Best Civics Combination

Wilhelm Meister

Jun 23, 2013
Well, I created this thread to ask you what do you consider the best civics combinations, specialy talking about the new 1700 scenario for each great power in that era.
I need some suggestions as I'm a bit new to the mod itself so I think I need to study some possibilities. Thank you in advance! :)
For Prussia, you want to have the following civic combo before starting UHV 2 (WWII):

Autocracy, Absolutism, Totalitarianism, Free Market, Secularism, Imperialism (this expansion civic counteracts the stability penalty from taking foreign cores)
For Prussia, you want to have the following civic combo before starting UHV 2 (WWII):

Autocracy, Absolutism, Totalitarianism, Free Market, Secularism, Imperialism (this expansion civic counteracts the stability penalty from taking foreign cores)

You think Totalitarism is better than capitalism in game terms? I ask it because with capitalism you can many times hurry the pruduction of units and buildings so as to have them when you need, so I usually stay with it while I try to gather some geld with GM along the way and like to have at least 2 thousands in reserve.
I guess for me, it's a combination of RP'ing and the synergy between autocracy, totalitarianism, and secularism.
Yes sir! Autocracy+Capitalism seems to me to be the way state capitalism such as modern China is represented, whereas Autocracy+Totalitarianism+Free Market is the Third Reich, Mussolini's Italy, and Pinochet under Chile.
My Aztec and Thai civics for most population:

City states - representation - free market - forced labor - secularism. Those +1 food specialist can give you ridiculous population.
Sorry for the dumb question, but what is the use of slaves? I demanded kongo to give me some of them and they couldn't do anything in Berlin. Is it necessary to have the forced labor civic for them to work as normal workers?
You need Forced Labor or Agrarianism or Mercantilism to use them, either to settle them as specialists or to build slave plantations. But the former only works outside of Europe.
Yes sir! Autocracy+Capitalism seems to me to be the way state capitalism such as modern China is represented, whereas Autocracy+Totalitarianism+Free Market is the Third Reich, Mussolini's Italy, and Pinochet under Chile.

I don't think so
The third reich and mussolini's facism have a characteristic to maintain a big intervention in the economy
Thats the opposite of free market
I Think the best civic combo is Autocracy+ Supreme Council + capitalism + Free market + secularism + Imperialism

If my game go far and i have my tecnological tree complete, i change to totalitarism and communism(Sorry i forget the civic name haha)
Fascist and Nazi positions on economics were a mess, both ideologically and in practice.
Fascist and Nazi positions on economics were a mess, both ideologically and in practice.

They used a form of interventionist capitalism...btw that worked well in Germany as they recovered from the crisis and were back in shape in little time...
They used a form of interventionist capitalism...btw that worked well in Germany as they recovered from the crisis and were back in shape in little time...

Saying that Nazi economic policies worked well in Germany is a gross fallacy.
What worked was seizing the assets of certain segments of the population and other governments which happened to not have disastrous economic policies.
What worked was seizing the assets of certain segments of the population and other governments which happened to not have disastrous economic policies.

As Leoreth said, the primary policy was obtaining wealth from everyone who had it and disagreed with the government. While one could say this "worked", I would not call it a model system or a recipe for economic recovery.
I won't go into depths here as it would be maybe impolite by me as someone who actually understand what I'm talking about...
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