Term 5 - Berry Province - this catchphrase for rent


Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2003
Arizona, USA (it's a dry heat)
Capitol province of Berry

Governor: DaveShack
Deputy Governor: open

Provincial Borders (taken from original borders poll, assuming nothing changed in later border polls)

Deux Rivieres

Producing 73spt and +4fpt, size 12 and cannot grow. Can shift one irrigated tile to one mined tile and get 79spt with +1fpt, or shift two irrigated tiles (including the wheat) to mined tiles and get 83spt and -8fpt, both with 1 shield lost to corruption.

Plan for optimizing Deux Rivieres production: I don't like all the wasted shields from overruns! At a net 72spt, we're producing 144 shields each two turns, for a 90 shield unit. After the current infantry finishes, switch to producing cavalry and artillery, and MM to switch as above for 82spt after corruption. This will let us produce 4 units in one turn each at a food defecit, and then MM back to a food surplus and build 2 infantry in 4 turns, and the food box will be full again. The wasted shields will still be substantial, but less than it would be if we build strictly infantry. Total production: 6 units per 8 turns. We can also do it as 2 80 shield units 1 turn each at a food defecit, one 90 shield in 2 turns at a surplus. No time right now to see if it can produce even more food to refill the granary even faster.
Proposed queues

Deux Rivieres
This one requires intermixing build queues and MM instructions.
Infantry (1), Cav(2) but MM to get shields above 80 after corruption with a food defecit => Cav(1)
Arty(1), Cav(1), MM to maximize food and Infantry(2) repeat until food box is full, then switch
back to Cav and MM to maximize shields, rinse & repeat. We'll put in a Bank beginning of next TC.

Cav(1), Arty(2), Cathedral (4), Cav(2), Cav(2)
Need input from military on whether more ironclads are needed

Vo Mimbre
Switch to Factory(12)

Santa Lucia
Cav(1), University(7), Cav(3)

Barracks(3), Cav(12)

Kobayashi City


Cav(2), Factory(9)

Infantry(5), MM new citizen to hill, Cav(4)
Governor, here's an assessment of your cities.

Huntington - This can get very close to 50spt (although, I doubt a courthouse and police station will remove 2 corrupt shields if you were to swap a tile with St. Octaviansburg). It can hit over 50 if we beeline for Miniturization.

Santa Lucia - This will hit the 50spt mark after the factory is built. We have tons of money, so feel free to request a rush if you want, and then build tanks.

Vo Mimbre - Mine some of the desert and plains tiles, complete the factory, and build on a few foreign (non Egyptian) workers, and it'll be over 50spt. Another tank city.

Bootsville - This needs a factory (and other needed improvements, plus use of the 3 shield tile being used by a southern city). Then it can become a tank city. A university would be nice too...

Montpellier - This city needs a factory after the bank, then tanks.
DS - I'm requesting airports, and lots of them, especially in DR, Vo Mimbre, and Santa Lucia.
Governor, you have an important province (along with Tao).

I request the build of:

2 tanks in Bootsville
8 artillery in Duex Rivieres
7 artillery in Santa Lucia.

I'm also requesting that bombers be built en masse, too. (that means nothing but bombers).
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