The Tribal Elders of Delphi


Young Padawan
Apr 19, 2005
Between fantasy and reality
Welcome to the Mini team Democracy Game...

Moderator Action: Please see here for an up-to-date version of this post

Spoiler Original Post :
The current state of the nation, henceforth known as The Delphians (Assyria, King difficulty, Small Shuffle map)

VOTING IN PROGRESS- Current Emperor & head of state - Dostayer

In the Gulag
CaesarKyros- General & Land Unit commander
pm4001- Engineer
NKVD- economics and trade
mrkingkong- Science and Naval commander
landlubber- Religion and culture

Honorary Citizens
Mr. Grieves
NKVD (aka Rasputin)

Turn number - 70
(0 turns until next election)

Spoiler :
Leader Roll of Honour:
Founding father (turns 0-20) - mrkingkong the 1st
The second son (turns 20-30) - mrkingkong the 2nd ('the younger')
Settler and warrior (turns 30-40) - CaesarKyros the 1st ('the vanishing')
The iron-fisted (turns 40-50) - NKVD the 1st ('Rasputin, the Iron-Fist')
The revolutionary (turns 50-60) - NKVD the 2nd ('Rasputin, the Iron-Fist')
The most noble dictator (turns 60-70) - dostayer the 1st ('the bloody')

Spoiler :
To make clear for everyone, something resembling a constitution:
The following will take effect from Turn 10 of the game onwards.

TERM OF OFFICE - this will be 5 turns in length. Each term is the period of the game played before the next Council Meeting. After each term, advice is sought and thread updated.

GENERAL ELECTION - for the appointment of the Chief. This will occur every two terms (10 turns), and a single leader may serve no more than four terms (20 turns) consecutively, before a new chief is appointed. This will be by popular demand, most votes wins, and all citizens are eligible. In the case of a tie, current Chief has deciding vote.

ADVISORS - these are appointed by Chief after the election. He has absolute power over which advisors he appoints and when he listens to them. Their roles will be discussed by him/her on appointment.

OVERTHROW - this hopefully shouldn't be a problem early on. This can occur by popular demand after any term, but should only happen in extra-ordinary circumstances at this early stage of the nation.

Other rules
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Obviously, be polite and friendly, despite cut-throat politicking (which is encouraged)
Please update thread and call a meeting every five turns as per constitution
Likewise, please make available the save game on 'losing power'
Please inform the council if you are unavailable for an extended period- we will do our best to temporarily replace you and carry on

Enjoy, and GET INVOLVED :)

The background to this thread:
Spoiler :
Hey guys, so I was rustling around the forums and discovered some failing/half-hearted interest in a Civ 5 Team Demogame.

(for those who have never played a DemoGame before, this is a team game where we vote on decisions and run a civ game vs. the AI together).

I've decided to take it on my own back to start a mini team game of my own to get the ball rolling, with the hope that it will eventually lead to something bigger.

Firstly, set up:

-Shuffle map of Small size (6 players, 12 CS).
-Our leader was randomly allocated (see below).
-Playing on King difficulty (I will readily admit I am not a gifted Civver, and find this to be a good challenge- at this point I should formally apologise in advance for poor decisions, but hope you take them with a pinch of 'whatever, at least we are having fun').
-Standard game pace
-I am running Brave New World (latest patch, etc.)

Without further ado, I present to you myself:

mrkingkong, current self-elected despot and Elder Chief of "The Tribe" (known to some as Assyria).

I am intending to play a few turns at a time, and discuss decision points with my Council of Elders (i.e. you, forumites) before taking action.

After a short period (10-20 turns I should assume) my chief will pass away, and leadership (and control of the save) will pass to some other chief of the tribe (i.e. someone else who has been involved)- at the moment this will be my choice but with the intention of this becoming more democratic if interest is big enough. This is, after all, mainly to generate interest in a larger demogame (probably at a more competitive difficulty).

Of course this means IT IS VITAL YOU GET INVOLVED> PLEASE CONTRIBUTE AND GET INVOLVED!!! I more than welcome it. Thank you :)
So Chief mrkingkong played out the first five turns:

Turn 1 - the people of the Tribe (which still needs a name) settled a city which is temporarily named 'Assur' (new name needed), at the side of a great river.

It is surrounded by fertile lands, useful looking Stone, and plants of Cotton which may become useful in a few years. Grassland and hills quickly turn to Tundra to the south, while away far to the north lay hills full of shiny red metal. The Tribe's warriors spotted signs of an old civilization in the western hills, which turned out to be full of cultural artefacts. The southwest showed water full of fish, and the chief sent his warriors to scout out further from the top of the western hills.

The great thinkers were given the task of finding use for the hills and stones around the city (MINING, then MASONRY queued).

The tribe set to work training a Scout to further explore this new land.

Turns 2 and 3:

The tribe continued in their pursuit of knowledge and the training of the scout.

The Warrior was sent on further exploration to the west, discovering the greatest lake ever seen to the southwest, with an unusual salty taste to it. By the third turn, the braves of the tribe had discovered yet more old ruins in the distance to the west.

Some of the strange horned animals looked like they were edible, as did some of the fluffy animals discovered en route. The source of the salty water appeared to be coming from the plains, where piles of this 'Salt' lay. More cotton and wheat appeared north of the warrior.

Turn 4-

Great joy. The warrior sent into the ruins found a primitive group of people willing to join with the Tribe (increased pop. in Assur).

In addition, to their wonder they discovered a beautiful mountain peak, which seemed to resonate with a godly feel. They were blessed indeed.

Turn 5-

It is decision time. The Council of Elders is convened, and Great Chief mrkingkong requires suggestions on some of the proposals outlined below. At the bottom of this post, the current state of the nation is shown. No further action will be taken until after this meeting.

The proposals:

(1) the name of the nation. 'The Tribe' has suited us until now, but with the possibility of expanding and meeting others, we need a new, more 'modern' name sooner rather than later.

(2) the name of our first city. Some of the commoners are calling it Assur, but we must be able to find something better, being all wise and knowledgeable.

(3) our people require us to shape their culture, guiding their further actions. What policies should we employ, now that we are ready to advance?

(4) Our scout is two turns from readiness- where should he head?

(5) Our thinkers near completion of their work on this 'Mining', but where next? Masonry as planned, or elsewhere?

(6) Any other business? What future direction should we take the Empire? Tell me of your wise words, oh Elders, and I shall listen to your counsel.

(AKA any suggestions going forward?)

Please get involved, and I look forward to hearing from you :)


Spoiler :

I think we should call the city 'Urbs Maxima', literally meaning Greatest City.

I think we should call ourselves The Delphiens

I'm not quite sure, but getting a free settler or worker from liberty is always strong.

The scout shall head north/northwest

Masonry, then possibly Calender for cotton

We could put a settler right of the salt and above the fish on the hill or settle north of the mountain, near the copper.
My thoughts:

Assyria, so domination?

This start looks really great, it's a shame all the cotton is taking up riverside farmland. Due to the sheer production around, we should be able to get out a fair amount of wonders however.

First priority would be to select the stone tile and one cotton to work, so we can get the scout out one turn sooner. After training has completed, construction on a Monument should commence next.

Research-wise I'm a little torn, given Mt. Kailash and the quarry-resources, we really should try to get a religion as soon as possible. Which means we would need to diverge to pottery first. This will also give us the benefit of having an early granary.

It seems like we got a very early culture ruin, which tempts me to open Tradition first. The enhanced border growth will enable working the Quarry resource tiles as soon as possible. In addition, our culture output will be much higher. I agree that our next two policies should be opening Liberty and then Citizenship, to get a worker out as soon as possible.

The warrior should go two tiles northwest, the scout two tiles northeast.
I think we should call the city 'Urbs Maxima', literally meaning Greatest City.

I think we should call ourselves The Delphiens

I'm not quite sure, but getting a free settler or worker from liberty is always strong.

The scout shall head north/northwest

Masonry, then possibly Calender for cotton

We could put a settler right of the salt and above the fish on the hill or settle north of the mountain, near the copper.

I agreed with most things you said though xD

Our religion and culture being based on the Oracle of Delphi might be interesting perhaps, Delphi Nova for the capital or something? Someone on Wikipedia recalls: "Delphi was thought of by the Greeks as the middle of the entire Earth."
I never even considered the Oracle at Delphi.
But if we were going along with that theme, we would call ourselves "Delphians"
All of our cities could be Oracle and Delphi-themed.
I think Delphi should come before Nova, so Delphi Nova.
I think the first settler should go one tile northwest of the sheep, though. It'll potentially have access to salt, 2 fish, sheep, wheat, cows, and cotton. Seeing how this is not necessarily a Pangaea, a coastal trade city could be invaluable.

Chances are somebody else will make it to Mt. Kailash first.
Dang it, I was going to do something similar! Oh well, the world will just have to wait a little longer before they know where Raspur is...

Anyway, mind if I hop in?
Perhaps it might be an idea to set up a Council of Advisors? Some ideas:

We would all get responsibility over a specific element of the game: Diplomacy, Science, Economics, Culture, et cetera. Once elected, an advisor would at least need to issue a counsel regarding their area of expertise, every Term (5 turns). Somewhere along the lines of a law proposal for the next Term.

Any council member may voice their objections, but the choice ultimately lies with the Head of State. If the current Head of State chooses to disregard the respective advisor's counsel, that member may decide to call up a vote.

If this vote passes, despite the leader having more voting power than a regular council member, he or she will be ousted and replaced by whomever requested the vote. After two or maybe four successful Terms, a new Head of State will be chosen by means of a General Election.

Or not :P Maybe something like this?
Guys, brilliant, thanks for getting involved :) and of course, the more the merrier!

I'll get this next 'Term' underway, and my plan after discussion with the small council is thus:

(1) Our great nation, formerly the Tribe, will henceforth be known as the Delphians.

(2) in line with this, our capital shall be renamed Delphi Nova

(3) pretty unanimous advice here- Tradition it is

(4) the scout shall head north/northeast, with further moves to be revised depending upon discoveries. likewise, the warrior will move towards Mt Kailash, and subsequently continue exploration.

(5) thanks for your thoughts- I like the idea of going for the early religion. as a result, I will change to Pottery after mining.

For next meeting
What roles would we like in the Delphian Council people?

I'm thinking it will be easier for the Chief (i.e. me at the mo) to control military & the exploration at the moment (may change if we get into an early war) but the roles proposed by Mr Grieves sound good to me. So I am looking for:

Economics & Growth advisor -- OPEN
Sage & Wise-man (Science advisor) -- OPEN
Culture & Religion Advisor -- OPEN
Chief Engineer (Production advisor) -- OPEN

The fourth will be filled by myself temporarily.

Coming soon (as we grow/get more numbers involved)--
-Foreign Relations
-Governors of Cities
-Commander of armed forces

Again, thanks for getting involved and welcome. :)
To make clear for everyone, something resembling a constitution:
The following will take effect from Turn 10 of the game onwards.

TERM OF OFFICE - this will be 5 turns in length. Each term is the period of the game played before the next Council Meeting. After each term, advice is sought and thread updated.

GENERAL ELECTION - for the appointment of the Chief. This will occur every two terms (10 turns), and a single leader may serve no more than four terms (20 turns) consecutively, before a new chief is appointed. This will be by popular demand, most votes wins, and all citizens are eligible. In the case of a tie, current Chief has deciding vote.

ADVISORS - these are appointed by Chief after the election. He has absolute power over which advisors he appoints and when he listens to them. Their roles will be discussed by him/her on appointment.

OVERTHROW - this hopefully shouldn't be a problem early on. This can occur by popular demand after any term, but should only happen in extra-ordinary circumstances at this early stage of the nation.

Happy with this? :) obviously, this will be revised as we go.
Awesome, it seems everything is pretty much set to go then. Personally, I would like to offer my counsel regarding Culture and Religion for the time being.

Perhaps it might be an idea, to have the first post in this thread offer a brief summary of the most important stats? Like the current council members, the constitution, general rules and so on?
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