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With the Diplomacy Revamp


Sep 26, 2014
Could it be cool to assign missions and quests to other Civs, kind of like Sins of a Solar Empire Does?

For example, missions to kill military units, capture cities, pillage tiles, capture civilians etc. (If you can think of more civil quests, those could be fun too)
perform spy missions in specific cities.

I'm thinking for games against the AI.

A historical example: During the Crimean War, the British and the French teamed up against the Russians to prevent them having a Southern Port.

This mechanism could allow you to coordinate military strategy with the AI, and allow other Civs to coordinate with you. Or at least, just get an idea of what other civs consider strategically important. Give more personality to the AIs.
I would really like this as another diplomacy option, but I think it could be taken a step further.

Imagine if each sponsor, when friendly, had quests it could give you on things it wants or needs with varying rewards - like asking you to clear nests or fight Aliens for them, or to donate something for a bonus.

It may be hard to setup, but it could potentially deepen each faction's individual identity by adding a quirk to how you react to them.

I could also see a system where you can pay a faction for bonuses unique to them.

Like sending Brazilia gold in exchange for troop equipment and training (Soldiers spawn for you.)

Or paying Elodie for some records and bits of Earth culture absent from your colony - for a surge of Culture.
I like those ideas. It would also improve AI itself overall if it started to think in terms of specific goals.
I would really like to have a spy mission like "Kidnap Barre's daugther", then you would have an option to ransom some resources, or automatically gives you 1 favor.
Moderator Action: Moved to Ideas & Suggestions
A brilliant idea but how would the reward system be implemented?

In sins, factions wager resources. So you put resources into a bank, when the quest is achieved the other faction gets them, when the timer runs out you get them back. It could be done that way? You could pay a certain amount of science, production, food, energy per turn into a pool which is transferred to your opponents capital when quest completed, (or back to yours). Plus disposition bonus.

I don't really know whether that would make the quests worth the reward. If you think about, the resources are quite limited. Are you really going to accept 25 turns worth of energy to kill an opponents stuff (or vice versa, pay for that)? The reward system is a challenge, maybe it would be good if it wasn't zero sum (or if it was just purely diplomatic)
You could pay a certain amount of science, production, food, energy per turn into a pool which is transferred to your opponents capital when quest completed, (or back to yours). Plus disposition bonus.
You know what this really tells me? Civ:BE needs to steal the entire marketplace concept. Having a "marketplace" isn't very realistic in Civ because global trade isn't something that happened we were able to ship things quickly around the planet... but in BE?

It could really fit, have a market place where factions could ask for resources and offer some sort of payment instead of going from diplo screen to diplo screen. In addition, stations could participate in the marketplace as well, making them a lot more useful.

Unlike SoaSE, however, the market shouldn't be "limitless" (as long as you have enough money, you can buy as much as you want), but have a per-turn cap on it depending on some percentage of the total global production (think of it as private companies running part of the market as well).
You know what this really tells me? Civ:BE needs to steal the entire marketplace concept. Having a "marketplace" isn't very realistic in Civ because global trade isn't something that happened we were able to ship things quickly around the planet... but in BE?

It could really fit, have a market place where factions could ask for resources and offer some sort of payment instead of going from diplo screen to diplo screen. In addition, stations could participate in the marketplace as well, making them a lot more useful.

Unlike SoaSE, however, the market shouldn't be "limitless" (as long as you have enough money, you can buy as much as you want), but have a per-turn cap on it depending on some percentage of the total global production (think of it as private companies running part of the market as well).
This is true, it really could work!

However, the Missions in SoaSEL:Rebellion are a different mechanic completely. In Rebellion, iirc, you set a bounty on kill 10 Advent Loyalist ships, pay the bounty, and send the quest to another faction. If that faction completes your mission, they get the bounty and a disposition boost, if that faction does not complete your mission I'm pretty sure your resources get returned.

I do think it would be a better way of conducting trade (although, part of the advantage of trading via diplomacy is finding out how well disposed to you other civs are), however it's not quite what I'm talking about. Similar and highly related (and yes, sending you resources could be a quest in itself)
I like that idea of a marketplace in BE, where things could theoretically go up and down in value based on how much sponsors were buying/ selling them.
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