The Medmod VI: Still Civ V, only better.


Creator of the Medmod
Mar 14, 2002
Florence, AL.
The Medmod VI for BNW, v.5
Improved AI performance, smoother gameflow, expanded unit line-ups and better overall balance are the aims of this comprehensive mod. (Gods and Kings and the Spanish DLC are also required.)

Note: You can search Steam and subscribe to the mod from there if it's more convenient for you.

AI development and behavior- Settings for roads, land and city development have been set to high. Other changes have been made to deliver healthy, but not runaway, expansion, and better unit choices. Namely, defensive (melee) infantry is set to high, while naval and air unit affinities have been lowered. These and other changes have been made to try and keep the AI from building nothing but air and anti-air units once it has access to them. The priority for Archaeologists has been lowered as well.
Warmonger hatred has been set to 2, out of 10, for all civs, since it is so easy to obtain this epithet. (As it is now, diplomacy completely ends for the rest of the game the first time you declare war and wipe out a civ. Ridiculous.)
AI Loyalty has been set to 8, and deceptiveness to 3, to try and keep the AIs from being forced to declare war on you even when they don't want to. (Don't worry, you'll still get backstabbed once or twice a game.)
I restricted the new settings for the AI feeling crowded so that it won't claim lands 15 or more spaces from its capitals.
I finally got the AI to build armor units instead of anti-aircraft units, which should make a big difference in the late game.
I found a way to get the Kremlin's armor production bonus to work, though my trick didn't work on Stables.

Construction costs- Units and buildings now cost 20% more to build, except for the most basic items such as Monuments and Warriors. This helps to offset the increased production from improved resources given by the mod. This, combined with the new religious and trade structures, means that you rarely run out of things to build, and must make continuous choices between competing needs.
In addition, the costs of modern units and buildings, basically from Great War Infantry on up, have been increased by another 35 to 50 percent, since your production capacity expands so much during this era.

Units and Combat
Stacks- Up to three units may now be stacked on the same tile. The way the AI handles stack combat is both simpler and better than how it was in Civ 4. Once you try it I think you'll really like it. Besides combat, stacking makes it much more convenient to station and move units.
Eras- Eight new unit classes have been added to the game. Every era now has both melee and ranged infantry and mounted units. Unique units have been drafted to fill in the holes in the existing unit lineup, so that no new graphics are needed for the mod.
The new units are Horse Archers (Huns), Mounted Archers (Keshik), Dragoons (Hussars), Tercio (Spanish), Cuirassiers (Hakka.), Fusiliers (Caroleans), Skirmishers (Foreign Legion) and Marksmen (Pracinha). These new vanilla units have been stripped of their unique abilities, so as not to take away from the unique units.
In addition to the new units, Musketmen, Riflemen, Cavalry, Hussars, Legionnaires, Anti-Tank Guns, Pracinha and Gunships are now ranged units.
Also, several units, both unique and vanilla, have been moved to different eras. Please check out the Tech Chart for an overview.
Combat strengths have been modified somewhat to allow for the new units. (Classical Age units are a little less powerful, while Modern Age units are a little more powerful.)
Experience levels reduced from 10 to 7. You now receive bonuses at 7, 21, 42, 70, etc.
Promotions have been raised from 15 back to 20 percent for open and rough terrains, as has the Great General bonus. Naval promotions have also been upped to 20%.
Obsoletion- Except for unique units, units now go obsolete when their immediate successors become available, to keep the AI from continuing to build obsolete units. The exception was made for unique units so that you can have the option of continuing to produce them for their abilities, and immediately upgrade them if you like.

The insertion of stacks into the game means that it is now easier to mass your units and quickly take cities. Therefore, city defense and attack have been strengthened. Walls and the like now give more protection and hit points, city ranged attack strength has been increased by 50%, and garrisoned units now add 25% of their strength to city defense, up from 20%.
Capturing a city only loses 25% of its population.

Mounted units
Mounted units have the Shock I promotion to complement their city attack penalty, to represent their traditional strengths and weaknesses.
Siamese War Elephants have been reduced in strength, but get the Shock 2 bonus to compensate.
Forest Elephants receive the Shock 2 bonus as well.
Camel Archers now have a 50% defensive bonus versus mounted units. (Horses don't like the smell of camels.)
Lancers now receive a flanking bonus ala Hussars.
Comanche Riders and Cossacks are now ranged units, and are somewhat stronger as well.

Horse Archers have no special abilities, while Mtd. Bowmen can move after firing, and Keshiks can now move to avoid melee attacks, making them harder than ever to destroy.
Longbowmen have a 50% defensive bonus versus mounted units. (They used stakes to shield themselves from cavalry charges.) The Longbow's range bonus is now a stat rather than a promotion, so that it goes away when the unit is upgraded.
Barbarian Hand-Axes now upgrade to Composite Bowmen.

Naval units
Later naval units have been increased in strength somewhat, to better withstand bombardment from land units.
Embarked units now have a visibility range of 1.
Battleships now have 5 movement.
Missile Cruisers and Carriers can now carry one more missile and plane, respectively.
Caravels now have 6 movement.
Dromons now have an attack range of 1. (Greek Fire is obviously a short-range weapon.)
Submarines can no longer pillage.
Destroyers have regained their sight bonus.

Barbarian units and camps now spawn somewhat less often.
Gatling and Machine Guns must set up prior to firing, to emphasize their use as defensive units, and both now have a range of 2.
Anti-Aircraft guns and SAMs can no longer attack ground units, and SAMs now require Radar (see tech changes below).
Medic promotions now also heal units in the same tile as the medic.
Landships and Tanks have lost one movement point.
Panzers now begin with the Blitz promotion.
Modern Armor now requires Oil instead of Aluminum, while Rocket Artillery no longer requires Aluminum.
Fusiliers have a bonus versus cavalry due to their bayonets. (Historically, pikemen didn't entirely disappear from the battlefield until the development of the socket bayonet in the 18th century.)
The Longswordsman has been re-named the Man-at-Arms and Cavalry have been re-named Carabiniers.
Legions and Rocket Artillery now have 3 movement.
Peace treaties now last 15 turns, since the AI now declares war more frequently.
Great Prophets now have the Unwelcome Evangelist promotion, and the promotion now takes away a third of the unit's strength per turn. (No longer will Prophets be able to convert your cities with impunity.)
Archaeologists now cost about 40% less.
Merchants now have 4 movement.
Pathfinders cost less, and upgrade to Swordsmen.
Impis now replace Swordsmen, have 3 movement, and ignore terrain movement penalties.
Foreign Legions can now be bought as mercenaries, same as Landsknecht.

Terrain and Growth
Cities now take 25% more food to grow, since the timeline is longer compared to the default game. I also set things so that 90% of the time civs should start the game next to a river.
Flat terrain no longer carries a defense penalty, except for Marsh. Hills now give a 33% bonus to units and a 25% bonus to cities.
Flood Plains now give an extra food, and Forests give +1 prod. and -1 food. (No more wooded hills that give the same output as grassland.)
Oases provide 1 extra food and gold with Aqueducts.
The cost of buying plots has been reduced by 10 gold.
Cities may not claim tiles more than 3 plots away.
Lake Victoria now provides fresh water to surrounding plots.
Snow Hills now give 2 production, same as all other hills.

Resources and Improvements
Undeveloped resources now give a base 1 bonus (Base 1= 1 food, 1 prod. or 2 gold), and improving resources now gives a Base 2 bonus. (Thus an improved resource gives a base 3 bonus versus plain, undeveloped land.) In addition, bonuses have been added where necessary to ensure that each improvement type receives a base 2 total bonus from buildings and/or technology.
Oil Wells and Platforms now give 5 prod.
Towns (Kasbahs) are a new type of tile improvement added to the game. They can be placed on grasslands and plains, and add +1 production initially, and add 1 food when Biology is researched. They also improve tile defense, the same as Kasbahs.
Speaking of Kasbahs, they now add +1 gold with Steam Power, and +1 production with Dynamite. This puts them on par with other types of terrain. Kasbahs can no longer be built on Hills.
Brazilwood Camps give +1 prod. bonus in addition to their gold effect, and a +1 food bonus upon discovering Scientific Theory.
Trading Posts gain 1 gold upon researching Railroads.
Copper is now treated the same as Iron in regards to development and requirement for Forges.
Incense now gives 4 extra gold.
Strategic resource exhaustion penalty reduced to 33%.
Cutting down Jungles now gives a production boost, same as forests, though the bonus is only 75% as big.

The cost of purchasing units and buildings has been reduced by about a third, in order to try and make gold resources more competitive with production tiles. (The old settings had 1 prod. equal to about 3.5 gold, which is way too much.)
Universities now increase science by 50%. Their cost has been raised by 50% as well.
Harbors and Seaports now give 2 culture in addition to their existing effects, to simulate the effects of trade.
Lighthouses now add 2 food to Lake tiles, and can be built in any city.
Opera Houses and Museums give 2 and 3 culture, respectively. Their costs have also been increased.
Observatories can be built in cities 2 spaces away from mountains, same as Mucho Dinero (Machu Picchu).
Courthouse upkeep is set back to 3.
Candies now replace Temples, and lose their Great Person benefit.
Royal Libraries give 15 experience points from the Great Work, up from 10.
Cathedrals give 2 happiness.

Income buildings are now 25% cheaper, since they do not affect trade income.
Markets and Banks now give +2 and +3 gold, respectively, in addition to their normal effect.
Mints now improve Gems as well, so that they are as valuable as gold and silver.
Coffee Houses now give 4 gold.
Ducal Stables gold bonus raised to 2.

Ironworks require a Forge and only give 6 prod., but add 2 prod. to each source of Iron and Copper, so you'll want to build them in cities with multiple sources of these resources.
Windmills and Factories give 3 and 8 production, respectively. Also, Windmills have been moved to Machinery, at a cost of 200.
Factories now add 1 prod. to each source of Coal and Aluminum.
Hydro Plants now give an additional bonus of 1 food to river tiles. (It doesn't seem right that river tile food production stays the same from Civil Service through the end of the game.)

Military Bases now give +15 combat experience. Note that they still require Arsenals.
Airports now require 1 Oil.
Stoneworks can now be built in cities founded on Plains. (I have no idea why that restriction is in the game.)

Colosseums and Zoos give 3 happiness, while Stadiums give 4. (I honestly don't know how you're even supposed to play the game anymore with what's been done to happiness. It's like you're forced to play the game only one way.)
The Garden has been re-named the Public Park. It increases happiness by 3 and is available with Biology. The Zoo picks up the Garden's Great People ability. Note that the Zoo's Great Person effect isn't accounted for in the pop-up that shows the progress rate until Person creation, but I am sure that it is working.
Unhappy growth penalty reduced to 50%, and very unhappy production penalty reduced to 33%.

National Wonders
The required number of buildings has been changed from "all cities" to between 4 and 6, and the increase in cost per city has been reduced by about half. Now expansionist civs should have some chance to build them at a reasonable cost. Note that the code went screwy when I started messing with it, so the number required and cost are only estimates.
The Ivy League, a new National Wonder, has been added to the game. It adds 1 point of output to all Specialists in their given field, similar to what the Statue of Liberty does (except for Merchants, which gain 2 gold). Specialists are now a competitive alternative through the end of the game.
East India Co. is cheaper to construct, and increases trade by an additional 2 gold for both parties. (Wherever I build this, the ai seems to deliberately avoid.)

Broadway and Uffizi's era restrictions have been removed, while the Globe Theatre and Sistine Chapel's civ restrictions have been removed.
Red Fort increases the effect of defensive buildings by 50% and provides a free Arsenal in the city where it's built.

Oligarchy only increases city attacks by 50%.
Philanthropy's effect on gifts increased from 25 to 40 percent.
Commerce beginner now increases Capital income by 100%.
Merchant Confed. now adds 4 gold to the value of city-state routes. (1 gold? Why bother?)
Wagon Trains now add 4 gold to the value of land routes, while Theocracy gives a 30% gold bonus to Temples.
Towns, Chateaus and Brazilwood Camps now gain the same bonuses as Trading Posts upon enacting the Free Thought and Commerce finisher policies.

Ideologies and Resolutions
Order: Univ. Healthcare, Double Agents and Hero of the People are now level 2 tenets, while
Workers' Faculties, Party Leadership and Resettlement are now level 1 tenets.
Autocracy: Militarism and Blitzkrieg are now L1 tenets, while
United Front and Mobilization have been moved to level 2.
Univ. Healthcare now adds 3 happiness from National Wonders.
Hero of the People increases growth rate by 33%.
Scholars in Residence's tech bonus reduced from 20 to 15 percent.
Militarism only adds 1 happiness from Barracks, etc., but Military Bases have been added to the list. Note that Bases also give another 1 happiness with Fortified Borders.

Civ bonuses
English, French and Brazillian Golden Ages now last 50% longer.
The Turks now have a 40% chance of converting land barbarians, ala the Germans (see origin of Janissaries).
Gandhi's population unhappiness bonus has been reduced to 30%.

Tech costs have been increased significantly, from small Ancient-era changes up to a tripling in cost by the Modern Age. I am very pleased with the way that tech progresses now, and I think you will be, too.
In addition, I have switched Ballistics and Flight, as well as Radar and Rocketry. Now you get Machine Guns before Landships and aircraft, which fits in with their historical developments.
I have also changed and added many tech requirements, to keep civs from jumping ahead along a single path, and to try and assure that a unit of a given era cannot be accessed without first getting its predecessor.
The newly-installed science cost increase per city has been reduced by about 25%, in order to try and get the timeline back on track.
Open Borders agreements are now available with Currency.

Growth in the cost of later tiles reduced a little. Again, this has worked out quite well in my games.
Also, culture growth should now acquire hills, forests and flood plains as easily as flatlands, and, hopefully, river tiles easiest of all.

Engineers give 3 prod., and Merchants give 5 gold. (The AI loves specialists, so I gave them more value to match the production of tiles.)

Cultural and Religious CS's now give more culture and faith, respectively.
Also, killing Barbs and gifting units give more influence.

The preferred religion of several civs has been changed to reflect reality, and GG units and the like don't change appearance until the Modern Age, when you actually get Combustion.
I changed the name of the first 10 cities of the Native American civs to that of major tribes such as Oneida (Iroquois) and Apache (Shoshone).
I have written up some historical pieces on the new units added to the game. You may want to check them out in the civilopedia if you're interested in military history.

Great Generals
After some research, I decided to replace several of the GG's in the game, so be on the lookout for Frederick the Great, Wellington, the Duke of Marlborough and others. Also, GG's now have 3 movement and +1 sight, while Great Admirals have 6 movement.

About the Medmod series: The Medieval Mod series started out in 1999 with a small mod to address some issues in the medieval period of the game Civilization: Call-to-Power, and eventually grew to encompass the entire game. As things worked out, I kept the name Medmod for the name recognition not only for that mod, but all my mods. For my work on CtP I and II, I was inducted into the Apolyton HoF a few years back.
Next I went on to the Total War series' Medieval edition, and the Medmod IV, or WesMod as some knew it, again earned me HoF recognition, this time at Since then I have continued to mod games, though none were nearly as big of a project as these early works. The reason I state this is to let you know that you can count on the mod to do what it is supposed to do.


  • Medmod_VI for BNW (v 5).zip
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That is a lot of changes. 0_0 I'm not sure I would like stacks for that is what I didn't like about civ 4. With that said I will give it a try what do I have to lose. :) Does it play well on Marathon my favorite speed?
Impressive. I haven't digested the comprehensive nature of the changes, but I'm a fan of many of the details.

My first thought is: Compatibility with other mods?

Is this "a DLL mod"?

Are there any common/popular mods that you know will conflict?
Yeah, the changes build up over the course of four years and two expansions. Shows what a big game civ is.
Remember that there's nothing forcing you to use the stack feature, though I think you'll like it, if nothing else it lets you move and station units much easier than with 1upt.
I only play on regular speed, though I think the expanded unit lineup will be especially nice for marathon.

I have put a lot of effort into balancing the mod, so I think that you'll be impressed with how well everything works together- item costs, the timeline, etc.
Even though it's comprehensive, it's a text mod, no DLL, and I don't think it will conflict with anything other than another editing mod. Most mods seem to either be DLL mods or expansion mods, so it should be fine. With modbuddy, there is only a conflict if you edit the same exact thing. Even if you did have a conflict, it shouldn't cause a crash or anything.
"Barbarian units and camps now spawn somewhat less often."

The barbarian units are spawning faster than I can kill them. Every time I get the unit near death around 3 to 4 turns another one spawns and swaps places with the unit in the camp. 0_0

Is this a bug or was the spawning less from a higher settings you had before?
"Barbarian units and camps now spawn somewhat less often."

The barbarian units are spawning faster than I can kill them. Every time I get the unit near death around 3 to 4 turns another one spawns and swaps places with the unit in the camp. 0_0

Is this a bug or was the spawning less from a higher settings you had before?

I was referring to the default settings. Sometimes barbs that were already on the board return to the camp when you attack, making it seem like they are spawning rapidly. That, or either your game is set to raging barbs in the advanced setup. I haven't touched this setting in years, so it's not the mod.
Could you release a seperate file for just the ai changes? I would greatly appreciate it.
Could you release a seperate file for just the ai changes? I would greatly appreciate it.

That's not really possible, unfortunately. A lot of the changes I made are in the mod's Leaders file, but other things like the unit choices are spread out amongst different files.
The mod probably contains a couple thousand changes at least, and tracking those down would be like searching for needles in a bunch of haystacks. For anyone reading, take a look at the mod's Units file sometime. I think you'll be stunned at how large it is.
I'm a really bad player, so I doubt my comments would be much use, beyond saying that I like it so far. I've had to drop a level (from King to Prince) compared with Communitas Expansion Pack (which seems to be at a crossroads of development just now). CEP perhaps does a better job of balancing leaders so that they have similar power. It is less likely that one of them will run away with the game, though some of them still seem to go crazy for culture.

Stacks take a bit of getting used to. It's easy to forget that there may be three units where there only seems to be one. Would it be possible to have some sort of number badge on the corner of the icon, like the kind you get on an iPhone to show you have a certain number of emails? You could then see at a glance how many units are in the stack.

Is it intended that buildings in capital don't count towards building counts? Let's say that I have library in capital, city 1 and city 2, but it says that I still need one more library to build national college.

I tried changing the count from 3 to 2 in buildings.xml and then I could build it, but it still doesn't feel natural when buildings in capital don't matter.

(Also, lighthouse in non-coastal cities feels quite ridiculous.)
The number badge is a good idea, but I don't know how you would implement it. You'll get used to the stacks, though. Just get in the habit of hovering your cursor over the stack, and the popup will list all the units on it.

Buildings in the capital should be counted. If you happened to catch it in the readme, I mentioned that the code got screwy when I made these changes, so that the number of preq buildings is only an estimate. I actually thought that you needed 5 or 6 libraries to build the College.

The Lighthouse change is something I made right before I uploaded the mod, so it may not be permanent. I want to get some feedback on it.
The reason I made the change was to make lake tiles more valuable. I play, and love, the new Oval pangea map type, and it's pretty common to get large lakes, which you never use since they only give 2 food. Also, if a city isn't on the coast, but can still claim ocean resource tiles, the lighthouse is quite valuable to have.
I play exclusively on the Communitas map because I like navies to mean something, and it gives huge meaning to the race to be first to cross the ocean rifts and meet the civilizations on the other continent. Not knowing what half the other civs are doing for the first half of the game adds some mystery. It's also more "real world" than Pangaea. Exploration and settlement also become much more meaningful. If you haven't tried it, I would strongly suggest it. Break out of the Middle Ages! Some of the civs start settling every tiny scrap of island, which makes conquest much harder.

Which brings me back to the lighthouse: by all means make it available to a city that is built on a lake shore. But in the middle of a landmass?? Not really logical.

But so far, I like the mod. The changes aren't as drastic as Communitas Expansion Pack, which sometimes goes too far.
I wanted to make the Lighthouse available only on lakeshores, as you said, but there isn't a flag for that. If a city won't benefit from a lighthouse, all you need do is ignore it. The ai seems to make proper use of it, which is something I always keep an eye on.

As far as map type, I did a lot of experimenting back in the day (I have been playing civ since 1993 and civ 1), and found that the Pangaea maps gave the most consistent challenge. This allows me to set the handicap level at just the right level for my current ability. As you say, with a continents-type map you don't know what to expect. For me, this means that I may find that I've wasted my time on a game, since those civs on the other continents may be far behind me. I've also had games where a civ gets a sizable landmass all to itself and runs away with the game. It's all personal preference.
De gustibus non est disputandum

I tend to play England a lot, so Pangaea would be a fairly pointless choice for me. I find that Communitas maps tend to put four civs on one continent and four on another, so there is less chance of runaways.

Agreed about the lighthouses.

I'm still liking the mod. It has a lighter touch than Communitas, which probably changes too many things. But I see I've said that before. Memory and ageing -- gah!
Any time a real whole number is specified for <NumBuildingNeeded> under the <Building_PrereqBuildingClasses> table, the game will double the number entered in the XML to determine how many of the <BuildingClassType> a player will actually have to construct before the building stated in <BuildingType> can be built. The count the game keeps of the required number of buildings does not care one way or the other about the capital. It is merely looking (in your case) for 2 * 2 = 4, or 2 * 3 = 6. Changing the number in <NumBuildingNeeded> 'mid-stream' of a game and then re-loading a save can sometimes have somewhat bizarre results, as I recall from when I experimented with this table to develope my guide.

see link.


The <Building_SpecialistYieldChanges> doesn't actually send entries of Faith or Culture anywhere without an lua add-in to 'catch' these yields and send them from the specialist slots to the city yields box.

see link. Second section of post 49 discusses <Building_SpecialistYieldChanges> table.


I was looking for the readme you mentioned, but never found it in the attachment on your original post.
Wes is there any way you can add flag promotions to your mod? Very helpful tool for the game - and for some lame reason I can't find the mod by itself on steam.
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