If a mod component is using a specific script data, additional modifications would be necessary to merge with another mod component that uses the same script data.
Because currently they are simply using setScriptData(XXX)
Traits and Promotions
Merged Packs
Monstrous Magical Magnificent MegaPack (Wonders and Projects)
Grand Gruesome Gigantic GigaPack (Wonders and Projects)
Talented Trendy Tasty TraitPack (Traits)
Perfect Precious Priceless PromoPack (Promotions)
Ultimate Unique Unbelievable UltraPack (User Interface)
Supreme Sexy Stunning ScriptPack (Player Script Data)
Components in UltraPack
Forgetful Modder
Tool to check XML Tags
Heroes Movies
Displays Movies when World Units Built
Hidden Promotions
1) Partial Hidden Promotions: Unit Interface only shows Highest Grade Promotion of the same type
2) Full Hidden Promotions: Hides All Promotions
1) Choice of arranging items instead of simply alphabetic order
2) Flexibility to adjust Font colors and icons
3) New pages: Traits, Limited Units, Routes
Sets all hidden game options to default XML values for new games
Time Keeper
Tool to trace Time for GameSpeed
Unique Background
Displays civ specific background for various screens
Unique DOM Text
1) Displays different Dawn of Man text based on civilization or leader chosen
2) Varies with Map chosen
World Builder
Advanced World Builder with New Abilites
Components in ScriptPack
Developing Traits
Traits benefits enhanced gradually
Uses Player Script Data
Grants Religious Benefits when a Faith level reached
Uses Player Script Data
Happy Golden Age
1) Triggers Golden Age when Excess Happiness reaches a target
2) Triggers +1 Population to All Cities when Excess Healthiness reaches a target
Uses Player Script Data
XML Scripts
Gains Equipments based on accessibility to Resources
Platypedia 2.16
Reinforcement Script
Spawns Units at Specified Location and Time stated in script
Requirement Script
More Requirements for Buildings and Units
War and Peace Script by The_J
Victory Types
Regicide by Primax
Defensive Victory
Fertile Victory
Financial Victory
Growth Victory
Mastery Victory by Sevo
Wonderful Victory
Brand New Mod Components
Adjustable Limit
National Unit Limit adjusted based on Map Size
Unique Promotions gained through Battles
Platypedia 2.16
Uses Game Script Data
Avoid Growth
Adds Option to Avoid Growth automatically when turning Unhappy or Unhealthy
Shared UU with teammates and vassals
Dynamic Promotions
Grants Promotions after Battles
Dark Ages
Penalties from Global Excess Unhappiness
Enhanced Great People
Grants additional abilities to Great People
Goodier Huts
New goody hut effects
Great Works
Allows Great People to create Great Works
Platypedia 2.16
Local Warming
More Controllable Global Warming
Manufactured Resources
New Resources are manufactured from Standard Ones which are used to produce Units
Platypedia 2.16
Migrating Great People
Allows settled Great People to evacuate from Cities
Units can gain Good/Bad Morale after Combat
Natural Wonders
Adds Natural Wonders as Unique Features
Platypedia 3.0
Palace Upgrades
Upgrades to Palace
Pesky Barbs
Spawns pests around cities
Plentiful Resources
Bonus to New Units Built with Extra Resources
Repair Improvements
Allows repair of improvements just like Civ V
Uses Plot Script Data
Resource Relocation
Allows relocation of resources
Uses Unit Script Data
Improvement Yield changes with Seasons
Senile Soldier
Allows unit to reselect promotions
Settler Promotions
Grants Promotions to Settlers which Grant Benefits to Cities Built
Starting Resource
1) Each Civilization starts with a specific resource
2) DOM and Pedia adjusted to reflect the resource
Tech Events
Techs / Projects trigger Events to grant various benefits
Training Center
Units built gained extra XP based on number of same type built
Unique Civics
Similar to UU and UB
Unique Promotions
Allows Civilization as a Pre-Req for Promotions
Vassal War
Allows declaration of war on Vassals directly
War Machines
Captures Naval, Air and Nukes stationed in Cities
World Tech
Set Global Limit to certain Techs
XP Needed Cap
Set a cap on Experience Required for Next Level
Revised Old Mod Components
Bad People by RogerBacon
Platypedia 2.16
Barbarian Civs by jdog5000
Fixed Borders
Great People Mod by Patricius
Happy Razing by vorius
Influence Driven War by moctezuma
Inquisiton by bmarnz
Lawyer by tsentom1
Mercernaries by Lopez
Mongol Camp by Fierabras
Movement Limit by flug_auto
Partisans by GIR
Revolutions by jdog5000
Settlers by The Navy Seal
Team Manhattan by snapple232
Tech Conquest by Bhuric
Tech Diffusion by jdog5000
True Prophet by kiddunu
Unique Great People Names by Gaius Octavius
If a mod component is using a specific script data, additional modifications would be necessary to merge with another mod component that uses the same script data.
Because currently they are simply using setScriptData(XXX)