Having many broken ideas is better than just having one, and it's impossible to weigh them against each other without extensive public testing (see: Starcraft). The Benthic Augur is very nice, but without Al Falah's leveraged power plus the agreements and a centralized trading route setup to distribute the food, it's not broken. Arguably, given the limited benefits of large cities, it's not broken even then.
Centralized trading networks is what makes Al Falah strong, but I think the TRs are a little insane in BERT. Release BE had maybe 3 per city - and the Autoplant flavor choice of how you want to play. With a centralized growth plan on any Civ, you could get something like 6 in your capital and 4 or so in every other city. It's a lot less in-your-face about is thanks to automation, but it's more powerful than it was at release. Slower, too, since you can't buy the trade depot - that was a reasonable scale-back.
On the plus side, I don't think you need any of that to keep up.