New article 24/7

What makes you think it's Hutama rather than Kozlov? It's a white guy in a suit.

For 2 reasons really.

1. After some zooming in, he looks somewhat Asian.
2. Kozlov is a general and this ones clothes are not militaristic.
For 2 reasons really.

1. After some zooming in, he looks somewhat Asian.
2. Kozlov is a general and this ones clothes are not militaristic.

Also in one of the early interviews, Miller mentions how big a fan he is of Yuri Gagarin, and how he based a leader off of him (Obviously General Coleslaw) and that guy isn't very reminiscent of Gagarin at all
Also in one of the early interviews, Miller mentions how big a fan he is of Yuri Gagarin, and how he based a leader off of him (Obviously General Coleslaw) and that guy isn't very reminiscent of Gagarin at all

That's Kozolv's job, Slavic Federation is apparently a meritocracy government, headed the smartest of Eastern Europe with the brightest mind being the head of state. In this case it was General Kozlov who had launched a majority of the probing and supply dropping into deep space.
New article from the Washington Post.
Now, there are some interesting news such as:

1. Siege Worms calling for help.
Five turns in, I'm happily setting up a farm when a massive siege worm -- think of the sandworms from "Dune," but with more teeth -- decides with no provocation to head my way.

Not good. And trying to fight it with my limited resources rather than letting it go on its way meant that I quickly found myself in a war I couldn't win, particularly when it decided I was annoying enough to call a friend over.

2. Spy Satelites are in.

3. The player is encouraged to pursue same Affinity.
Rather than a straight-forward path for new technologies to research, players are presented with a web that encourages you to get a broad base of knowledge that still aligns with your chosen path.
Now this is an extrapolation of mine especially in conjunction with the Japanese article I posted earlier where in the part that was discussing the leveling of Affinities:
but the properties obtained in the affinity of the other is low

This show me that when the player has chosen an Affinity, the game will deter him from chosing another in the tech web, by reducing the bonus he'd get or even producing a malus.
Of course I may be wrong because the translation is awful. :p

If someone knows Japanese, please tell us what it says.
2. The player is encouraged to pursue same Affinity.

Now this is an extrapolation of mine especially in conjunction with the Japanese article I posted earlier where in the part that was discussing the leveling of Affinities:

This show me that when the player has chosen an Affinity, the game will deter him from chosing another in the tech web, by reducing the bonus he'd get or even producing a malus.

I doubt that you actually get an actual penalty for researching another affinity. I think it is just that going deep in a particular affinity with give you lots of cool rewards such as unique units and buildings. So it makes sense to focus on a single affinity so as to maximize your strengths. This would even more true if you are determined to achieve an affinity specific victory condition. But I don't see why the game would punish you for researching outside your affinity.
I doubt that you actually get an actual penalty for researching another affinity. I think it is just that going deep in a particular affinity with give you lots of cool rewards such as unique units and buildings. So it makes sense to focus on a single affinity so as to maximize your strengths. This would even more true if you are determined to achieve an affinity specific victory condition. But I don't see why the game would punish you for researching outside your affinity.

I think it may be because some buildings, units, etc. are only available to those with a certain affinity.

So a Harmony tech may give you
1. Some Harmony points (low usefulness to a Supremacy player)
2. A Unit that only harmony can use (useless to a Supremacy player)
3. A Terrain improvement that is boosted by alien nests (low usefulness to a Supremacy player)
4. some bonus ability (useful to a Supremacy player)

Basically that tech will either be OP for Harmony players or UP for other Affinity players.

So no punishment, except the wasted research points.
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