Has Modern Feminism aka 3rd and 4th wave Feminists jumped the shark?

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Jan 25, 2016
Do feminist women think logically, do they most dredd being left-out, do they fear being non PC and why are western feminists silent about how Islam treats women? There seem to be a glaring division still existing in modern feminisms, the modern Western woman does not seem to care so much about women getting stoned to death in the Islamic world but will quickly criticize the Western man. Criticising Islamic attitudes to women increasingly comes under the remit of ‘hate speech’, it gives a thumbs up to death threats against South Park toonists or makes some British throw the troublesome Author Rushdie to the Islamist hyena and wolves, it provokes reactions as the Danish Iranian artist Firoozeh Bazrafkan found. This happens despite calls for intersectionality: the traditional divisions of the “Western” and “Middle-Eastern” or African Arab worlds. Feminism and the radical Islam connection is the problems with applying Western feminist values to Non-Western cultures and the fear of not calling our barbaric practices because of say 'tolerance' or multi-culturalism'. And this division is exacerbated by the Western response to the “plight” of Muslim women who are beaten to death for simply been accused, the western woman does not seem to understand she is helping import more jihadists and more female genital mutilation and other problems which will put huge pressure on social systems, hospitals and Western society. Although feminists should speak out against practices that infringe on the rights of women, when they are given the chance criticise other cultures they do not do it possibly out of fear or political correctness. Why do so few so-called 'feminists' ever dare criticise Islam, maye to see why, look at the ones who do, the Arab Atheists, Apostates and Ex-Muslims....and will this small demographic have any influence on the US election?

I would also ask why there is a sudden decline in America in regards to marraige, why do you see lesser weddings between the Western man and the Western woman?
Why are Western males waiting later to marry, they are avoiding marraige or do it when older?
and when they do marry they in larger numbers marry some girl from say Solvakia, Thailand, Russia, Argentina, Colombia, Phillippines, Asia S.America and Eastern Europe maybe. There is chance you can simply blame it on PEOPLE, on society and that women AND men have become more shallow, we have seen it happen in our lifetime.

'Women Destroy Civilizations': Holy ***, the guy who made a Part 2 for that
this vid is pretty much a shocker, not sure I agree with all of it

Link to video.
some strange and disturbing truths and crimes and reality of the islamist immigration to be found in the video
Do feminist women think logically, do they most dred being left-out, do they fear being non PC and why are western feminists silent about how Islam treats women? There seem to be a glaring division still existing in modern feminisms, the modern Western woman does not seem to care so much about women getting stoned to death in the Islamic world but will quickly criticize the Western man. Criticising Islamic attitudes to women increasingly comes under the remit of ‘hate speech’, it gives a thumbs up to death threats against South Park toonists or makes some British throw the troublesome Author Rushdie to the Islamist hyena and wolves, it provokes reactions as the Danish Iranian artist Firoozeh Bazrafkan found. This happens despite calls for intersectionality: the traditional divisions of the “Western” and “Middle-Eastern” or African Arab worlds. Feminism and the radical Islam connection is the problems with applying Western feminist values to Non-Western cultures and the fear of not calling our barbaric practices because of say 'tolerance' or multi-culturalism'. And this division is exacerbated by the Western response to the “plight” of Muslim women who are beaten to death for simply been accused, the western woman does not seem to understand she is helping import more jihadists and more female genital mutilation and other problems which will put huge pressure on social systems, hospitals and Western society. Although feminists should speak out against practices that infringe on the rights of women, when they are given the chance criticise other cultures they do not do it possibly out of fear or political correctness. Why do so few so-called 'feminists' ever dare criticise Islam, maye to see why, look at the ones who do, the Arab Atheists, Apostates and Ex-Muslims....and will this small demographic have any influence on the US election?

'Women Destroy Civilizations': Holy ***, the guy who made a Part 2 for that
this vid is pretty much a shocker, not sure I agree with all of it
Spoiler :

some strange and disturbing truths and crimes and reality of the islamist immigration to be found in the video

Criticizing Islam isn't a safe thing to do.
You run the real risk of getting shot, blown up, or your head cut off.

Also, the video seemed rather weak. :sad:
Instead of arguing that "giving women the right to vote was a mistake!", it complained mostly about immigrants and barely at all about women who voted for them.
Further, it said that immigrants will probably destroy society and the economy at some future date at the 11:23 mark.

"Probably" and "eventually" and "someday" hmpft.
Criticizing Islam isn't a safe thing to do.
You run the real risk of getting shot, blown up, or your head cut off.

meh. Life isn't safe.
cross the street and you risk being hit by some bus with no brakes, take a walk in the park you risk getting hit by a thunderbolt, go for a swim in the sea you risk some shark taking a bite

seems like some people are afraid to live a life, rather than fear a life that was never lived in the first place

Anyways I find it interesting why modern feminists are so quick to criticize the Western man but when it comes to say foreign barbaric practices like say in Islamism, there is deafening silence from the Western feminist

Also why are less American men getting married to an American woman? Why do you see the Western man now avoid marraige to the Western woman? Sometimes the Western man hooking up with the Western woman and the man will get a ZERO % investment on his return. Why the men won't marry you Western feminist girls, the “No Fault Divorce Laws”, which they introduced and gave women the license to walk out of any relationship or marriage and this without so much as a legitimate reason while at the same time, divorce always benefits women which is why 70% do it, have the new wave feminist women indirectly helped destroy modern societies?
and why are fewer Western men getting married to the American woman?
Why is the American man now getting married to women from say Solvakia, Thailand, Russia, Argentina, Colombia, Phillippines, Asia, S.America and Eastern Europe maybe....are feminists seen as more ANGRY and less FEMININE than other nations women?
are both sexes to blame, are both the men and women at fault here, is Western society mostly more selfish and hedonistic, do people think about their own needs, greeds, money, think with their own dicks, people have penis in thier brain or women are more self-destructive and people think with their own vaginas now
Do feminist women think logically, do they most dred being left-out, do they fear being non PC and why are western feminists silent about how Islam treats women? There seem to be a glaring division still existing in modern feminisms, the modern Western woman does not seem to care so much about women getting stoned to death in the Islamic world but will quickly criticize the Western man. Criticising Islamic attitudes to women increasingly comes under the remit of ‘hate speech’, it gives a thumbs up to death threats against South Park toonists or makes some British throw the troublesome Author Rushdie to the Islamist hyena and wolves, it provokes reactions as the Danish Iranian artist Firoozeh Bazrafkan found. This happens despite calls for intersectionality: the traditional divisions of the “Western” and “Middle-Eastern” or African Arab worlds. Feminism and the radical Islam connection is the problems with applying Western feminist values to Non-Western cultures and the fear of not calling our barbaric practices because of say 'tolerance' or multi-culturalism'. And this division is exacerbated by the Western response to the “plight” of Muslim women who are beaten to death for simply been accused, the western woman does not seem to understand she is helping import more jihadists and more female genital mutilation and other problems which will put huge pressure on social systems, hospitals and Western society. Although feminists should speak out against practices that infringe on the rights of women, when they are given the chance criticise other cultures they do not do it possibly out of fear or political correctness. Why do so few so-called 'feminists' ever dare criticise Islam, maye to see why, look at the ones who do, the Arab Atheists, Apostates and Ex-Muslims....and will this small demographic have any influence on the US election?
You haven't actually read any of the feminism threads here, have you?

Your post has about as much validity as the one in the Canadian Anthem thread where the person claimed that "women don't care" about an anthem that excludes us.
Hmm. I thought there was already a thread with pretty much this exact title, but I can't find it in a search.
if you allow me to be Cassandra and predict the fuuuuturrreee

This thread will end up as a giant dumpster fire.
Has Modern Feminism aka 3rd and 4th wave Feminists jumped the shark?
"Media-Feminism", "College-Feminism" and the tumors that they spread everywhere certainly have.

It's interesting though, while we almost exclusive see nothing but idiocy from the mainstream feminist websites the people who call themselves feminists outside of these circles are a lot more rational.

Of course they usually don't do much to reclaim the term from the idiots who currently run the movement and instead usually just deny reality.
did I walk into Reddit

when will Rod Serling's calming voice tell me its all a dreeam
Moderator Action: Half a page of posts and we're already at least halfway through the bingo card of discrimination. Closed.
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