Gotm 144

Ali Ardavan

Retired Moderator
May 29, 2002
Michigan, USA
Game of the Month 144: June 2013

Civilization: 1 Babylonian settler
Starting techs: Alphabet and Bronze.
Difficulty: Emperor
Total players: 7
Restarts: off
Barbarians: Restless tribes (-0)
Map: Large (75x120) round game-generated map

Deadline: July 31st.

Please be sure to follow the submission guidelines when submitting your game (please do not send your files in a .zip file. Attach them directly to your e-mail with your name in the save file). No extra save is needed.

Please send the savegames only to

Have fun.

You can find the save file here.

Last edited by a moderator:
If you played GotM 143, a reminder to re-edit city.txt / city.ger.
Once again, due to the spoiler getting started 4 weeks after the game was posted and the fact that many are still playing, the deadline is extended to 31 August 2013.
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