I really appreciate the well written guides you have provided, this one included. I will say that I'm a little annoyed: every time I read one of your guides I have to go try that civ. Now my kids will go without dinner or clean clothes. "Daddy has to conquer the Inca, guys!"
Appreciate the info on Berber cav. I didn't realize how powerful they could be (60 combat strength when at home and standing on desert is outstanding). I also hadn't payed attention to the math, but my first two or three trade routes from a generic civ typically net me about 4 gpt. On deity/immortal, I am typically looking for science anyway, so it's well worth it. However, sending early trade routes for nearly double the income is incredible when you have an eye toward rushing four cities and the NC. The bottleneck for me is always the last two libraries. I can save for one usually, but it means that I then have to decide between delaying a fourth city (and watching the Iroquois settle the spot) or putting in a fourth city and making my peace with the fact that the NC will have to wait an extra 20 turns or so. With early trade routes running at +3 gpt, you really only need one other source of income (a horse or iron deal with the AI for instance), and rush buying the final two libraries is not a problem.
Well, time to go load up deity Morocco and give it a whirl. I'll do the taxes later.