Moriarte's Deity LP (Denmark)


May 10, 2012
Hello again fanatics!

I got myself Bandicam, and a really cheap microphone and recorded a LP video. (yep, it's easy) It's Harald, the mighty, or, rather, Harald, the useless. But, as you will see, he isn't that useless after all, especially, when it comes to pillaging.

I decided to play it in one sitting (took me 10 hours), so you will be getting new episodes pretty rapidly, only limited by my bad internet connection ;)

By accident I assigned Alt button to 'pause' my recording, so there will be few glitches along the way, when I use Alt in game, just because my brain is asleep. Also, I should have been recording each episode (1h long each roughly) starting fresh. What I did is just told bandicam to start a new recording after 1h passes, for ease of upload. So, it flows from one episode to another without interruptions or introductions.

Anyway, I'd be interested to hear your opinions on good types of microphones for this sort of thing (I got Logitech headset H### model for 30 bucks) and any other tips for my future recordings from LP pro's and regular fanatics.


Rules: Standard/Standard Pangaea, no mods, no reloads, no slacking, first map roll - plays, everything else - standard.

I have no idea where to get embedding link, so here is part 1.


Link to video.
"Let's see how tall can she go with this one. I bet above 20."
-Doubted no one ever

Keep up the good work sir :).

EDIT: "She has so much good land to settle."
*Hovers over an expanse of snow.*
Damn man, your humor slays me. I love me some dry, sarcastic wit.
2 culture ruins / one of them in turn 2 really accelerate the early timings (liberty expansion)

Altitude training + ski infantry should make for some lols later..

Other then that you seem to have some close targets on open terrain which doesn't happen as often as I'd like to so expecting to see some early conquest ..

Please consider turning on tile yields and resource symbols for the next ones - more information for the watchers ..
I'd happily exchange a second culture ruin for +1 pop, if i could. :D

In such situation, where i am surrounded by 5 civs, i like to play it nice for a while, otherwise that can end up in some sneak attack. Besides, the land is not that great, and there are no good cities to get early. So, it all depends on what ideas my neighbors have..

Yeah, i'll give it some thought. Icons and yields off give me some kind of immersion feeling. It also makes me visit cities more often to check tiles and everything else, which makes my game play more accurate. But maybe i can compromise and keep them on for a while and then switch them off at some point. Or i can switch them on for short periods of time many times during the game.
This looks interesting! The area might just be a 'powder keg' if one civ looks just a bit off to another. For what it's worth I second the resource symbol on feature, at least on occasion.
Nice, good to see someone go bold with underdog like Denmark and show what it can do.
Why pledge to protect and then "let it slide" ? Every time you say fine whatever to Attila bullying a city state you lose influence with that city state .. Not very congruent with going for consulates ..

I think you should never let bullying slide - the diplo penalties with the bully-er aren't that severe but the loss of influence with the city state is ...
Why pledge to protect and then "let it slide" ? Every time you say fine whatever to Attila bullying a city state you lose influence with that city state .. Not very congruent with going for consulates ..

I think you should never let bullying slide - the diplo penalties with the bully-er aren't that severe but the loss of influence with the city state is ...

I'll get that influence back in 20 or so turns, but, at this stage, happy Attila = peaceful Attila. Later, when i'll have a little more military, consulates functioning, I can start telling them all what I really think. Until then - shadow diplomacy. ;) He is only bullying a couple CS. Not a huge loss.

I believe with us sharing borders (and me having no army) he needs only a little push to divert his terrifying war machine and march towards me. Which will put me in the back seat, as i'll have to skip the science path and go for military techs. What I want - is the opposite. Go as far as I can science wise (or reasonably far), then turn around, and..

That's my logic behind minimizing risk. EDIT: On this map.
Another inconsistent thing..

Early worker steal from AI - sometimes like in your current LP the AI doesn't seem to care (will make white peace like 10 turns later and even DOF) ..

But what happened to me many other times is the AI I stole the worker from goes into Holy War of total cheating mode ... Starts spamming cities all over the map - mostly in my direction - fills the map with advanced units (because with all that spamming he still techs way faster) and with the spare cash from all that unit rush buying it starts buying off each and every city state on the map (like one every 2-3 turns) .. And eventually converges on my location ~ turn 80 with a compact mass of knight units while I still only have composites ...

Sometimes I can hold it (rough terrain//citadels) - even for a long time - but in this situation that AI will always hit flight before me- and then the very next turn with 40+ GWBs knocking on my door (cuz hey hes been keeping a few billions in reserve) is game over ... Its been over since I've stole that worker ...

(and until that this AI in between using 1-2 units per turn to me somehow also manages to snag most world wonders) ..

Hate when that happens - would love some hints on how to prevent that ...
I'll get that influence back in 20 or so turns, but, at this stage, happy Attila = peaceful Attila. Later, when i'll have a little more military, consulates functioning, I can start telling them all what I really think. Until then - shadow diplomacy. ;) He is only bullying a couple CS. Not a huge loss.

I believe with us sharing borders (and me having no army) he needs only a little push to divert his terrifying war machine and march towards me. Which will put me in the back seat, as i'll have to skip the science path and go for military techs. What I want - is the opposite. Go as far as I can science wise (or reasonably far), then turn around, and..

That's my logic behind minimizing risk. EDIT: On this map.

And oh God, do you not want to tick off Attila in the early game.

I HATE having that guy turn up on my border.
About the prophet settling -> could have established a +15% food religion when at peace (for your capital) ...

It would eventually be overridden by AI religion but by then you might be 1-2 higher because of your short term religion
About the prophet settling -> could have established a +15% food religion when at peace (for your capital) ...

It would eventually be overridden by AI religion but by then you might be 1-2 higher because of your short term religion

Interesting thought. On the other hand, settling it can yield a faith GS few turns earlier, once rationalism is done. Or buy an odd pagoda/mosque a bit earlier, than otherwise. But +15% is also worth taking, you're right.

YouTube says next part is due @ midnight GMT+2.
And oh God, do you not want to tick off Attila in the early game.

I HATE having that guy turn up on my border.

With all the headaches this guy brings he has some merits too: he is cheap to bribe and will attack anyone you point the finger at. ;)
Just to let you know, after upload difficulties were resolved, part 10 is up. Part 11 will be up tomorrow.
Hey, just watched the first episode and really enjoying it so far. Any chance you could upload the initial save file? Thanks!
Nope, don't have it, sorry. I will look again in my save folder, but i played few games since, so it must be gone. I'll check again, if i will find it - i will post it.
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