HOF Civ4 Update


Where's my breakfast?
Hall of Fame Staff
Retired Moderator
Nov 28, 2003
The Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated. 35 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to Kaitzilla for the highest score of the update with a Large, Marathon, Deity, Space Colony game for 1718651 points.

kcd_swede was the most active player during this update, submitting 6 games.

Tatran was the most active player during this update, submitting 6 games.

Only 3 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update:
bcool - 905 AD, Large, Marathon, Deity, Space Colony game for 1156995 points
Kaitzilla - 705 AD, Large, Marathon, Deity, Space Colony game for 1718651 points
zbgayumn - 1530 BC, Duel, Marathon, Deity, Conquest game for 54664 points

** On-Going Gauntlets **
G-Major 137 - Space Colony, Deity, Ancient, Large, Marathon
G-Minor 199 - Domination, Monarch, Ancient, Small, Normal, Inland Sea, (check options)

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