Community Balance Patch Mods Compatibility


Salientia of the Community Patch
Nov 7, 2012
Somewhere in California

Community Patch Mod Compatibility
Turns these mods created by their respective owners balanced and compatible with the Community Patch. Requires the Community Patch. The CBP and CSD otherwise, are recommended if you want to enable more! It's also not just turning mods to be compatible. It also includes some missing thematic features!

-Balance Doctrine-
All of these mods have been retrofitted from static modifiers to citizen modifiers. An example would be you will no longer be seeing culture modifier but rather culture per citizens instead when you download this mod. Some mods have also been updated to add in new features in which the old mod couldn't implement due to "not" being compatible with the Community Patch.

All of the designs of CPMC has been balanced thoroughly(although you may request if something needs to be changed). The designs has all been flavored accordingly so that the AIs may pick them up when it is necessary. They are also compatible throughout the Community Patch updates as long as no major features are changed.

CPMC is also component-wise. Added with a CompatibilityOptions.sql, users may change if necessary to their preferences.


  • Better balance for the supported mods below.
  • A large amount of more diplomacy text responses.
  • A customization CompatibilityOptions.sql which provides directions in how to disable one of the component of the CPMC you do not like! If you downloaded one of those that is.

Spoiler More Process :

  • Automatically included!
What More Process includes:
  • Includes Prayer, a process unlocked at Philosophy that converts 35% of your Production to Faith.
  • Includes Propaganda, a process unlocked at Radio that converts 10% of your Production to Tourism.
  • Includes Prosperity, a process unlocked at Globalization that converts 20% of your Production to Golden Age Points.

Spoiler More Religious Beliefs :

  • Automatically included!
What More Religious Beliefs includes:
  • Follower Belief Atash allowing Atash to be purchased with Faith. Granting +2 Culture, +2 Faith, 10% of a City's Faith is converted to Science. +3 Tourism unlocked at Acoustics. Reduces Boredom. Based on Zoroastrianism.
  • Follower Belief Aul allowing Aul to be purchased with Faith. Granting +2 Faith, +2 Great General Points, +1 Food to Camps, Plantations, and Pastures. +2 Tourism unlocked at Theology. Reduces Poverty. Based on Tengriism.
  • Follower Belief Gurdwara allowing Gurdwara to be purchased with Faith. Granting +3 Faith. Reduces Boredom, Distress, Illiteracy, and Poverty. 1 Great Work of Music slot. Based on Sikhism.
  • Follower Belief Jinja allowing Jinja to be purchased with Faith. Granting +2 Faith, +3 Great Admiral Points, +1 Faith to water tiles. Reduce Distress. 1 Great Work of Art slot. Based on Shintoism.
  • Follower Belief Xuemiao allowing Xuemiao to be purchased with Faith. Granting +2 Faith, +20% Great People Generation, 1 Great Work of Literature slot. +10 Instant Science when a GP is expended scaling with era. Based on Confucianism.
  • Reformation Belief Food for Thought granting the ability for grocers, hospitals, and medical labs to be purchased with Faith and grant +5 Food to these buildings.
  • Reformation Belief Opium of the People granting the ability for circuses, zoos, and stadiums to be purchased with Faith and grant +5 Golden Age Points to these buildings.

Spoiler Pontoon Bridge Compatibility :

What PBC includes:

  • Pontoon Bridge grants a promotion that is lost on movement. It is granted when a unit is on a Pontoon Bridge, and currently then grants no combat penalty with amphibious attacks, +10% Cover from all ranged attacks, but -25% combat penalty when attacking toward cities.
  • Pontoon Bridge now grants +1 Gold and +1 Culture to the surrounding

Spoiler Building - Upgrade System Compatibility :

What BUSC includes:
Artist/Writer/Musician Tower|+1 culture for every 5 citizens in the city and +1 respective Great Artist/Writer/Musician slot and +1 respective GP point.
Amphitheater Upgrade|+1 culture for every 20 citizens and +1 Writer Slot
Opera House Upgrade|+1 culture for every 10 citizens and +1 Musician Slot
Museum Upgrade|+1 culture for every 6 citizens and +1 Artist Slot
Granary Upgrade|+2 food and +1 food for every 10 citizens.
Aqueduct Upgrade|+20% of the food of the city is added to the current food total every time the city gains a citizen.
Hospital Upgrade|+5 food and +1 food for every 10 citizens.
Barrack Upgrade|+7 XP to all units.
Armory Upgrade|+8 XP to all units.
Military Academy Upgrade|+10 XP to all units.
Wall Upgrade|+3 Defense and +15 HP also improves land and naval trade routes distance by 10% and 5% respectively.
Castle Upgrade|+4 Defense and +20 HP also improves land and naval trade routes distance by 20% and 10% respectively.
Arsenal Upgrade|+5 Defense and +25 HP also improves land and naval trade routes distance by 30% and 15% respectively.
Military Base Upgrade|+6 Defense and +30 HP also improves land and naval trade routes distance by 40% and 20% respectively.
Library Upgrade|+20% of the city's science output per every new citizen birth!
University Upgrade|+1 science for every 6 citizen and +1 scientist slot.|Each 4 citizens add +1 gold maintenance!
Public School Upgrade|+1 science for every 7 citizen and +1 scientist slot.|Each 3 citizens add +1 gold maintenance!
Laboratory Upgrade|+1 science for every 8 citizen and +1 scientist slot.|Each 2 citizens add +1 gold maintenance!
Workshop Upgrade|+1 production for every 4 citizen and +1 engineer slot.|Each 5 citizens add +1 gold maintenance!
Lighthouse Upgrade|+1 food to all coastal tiles.|Each 2 citizens add +1 gold maintenance!
Caravansary Upgrade|Receive a Tourism boost equal to 2% of your current Empire-wide culture per turn when a Land Trade Route originating here and targeting another Civilization is completed.
Harbor Upgrade|Receive a Tourism boost equal to 2% of your current Empire-wide culture per turn when a Sea Trade Route originating here and targeting another Civilization is completed.
Market Upgrade|+1 gold for every 20 citizens and two merchant point.
Bank Upgrade|+1 gold for every 16 citizens, one merchant slot and two merchant point.
Stock Exchange Upgrade|+1 gold for every 14 citizens, two merchant slot and two merchant point.

Industrial Buildings Pack Compatibility!
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What IBC includes:
Textile Mill|+3 production to the city and +1 production to Sheep, Silk, Cotton|Requires Sheep, Silk, or Cotton.
General Store|+2 food, +1 food to bananas and citrus tiles, +1 food for every 10 citizens and +10% of the food output of this city is added to the total food when a new citizen is born.|Requires a market built.
Chemist|+2 science, +1 science for every 10 citizens, +10% of the research output of this city is added to the total research when a new citizen is born.|Requires a university built.
Ranch|+2 production, +1 food and +1 gold to sheep, cows, and horse tiles.|Requires a stable built.
Industrial Mine|+3 production and +3 Coal.|A maximum of three can only be built and only nearby a mountain.
Coastal Battery|+4 defense and +25 HP.|Can only be built if city is coastal and also requires an arsenal built.

Brazilwood Camp Extension Compatibility!
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What BCEC includes:

    • Brazilwood Camp available to all Civilizations!
    • Brazil is granted a UB: Jesuit Church, a replacement of the Garden.
Jesuit Church|+25% Great people generation, +1 Faith, and also provide +1 Culture on Jungle tiles. The city also does not need to be next to a river to be constructed.|+2 gold to citrus and cocoa tiles.

Moai Extension Compatibility!
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What MEC includes:

    • Moais available to all Civilizations!
    • Polynesia is granted a UB: Marae, a replacement of the Temple.
Marae|+2 faith, +1 culture to ocean tiles, +1 Great Work of Art or Artifact Slot. Reduces religious unhappiness by -25%.|+1 gold and culture to incense and wine tiles.

Polder Extension Compatibility!
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What PEC includes:

    • Polders available to all Civilizations!
    • Fixes a tooltip issue with CBP's Polders. (Gazebo won't look at this. :pat:)
Polder Mills|+3 food, +2 production, +1 culture, +25% building modifier.

Kasbah Extension Compatibility!
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What KEC includes:

    • Kasbah available to all Civilizations!
    • Morocco is granted a UB: Riad, a replacement of the Garden.
Riad|+25% Great People Generation, +1 happiness, and +1 Culture to all desert tiles. The city also does not need to be next to a river to be constructed.|+2 gold to citrus and cocoa tiles.

Terrace Farm Extension Compatibility!
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What TFEC includes:

    • Terrace Farms available to all Civilizations!
    • Inca is granted a UB: Stone Temple, a replacement of the Temple.
Stone Temple|+2 faith, +2 culture, +1 Great Work of Art or Artifact Slot, reduces religious unhappiness by 25%.|+1 culture and gold to wine and incense.

Chateau Extension Compatibility!
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Spoiler :

    • Do not activate the Chateau Extension or any other mod that replaces the Chateau in the France Civilization.
    • Activate the CPMC and enjoy!
What CEC includes:

    • Chateau available to all Civilizations!
    • France is granted a UB: Palais, a replacement of the castle.
    • Palais yields +9 Defense, +90 HP, +5 culture, and +1 food for every 10 citizens for no maintenance.
Palais|+9 Defense, +90 HP, +5 culture, and +1 food for every 10 citizens

Neolithic Wonders Compatibility!
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What NWC includes:

    • All Neolithic Wonder produces +2 tourism upon discovering Archaeology.
Barnenez|+2 production, +1 culture. +1 production for every 5 citizens.
Ggantija|10% growth in all cities and +1 faith.
Newgrange|+3 faith, +1 faith for every 5 citizens.
Skarabrae|+2 food, +1 food to cow and sheep tile. +1 food for every 10 citizens.

Spoiler National Wonders Collection Compatibility :

What NWCC includes:
National Sea Academy|+25 XP to naval units. +15% production toward sea units. Spawn a free admiral.|Requires a harbor.
National War Academy|+20% Great General generation. Free arsenal. +15 XP to land units, +15% production toward land units.|Requires a national population of 65 and an armory.
National Air Academy|Grants evasion promotion to all air units, +25% production toward air units.|Requires a national population of 75 and a military academy.
Hydroelectric Company|Grants +1 gold, +2 research, +2 production to all cities.|Requires a national population of 80.
Central Bank|Provides +2%(max 8%) from mutual open borders agreements.|Requires a national population of 70, bank and a capital city status.
Central Station|+10% gold and all roads are transformed into railroads.|Requires a national population of 70.

Strategic Building Compatibility!
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What SBC includes:
School of Equestrian Art| +2 culture, +2 tourism, +1 happiness and culture for every stable.|Requires one horse and 100 national population.
Racing Course|+1 happiness, +1 gold to all horse tiles.|Requires two horses.
Steel Mill|+4 production, +2 production to iron tiles.|Requires two iron.

    • Ironworks now additionally require one iron resource while giving +1 production to all iron tiles in the city.

Motte-and-Bailey Fort Compatibility!
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What MaBFC includes:
Motte-and-Bailey Fort|+20% defensive strength, deals 10 damage to adjacent enemies, can only be built inside friendly territories. May function as a coastal fort.|+1 production with Engineering, +2 culture with Archaeology and +1 gold if on a city connection.

Unique Policy Buildings Compatibility!
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Spoiler :

    • Do not activate the Unique Policy Building mod by thecrazyscotsman.
    • Activate the CPMC and enjoy!
What UPBC includes:

    • All buildings are unlocked in the Ancient Era as long as you have the required policies opened.
Saunas|+1 food and +1 culture, additional food and culture for every 6 citizens.|Requires Tradition.
Town Council|+1 culture. +1 production for every 4 citizens. -10% cultural and gold cost of tiles.|Requires Liberty.
Stronghold|+10 XP to ONLY land and naval units. +3.5 Defense and +40 HP.|Requires Honor.
Parochial School|+1 science and +1 faith. +1 science for every 6 citizens and +1 faith for every 3 citizens.|Require Piety. Has a production cost of a medieval era building.
State Embassy|Produces +1 world congress vote(vary on gamespeed), 1 civil servant slot, +1 great diplomat point, +2 science, gold, and culture.|Requires Patronage. building. National Wonder.
Memorial|+4 culture. +1 tourism for every 5 citizens.|Requires Aesthetics.
Depots|+1 production and +1 gold for every 4 citizens.|Requires Industry.
Botanical Garden|Provides +3 of all yields.|Requires Imperialism.
Patent Office|+3 science and +1 gold for every 9 citizens.|Requires Rationalism.

Medieval and Renaissance Compatibility!
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What MRC includes:
Apothecary|+1 food, +1 science, +1 food for every 10 citizens. Adds +10% of the city's science output to the total science when a new citizen is born.
Alchemist|+1 science to various metal resources.
Blacksmith|+1 production, +1 production for every 10 citizens.|+10% production toward melee, mounted, siege, and archer units.
Printer|+1 culture, tourism, and science. +1 culture, science, and tourism for every 10 citizens in the city.
Sewer Systems|Provides food upon a new citizen being born depending on your food output.|Isn't exactly the same as carrying over food.


Q. Why can't I use Chateau by BlouBlou or Unique Policy Buildings by thecrazyscotsman?
A. They're installed automatically.
Q. Can I have none of these supported mods installed and still have this mod work?
A. Of course, the Chateau and Unique Policy Buildings have already been incorporated into the mod. Be sure to delete those.
Q. Can I have some of the mods installed and have some of them not installed?
A. Of course!
Q. This "thing" isn't balanced.
A. Not a question, but make sure to explain the reasoning why it isn't balanced.
Q. I found a bug.
A. Okay report it..?
Q. When will you do Feitorias?
A. Never. AIs will overcrowd city-states with feitorias, it's ridiculous.

Feedback is appreciated.
Last edited:
I was surprised to see this, so I've compiled BLD - Upgrades.xml into a more balanced version suitable for CBP. In order to avoid claiming ownership of BlouBlou's patent on his mod, the installation step to having this balanced building upgrade system is:
  • Subscribe to the mod: Building Upgrade System
  • Locate the file: C:\Users\...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Buildings - Upgrade System (v 12)\BLD - Upgrades.xml
  • Open the file with a notepad editor.
  • Copy and paste this Building Upgrade System Compatibility into the XML document replacing everything in the XML document.
  • Save the XML document and launch Civilization 5 with the mod hopefully balanced.

Differences to the Building - Upgrade System Compatibility
  • Does not support any other language beside English unfortunately. :blush:
  • Walls, Castle, Arsenal, and Military Base Upgrades extends your land and naval trade routes by 25% for each of them built respectively (maximum 100%). This is to compensate for their lacking sense of "+50% functionality" rule since they needed reduction in their city health and defense increase as this would make early domination challenging.
  • Reflavored some of the buildings properly due to changes.
  • Amphitheater Upgrade will now contain one writer slot.
  • Opera House Upgrade will now contain one musician slot.
  • Library Upgrade will no longer contain one scientist slot and will also produce 1 science for 10 citizens.
  • Broadcast Tower and Museum will now contain one artist slot.
  • Reworked some of the upgrades' production cost to make sure they fit with the changed original building's cost in the CBP
  • University will have a 10%(was 17%) science modifier and Broadcast Towers 10%(was 17%) culture modifier.
  • Aqueduct now carries over 5% of the food rather than 10%.
  • Barrack and Armory upgrades grants more experience than the Military Academy upgrade counterpart. (3 exp difference really)

Feedback is appreciated. And of course, All credits is credited to BlouBlou.

Among those changes, the % are harsh. CBP doesn't have pretty much any %. Everything is flat. Sometimes pop-related. But that's it. So, university and broadcast towers probably need a touch.
Among those changes, the % are harsh. CBP doesn't have pretty much any %. Everything is flat. Sometimes pop-related. But that's it. So, university and broadcast towers probably need a touch.

You are probably right. Changes now updated.
It's a little hard to read what the upgrades do when reading from the pastebin text, maybe put the changes in a post to make it easier? Also, is there any thought to UB upgrades? I'd wager they don't need them due to being better but all the other buildings were upgraded.

It's cool that you updated the mod regardless, I remember liking it back then but due to the incompatibilities it wouldn't work.
It's a little hard to read what the upgrades do when reading from the pastebin text, maybe put the changes in a post to make it easier?
Also, is there any thought to UB upgrades? I'd wager they don't need them due to being better but all the other buildings were upgraded.
This is a hassle to make the building upgrade system compatible with since you would have to make a 3rd unique component for civilizations for such that would have a UB to upgrade. Since building an Ikanda allows you to build a "Barrack - Upgrade" anyway, I see no reason to make unique building upgrades of course. :mischief:

It's cool that you updated the mod regardless, I remember liking it back then but due to the incompatibilities it wouldn't work.
Yeah, I'd rebalanced the buildings to have more of a stable infrastructure system in real life. An example would be having a better opera house could allow you to full-time hire a musician to play on the house etc.
Oh, wasn't aware that it still gave an upgrade for UBs. Thank you for putting that down.
It still show % bonuses. Some even greater than earlier.

My bad forgot to update the pastebin, now almost all cultural and science buildings should output their respective yield based on population. :crazyeye:
So if this is working properly, will somebody post an archive of the files in their appropriate configuration please? It looks really cool. My favorite feature is the textile mill. It is a building that can be either not used, useful, or extremely empowering depending on your city location. Maybe you could upgrade the stone works for more art as well, like statues?
So if this is working properly, will somebody post an archive of the files in their appropriate configuration please? It looks really cool.
It should definitely be working because I've been using it for 3 games already without a problem. Should also be savegame compatible IF you had these mods loaded on the saves already since it does not add or remove any game cache.

However, I will upload a file for easier installation.

However, if this compatibility pack goes successfully. I might include a More Luxury compatibility standalone with the pack.
All CBP buildings. Bold are buildings not affected by BUSC (judging by your changelog).
Spoiler :

Chancery-Wire Service
Constabulary-Police Station
Recycling Center
Civilized Jeweler's Office

TwoKay Foods Office

Aqueduct-Grocer-Hospital-Medical Lab

Stone Works
Wind Plant/Hydro Plant
Spaceship Factory
Firaxite Materials Office
LandSea Extractors Office

Forge-Workshop-Factory-Coal Plant/Solar Plant/Nuclear Plant

Market-Bank-Stock Exchange
Trader Sid's Office

Library-University-Public School-Research Lab

Giorgio Armeier Office

Amphitheater-Opera House-Museum-Broadcaster Tower


Hexxon Refineries Office
Barracks-Armory-Military Academy

Bomb Shelter
Walls-Castle-Arsenal-Military Base


I think upgrades also should provide 1/10 or 1/5 of the value to related unhapiness reduction the base building provides.
Regarding corporations offices - if you plan to cover them in your patch, make that only the base yield would be upgraded (aka +yield on resources), but the franchise part is tied to the base building.
As of extension mods, better move UBs around so there would be as little UB overlaps between CBP civs as possible. Also UIs were made with one civ in mind and so are much more powerful. Kasbah, for example, is a straight up nerf to Morocco.
EDIT: I didn't use BUS before and thought that upgrades are infinite and limited only by maintenance. Turns out each building can be upgraded only once, so I think both parts of the offices being upgraded won't be bad.
Chancery-Wire Service
Constabulary-Police Station
Recycling Center
Would be hard to balance if you had more GP production and early production building upgrades in the game. Building an upgrade for chancery-wire service requires City-State Diplomacy mod, I want the mod pack to be as versatile as possible therefore I didn't wish to make upgrades for those two. Constabulary-Police Station upgrades would be heavily strong and makes spying impossible. Recycling Centers are "limited" national wonders and therefore cannot have an upgrade. Airports would be too strong if you could transport more units.

Aqueduct-Grocer-Hospital-Medical Lab
I would need to ask where Gazebo keeps his art files to upgrade the bolded buildings.

Stone Works
Wind Plant/Hydro Plant
Spaceship Factory

Forge-Workshop-Factory-Coal Plant/Solar Plant/Nuclear Plant
I won't mostly interfere with the production line for now.

Market-Bank-Stock Exchange
The BUS Mod Compatibility was made in mind to help maintain mass gold incomes in the late game. Adding these upgrades would get you into big cash by the industrial era. However, I might experiment with these upgrades in having huger maintenance in exchange for percentage gold based on population beneficial for extremely tall civilizations.

Library-University-Public School-Research Lab
In the late game where research is very high. Adding in a flat-modifier would be dangerous for public school and research labs upgrade. However, adding in a population-modifier would already be negligible due to the fact that most of your cities should be heavily populated. This would mostly help wide civilizations with illiteracy unhappiness problems. However, I will attempt to think of a way to work around this using .sql files to help reduce illiteracy modifiers by a negligible amount of course.

I am definitely not going to upgrade tourism and happiness buildings due to the huge balance diversion in the game.

Bomb Shelter
Trying to make :nuke: nukes still a danger of course. I don't see how you can upgrade a bomb shelter in real life anyway. :crazyeye:

I have no comment for this because I am currently using the sea improvement mod(really helps, might balance however accordingly) to compensate for their lack of upgrades.

I think upgrades also should provide 1/10 or 1/5 of the value to related unhappiness reduction the base building provides.
I don't believe the game accept decimals in the XML data and therefore lowest possible would be 1% which would really help with happiness once you start getting all the upgrades in the late game.

Regarding corporations offices - if you plan to cover them in your patch, make that only the base yield would be upgraded (aka +yield on resources), but the franchise part is tied to the base building.
I have no intention on getting upgrades for corporations since players most often gets bug related to corporations as I have seen in the bug report section and decided it wouldn't be worth it if my mod caused some problems with Corporations as well. :sad:

As of extension mods, better move UBs around so there would be as little UB overlaps between CBP civs as possible. Also UIs were made with one civ in mind and so are much more powerful. Kasbah, for example, is a straight up nerf to Morocco.
I prefer to think of it as Kasbah as a buff to Morocco since he can now build forts and kasbahs now and have a unique building that grants him culture for building kasbahs in desert tiles? Yes please. However, most people don't seem to recognize the production difference between the unique buildings and the real buildings. (Riad has a huge production reduction compared to the garden). So, Riad now has a +1 happiness buff from now on to have the same production cost as the garden.
I have no comment for this because I am currently using the sea improvement mod(really helps, might balance however accordingly) to compensate for their lack of upgrades.

Can you please tell me which specific mod is to take a look, thanks.
(v 2)
  • Chateau Extension has been added! (Be sure not to subscribe to the Chateau Extension as this has been made separately)
  • Better installation via subscription to Steam Workshop!
  • A whole load of balances. You should rarely have a gold influx in the late game anymore.

New update, not savegame compatible.
Do we just need to download your mod to the mod folder and choose the Community Balance Patch mods compatibility when we are choosing mods for a game? Or are we meant to have the individual mods there too and select them?
Or are we meant to have the individual mods there too and select them?

This. If you don't have the selected mods activated, then nothing will happen and the game continues normally.
This. If you don't have the selected mods activated, then nothing will happen and the game continues normally.

Sorry I meant to say also - Does your mod supply the other mods? Or do we have to subscribe to them from the workshop? I had the mods already, but then deleted them. But I have had problems with the steam workshop in the past, where mods I delete will redownload themselves for some odd reason. Or does it not really matter? As long as I have the Classic and Industrial building packs and the building upgrade pack, and your compatibility mod selected, I should be good right? :lol:
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