Witch Plays: Civilization V: BNW


Aug 16, 2014
Hello Everybody!

My name is Mike but I am more commonly known as Witch and I've recently started a channel on YouTube. I am usually playing one Civilization V: BNW game at the time and in addition to it some other games more or less in the strategy genre with few exception. At the moment of writing this post I am playing XCOM with Long War Mod and Nuclear Throne.

For how long I remember I've always been big fan of strategy games, playing a bunch of them, enjoying them greatly. Recently I've came to realization that working, studying, doing all the stuff "grown ups" do, just living normal life, prohibited me from having fun and enjoying gaming. That is why I started my channel, to have an excuse to play and enjoy myself and if in the way of doing so I can entertain you and make you smile and enjoy my playthrough that is an added and very important bonus.

I've begun my journey on Emperor difficulty, now moving onto Immortal and in near future I hope to get to Deity. I am tryiying to give good, informative commentary, explaining my decisions and moves. I am trying my best to be better with each episode and each series. Making better quality videos and better commentary.

I hope that some of You will have a moment to check out my channel, Let's Plays and stick around. :)

Thank you for you time and I hope to see you soon at: https://www.youtube.com/WitchDoctorLP

Every Civ V playthrough is in seperate Playlist, so if you are not interested in other games, you can just follow the Playlists:
Witch Plays: Civilization V: BNW as England (Emperor Difficulty): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMimas_z48JRTHQ3Pwu40Xcet4Vj3q-gh
Witch Plays: Civilization V: BNW as Babylon (Immortal Difficulty): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMimas_z48JQQwK_qLhCKLT8LBC2IVFcR
Witch Plays: Civilization V: BNW as Korea (Immortal Difficulty): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMimas_z48JTcDQa2ph4oDOHq4SXRud4a
Witch Plays: Civilization V: BNW as Aztec (Immortal Difficulty): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMimas_z48JTswoYsfLiLmD2eEj273kGz
Witch Plays: Civilization V: BNW as Venice (Immortal Difficulty): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMimas_z48JQt3b84VMJmOcbnpo3vhgE_ [*NEW*]

Have a nice day!

Hello Everybody!

This evening (6 PM CEST) I am starting new series on my channel. I will be playing Korea on Immortal Difficulty and I hope that it will go way better than my Babylon playthrough. I've done some research and I hope to get to the end with you guys! :)

Here is the link to my channel, where you can get updates on my videos: https://www.youtube.com/WitchDoctorLP

And here is direct link to the Playlist:
Witch Plays: Civilization V: BNW as Korea (Immortal Difficulty): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMimas_z48JTcDQa2ph4oDOHq4SXRud4a

Thank You very much for attention and I hope to see you on my channel!

Hello Everybody!

Tommorow in the evening (6 PM CEST) there will be yet another new series on my channel. I will be playing az Azted on Immortal Difficulty, trying out Honor Opener with Barbarian Farming strategy. I want to begin with some strong culture gain and from there go for standard Tradition opening and preferably Science Victory.
I am really excited to try out something new.

Here is the link to my channel, where you can get updates on my videos: https://www.youtube.com/WitchDoctorLP

And here is direct link to the Playlist:
Witch Plays: Civilization V: BNW as Aztec (Immortal Difficulty): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMimas_z48JTswoYsfLiLmD2eEj273kGz

Thank You very much for attention and I hope to see you on my channel!


PS. If you have any sugestions about my commentary, gameplay, tips to share, ideas etc. Please do not hesitate to post here or under my videos. Thank you in advance. :)
Hey Witch

Watched a couple of your videos and enjoyed them, I like how you explain your decisions and go in depth in terms of tile management.

Map for Korea let's play is cool, not played an Island based map in a while
Hey Zizouplays

Thank you very much for your comment. :)
I really like playing Island maps. I like naval games, the moment I get battleships is the moment my smile could cure cancer or something.
In my opinion it is way easier to expand and take hostile cities with naval force. On the other hand it is also really easy to loose cities in the late game, so high risk high reward scenario in that case I quess.
And also Harbors make connecting your cities way easier and I tend to go for "The Best" city locations, not ones that I'll be able to connect via roads. :)

BTW: My new Aztec Playthrough Episode 1 is up. :) I am going for Honor as my first Social Policy and I will be grinding some barbarians, so I quess it is something new.
You can check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv5R_vB3shI

Yeah I like playing island-type maps too, not done too many since I played Gods & Kings multiplayer as the Carthaginians and crushed everyone, no one wanted to play island maps after lol. I guess their unique ability needed nerfing.

I know exactly what you mean about the battleships, I feel the same way getting subs and aircraft carriers. Playing as the Netherlands in my current series and looking forwards to getting Seabeggars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrFnlpNN32s

Your Aztec series looks like it will make an interesting militaristic game, are you going for a domination victory?
Hey Zizouplays

Oh no, that game shaped up way differently than I expected. I do not want to spoiler much but...
Spoiler :
I got a lone island, no easy way to get rival Civ nearby. So I pretty much had to change my idea of an early war and serious culture game and instead go for standard tradition follow up. I really did not want to go to war with a Civ that pretty much destroyed Poland in just few turns very early on. ;)

Also I am not really keen on militaristic games on Immortal/Deity. It can take ages to actually win. Your rivals are spamming insane number of troops and your normal tactic "use artillery and wait untill they bleed their units out on your firing squad" can be very tedious to execute. :)

I've yet to play as Netherlands, quite curious how do they feel like. Will check it out. :)

Hello Everybody!

I have to say that my new series, playing as Aztec on Immortal difficulty, is going quite well. It was really nice to go and try something new.
We are about one third of the way in and there is plenty of exciting things to come... I hope at least. ;)

Here is the link to my channel, where you can get updates on my videos: https://www.youtube.com/WitchDoctorLP

If you want to jump directly to the latest episode (at the time of posting it is Part 4) you can use this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPngmUDiZEo

And here is direct link to the Playlist:
Witch Plays: Civilization V: BNW as Aztec (Immortal Difficulty): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMimas_z48JTswoYsfLiLmD2eEj273kGz

Thank You very much for attention and I hope to see you on my channel!


PS. If you have any sugestions about my commentary, gameplay, tips to share, ideas etc. Please do not hesitate to post here or under my videos. Thank you in advance. :)
Hello Everybody!

We are getting very close to the ending... Still very tense, very exciting. Counting every turn. We miraculously managed to survive that long without any wars. Other Civilizations fell to ruins but Aztec Empire still thrives! :)

Here is the link to my channel, where you can get updates on my videos: https://www.youtube.com/WitchDoctorLP

If you want to jump directly to the latest episode (at the time of posting it is Part 8) you can use this link: http://youtu.be/6Gyx-eMV7jk

And here is direct link to the Playlist:
Witch Plays: Civilization V: BNW as Aztec (Immortal Difficulty): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMimas_z48JTswoYsfLiLmD2eEj273kGz

Thank You very much for attention and I hope to see you on my channel!


PS. If you have any sugestions about my commentary, gameplay, tips to share, ideas etc. Please do not hesitate to post here or under my videos. Thank you in advance. :)
Hello Everybody!

And we are done! It was very fun game, I hardly ever manage to finish a game without any wars, especially playing as one of the main warmongering bastards. ;) Thanks to everyone who stuck around till the end.
I will be taking few days off, need to sort out some "life" stuff. And after that I am coming back, with a new Civilization and brand new series. :)

Here is the link to my channel, where you can get updates on my videos: https://www.youtube.com/WitchDoctorLP

If you want to jump directly to the latest episode (Final) you can use this link: http://youtu.be/0LhAv2NXGr8?list=PLMimas_z48JTswoYsfLiLmD2eEj273kGz

And here is direct link to the Playlist:
Witch Plays: Civilization V: BNW as Aztec (Immortal Difficulty): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMimas_z48JTswoYsfLiLmD2eEj273kGz

Thank You very much for attention and I hope to see you on my channel!


PS. If you have any sugestions about my commentary, gameplay, tips to share, ideas etc. Please do not hesitate to post here or under my videos. Thank you in advance. :)
Hello Everybody!

I have good news and bad news. ;)

Good news - I am starting a brand new series. I will be playing as Venice on Immortal Difficulty. Really excited. This Civilization has really unique playstyle and it will be quite a challenge for me. First episode will arrive tommorow at 6 PM CET/CEST. :)
Bad news - After first episode I am taking a little break from posting videos and recording. I really need to charge up my batteries. Unfortunately I am running on fumes. ;)

So... That is basically it! Thank you very much for attention and I hope to see you on my channel!


PS. Here is the link to my channel, where you can get updates on my videos: https://www.youtube.com/WitchDoctorLP
Hello Everybody!

I've decided to scrap that one episode completely and re-do it as a full blown series. I am not feeling comfortable going back to a game after such a long time. I prefer to put it one day after another. :)

I believe that it will have better quality if I just sit down and concentrate fully on a game from begining to an end. I will be coming back to Venice on Immortal very very soon!

Thank you very much for patience.


PS. Here is the link to my channel, where you can get updates on my videos: https://www.youtube.com/WitchDoctorLP
Hello Everybody!

Today at 6 PM CET/CEST I will post first part of my new series. I will be playing as Venice. I must say that it was one of the craziest games I've ever played. I won't spoil anything but in my opinion it was totally insane...
I don't want to say "go and watch it" but... You'd be missing out some really intense stuff. ;)

Here is the link to my channel, where you can get updates on my videos: https://www.youtube.com/WitchDoctorLP

And here is direct link to the Playlist:
Witch Plays: Civilization V: BNW as Venice (Immortal Difficulty): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMimas_z48JQt3b84VMJmOcbnpo3vhgE_

Thank You very much for attention and I hope to see you on my channel!


PS. If you have any sugestions about my commentary, gameplay, tips to share, ideas etc. Please do not hesitate to post here or under my videos. Thank you in advance. :)
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