Platy's Peculiar Pleasant Posh Python


Sleeping Dragon
Oct 22, 2010
Emerald Dreams
Wonders and Projects
Traits and Promotions

Merged Packs
Monstrous Magical Magnificent MegaPack (Wonders and Projects)
Grand Gruesome Gigantic GigaPack (Wonders and Projects)
Talented Trendy Tasty TraitPack (Traits)
Perfect Precious Priceless PromoPack (Promotions)
Ultimate Unique Unbelievable UltraPack (User Interface)
Supreme Sexy Stunning ScriptPack (Player Script Data)

Components in UltraPack

Forgetful Modder
Tool to check XML Tags

Heroes Movies
Displays Movies when World Units Built

Hidden Promotions
1) Partial Hidden Promotions: Unit Interface only shows Highest Grade Promotion of the same type
2) Full Hidden Promotions: Hides All Promotions

1) Choice of arranging items instead of simply alphabetic order
2) Flexibility to adjust Font colors and icons
3) New pages: Traits, Limited Units, Routes

Sets all hidden game options to default XML values for new games

Time Keeper
Tool to trace Time for GameSpeed

Unique Background
Displays civ specific background for various screens

Unique DOM Text
1) Displays different Dawn of Man text based on civilization or leader chosen
2) Varies with Map chosen

World Builder
Advanced World Builder with New Abilites

Components in ScriptPack

Developing Traits
Traits benefits enhanced gradually
Uses Player Script Data

Grants Religious Benefits when a Faith level reached
Uses Player Script Data

Happy Golden Age
1) Triggers Golden Age when Excess Happiness reaches a target
2) Triggers +1 Population to All Cities when Excess Healthiness reaches a target
Uses Player Script Data

XML Scripts

Gains Equipments based on accessibility to Resources
Platypedia 2.16

Reinforcement Script
Spawns Units at Specified Location and Time stated in script

Requirement Script
More Requirements for Buildings and Units

War and Peace Script by The_J

Victory Types

Regicide by Primax

Defensive Victory

Fertile Victory

Financial Victory

Growth Victory

Mastery Victory by Sevo

Wonderful Victory

Brand New Mod Components

Adjustable Limit
National Unit Limit adjusted based on Map Size

Unique Promotions gained through Battles
Platypedia 2.16
Uses Game Script Data

Avoid Growth
Adds Option to Avoid Growth automatically when turning Unhappy or Unhealthy

Shared UU with teammates and vassals

Dynamic Promotions
Grants Promotions after Battles

Dark Ages
Penalties from Global Excess Unhappiness

Enhanced Great People
Grants additional abilities to Great People

Goodier Huts
New goody hut effects

Great Works
Allows Great People to create Great Works
Platypedia 2.16

Local Warming
More Controllable Global Warming

Manufactured Resources
New Resources are manufactured from Standard Ones which are used to produce Units
Platypedia 2.16

Migrating Great People
Allows settled Great People to evacuate from Cities

Units can gain Good/Bad Morale after Combat

Natural Wonders
Adds Natural Wonders as Unique Features
Platypedia 3.0

Palace Upgrades
Upgrades to Palace

Pesky Barbs
Spawns pests around cities

Plentiful Resources
Bonus to New Units Built with Extra Resources

Repair Improvements
Allows repair of improvements just like Civ V
Uses Plot Script Data

Resource Relocation
Allows relocation of resources
Uses Unit Script Data

Improvement Yield changes with Seasons

Senile Soldier
Allows unit to reselect promotions

Settler Promotions
Grants Promotions to Settlers which Grant Benefits to Cities Built

Starting Resource
1) Each Civilization starts with a specific resource
2) DOM and Pedia adjusted to reflect the resource

Tech Events
Techs / Projects trigger Events to grant various benefits

Training Center
Units built gained extra XP based on number of same type built

Unique Civics
Similar to UU and UB

Unique Promotions
Allows Civilization as a Pre-Req for Promotions

Vassal War
Allows declaration of war on Vassals directly

War Machines
Captures Naval, Air and Nukes stationed in Cities

World Tech
Set Global Limit to certain Techs

XP Needed Cap
Set a cap on Experience Required for Next Level

Revised Old Mod Components

Bad People by RogerBacon
Platypedia 2.16

Barbarian Civs by jdog5000


Fixed Borders

Great People Mod by Patricius

Happy Razing by vorius

Influence Driven War by moctezuma

Inquisiton by bmarnz

Lawyer by tsentom1

Mercernaries by Lopez

Mongol Camp by Fierabras

Movement Limit by flug_auto

Partisans by GIR

Revolutions by jdog5000

Settlers by The Navy Seal


Team Manhattan by snapple232

Tech Conquest by Bhuric

Tech Diffusion by jdog5000

True Prophet by kiddunu

Unique Great People Names by Gaius Octavius

If a mod component is using a specific script data, additional modifications would be necessary to merge with another mod component that uses the same script data.
Because currently they are simply using setScriptData(XXX)

General Features
1) Platypedia
2) Platy World Builder
3) Platy Trackers
4) Civ Specific Screens
Spoiler :

5) Transparent Panels (Optional)
Spoiler :

6) Allows smooth in-game Python Modding without tons of errors
7) Cuts tons of useless loops and codes in vanilla BTS

Dawn of Man
Spoiler :

1) Allows Civ/Leader Specific DOM Text

Main Screen
Spoiler :

1) Brand new Scrollable Scoreboard
2) Civ Specific Text Colors (Optional)
3) Hidden Promotions for Units
4) Scrollable Promotions Section
5) Field of View
6) Great People Bar
7) Current Era

Plot List Panel
Spoiler :

1) Fortify Bar
2) Promotion Ready Icon

City Screen
Spoiler :

1) Displays XP of Unit if Built
2) Button Display for various stuff
3) Brand new Specialist Section
4) Brand new Resource Section
5) Resource Filter
6) Wonder Count
7) Max Trade Routes, Total Trade Yield and Latitude Info
8) Auto spacing of Religions and Corporations
9) Whip Overflow Info
10) Additional Unhappiness Timer Info

Tech Splash
Spoiler :

Domestic Advisor
Spoiler :

Finance Advisor
Spoiler :

Civic Screen
Spoiler :

Foreign Advisor
Spoiler :

Military Advisor
Spoiler :

Tech Screen
Spoiler :

1) Tech Bar Auto Adjustment
2) Shows Selected Eras
3) Hide/Show Researched Techs

Religion Screen
Spoiler :

Corporation Screen
Spoiler :

Victory Screen
Spoiler :

Info Screen
Spoiler :

Espionage Screen
Spoiler :

Spoiler :

1) FullScreen
2) Era Movie read from Art Define File for easy configuration
3) All Movies can be in bik, nif or dds regardless of whether it is Era, Wonder, Religion or Corporation
4) Displays Pedia Text for Religions and Corporations
5) Corporations can now display movies when founded
6) World Units can now display movies if any
7) Wonder Screen no longer show up if no respective movie
8) Movie Text can be displayed with any key even for nif format
Tech by Conquest
Just a revised version of the old one by Orion and Bhruic

Gains Progress Towards Tech when conquering cities.

What's New
1) Tech gained is randomized again similar to Bhuric version rather than always the top in the list in Orion version

2) Tech gained only chosen from Techs you can currently research
(No longer able to get unresearchable dummy Techs, No longer able to get advanced Techs without having pre-requisites)

3) Added a culture check, such that you only gain techs if conquered city has less than 25% culture of your team.
Doesn't make sense to learn new techs by re-capturing cities you just lost

4) Does not use setHasTech python command to grant Techs
Usage of this method DO NOT trigger onTechAcquired codes, which makes it incompatible with other mods which have codes there

5) Revert back to Bhuric version whereby you get % progress towards the tech rather than all or nothing.
Simplified to 10% per population. (10 and above simply means free tech)

6) Messages are displayed to all players of the team ONLY, and there is a button display as well.

7) Messages are no longer hard coded into python. Users can edit the messages by editing the Text Files and it will display using the correct language as well.
Resource Relocation

Relocates resources to new locations.

Tired of adjusting city locations to make full use of resources?
Is that bloody whale too far out in an ocean tile that you cannot reach?
Do the reverse!
Adjust resource locations to suit your city instead.

Step 1 (Screenshot 1)
Pay a fee to collect a resource.
Fee = ResearchRate of GameSpeed adjusted by Current Era.
Standard Speed at Ancient Era = 100 Gold, Classical Era = 200 Gold
Only Workers and WorkBoats can collect.

Step 2 (Screenshot 2 and 3)
Find a suitable plot.
Cannot place resource in unsuitable locations like Pig in Snow
Checks for Terrain, Hills, Flatlands, River, Latitude

Step 3 (Screenshot 4)
Place the resource
I allow you to place resource on plots with existing ones.
If I don't do so, you can exploit this and take it as a treasure sensor to see if there are any unrevealed ones.

1) No AI for this, since god knows what to tell them
2) Currently, if the unit transporting the resource is killed, the resource is lost.
I am thinking whether to place the resource directly on the plot (if suitable) when unit killed, but since AI cannot benefit from this mod component, I decided not to, so that you take a risk for doing it.
3) Both collection and placement of resources only allowed in own plots, obviously.


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You can only place resources in suitable plots defined by xml.
As such, it is possible to place a pig on a tile with a corn but it is not possible to place a whale on a tile with coal.
Since whales can only be placed in the ocean
I mean restrictions on which resource you can move. Like it would make the most sense if you can not, under any circumstance, move whale or coal or oil or something. It doesnt make sense to be able to move silver (you have to mine it take it out, then put it in another hill?).
Ah true, but when was civ realistic anyway.
What does it mean by building culture, converting hammers to culture?
Does a city with smoking factories producing more culture than a city with galleries sound realistic?
Siege units that cannot kill while attacking? Try that in real life and see if cannons and artillery can kill or not

It is possible to code what you want, but that requires hard coded array or a new xml tag to separate which can be relocate
You can convert history into a game, but most of it makes sense. Converting hammers into culture is the game version of focussing on culture in a nations cities, instead of building an army. Factories dont have an effect on culture...and seige units make sense - if your firing a cannon ball at an army, and that is all you are using, it is going to be very difficult to hit the last 10% of the army if you already killed the first 90...youd have to have pretty good aim.

But I mean if it is a lot of coding I wouldn't worry about it. Just personally for one of my mods I wouldn't place it in if it meant I could tell whales where to go in the ocean...just seems far fetched even compared to Civiliation

Have you ever thought about creating a modcomp that chagnes the bg of the loading screen to the civlizaiton such as V?
It is not a lot of coding.

Hard coded array will work like this

Define a list of resources that can be relocated in the python codes
lCanRelocate = [Corn, Rice, Pig, ... , Sheep]
Then just a minor addition to check that the resource is in that list before allowing the collection.

Not a very good way to code because this simply means that
1) It has to be adjusted for different mods since different mods have different resources.
2) In super big mods like C2C, the list can be super long
3) Everytime you add/remove a resource from your mod, you will have to adjust the list in the python.

Gameplay wise
1) It is not balanced, because the distribution of resources does not consider whether they can be relocated or not obviously.
Some starting points may end up with those that can be relocated, while others may have none.
2) Depends on how you view the relocation. Whales do migrate all the time. Just take it they move to the other plot themselves.
Or simply, the previous site has been exhausted and you discover a new site.
3) You will have to write a new section to educate players which are the resources that can be relocated and which cannot be.

Thus, to keep it balanced, why should some be allowed and some not.
Those players that get alot of those that can be relocated will be happy while the others will be pissed.

@Loading Screen
Means a different screen based on Civilization or Leader chosen?
Which python mod component is ai balanced?
Even famous old ones like tsentom1 wonders or inquisitors, the so called ai is simply roll a dice and build inquisitors.
Does it consider whether the ai is at war and would be better off building war units.
Does it consider that there may be a wonder to be built.
Does it consider it may be running free religion?

AI is always minimal because there are too many considerations.
If you want to write a code to deal with every possible situation before deciding it is a good time to build inquisitors, your ai code portion is gonna be 1000 lines long.

Razing of cities and selling off of buildings is also common in mods like c2c.
I highly doubt there is any ai in involved.

Thus, you suffer penalties for using this.
A price to relocate plus a risk that the unit died halfway.

Civ v it is both leader and civ based because each civ only has one leader
Razing of cities and selling off of buildings is also common in mods like c2c.
I highly doubt there is any ai in involved.

This was originally added because it was something the AI did but the player could not do.

On your relocation of resources what I have always felt was needed was a way to "harvest" a plot outside any city work radius but inside the nations borders. So that the yields fro the plot are delivered to a given city rather than moving the resource. This would be a better simulation of the real world mid Atlantic fisheries for example.
No idea, I have never seen AI suddenly raze his own city for no reason.
When did you see it happen before?

As for what you mentioned, well you know, since you are also a python modder.
What we can do, are restricted by what python can do.
Harvesting a plot outside city radius is definitely SDK work.
Which python mod component is ai balanced?
Even famous old ones like tsentom1 wonders or inquisitors, the so called ai is simply roll a dice and build inquisitors.
Does it consider whether the ai is at war and would be better off building war units.
Does it consider that there may be a wonder to be built.
Does it consider it may be running free religion?

AI is always minimal because there are too many considerations.
If you want to write a code to deal with every possible situation before deciding it is a good time to build inquisitors, your ai code portion is gonna be 1000 lines long.

Razing of cities and selling off of buildings is also common in mods like c2c.
I highly doubt there is any ai in involved.

Thus, you suffer penalties for using this.
A price to relocate plus a risk that the unit died halfway.

Civ v it is both leader and civ based because each civ only has one leader
I was simply saying the relocation one the AI doesn't use, so the unbalanced argument seemed invalid to me but not really a big deal
Ai can never catch up with humans which is why they are given handicaps.
This is understandable yet most mods still have python stuff like those I mentioned.

However, if certain resources have certain benefits which others don't, then it is not balanced..
For instance, if all religions provide 1 happiness, but Hinduism provides 2, isn't that odd?
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