UFO's in Ancient Artwork


Nov 25, 2001
In the last week or so I have seen a few threads related to UFO's where some posts referred to UFO's in various paintings. Many people, including myself, confirmed this and reported our source as a show on the History Channel called "UFO's in the Bible" (if I recall, there is another called "UFO's in Ancient History").

With the lack of links, it's been brought up that these paintings should be well known and available on the web if they are as controversial as we deemed them. I have taken the liberty to find some and post them for you enthusiasts & skeptics to decide for yourself:


The above are various cave drawings and sculptures - along with a US Astronaut for reference. These were all made before 10,000 BC.


Some religious artwork shown in the mentioned video. The video made special note about the artists depicting a person pointing upward at the objects as a sign of great importance and/or it being an unusual event.


As you can see, the UFO was painted almost identical in these paintings which were done over a few hundred years. Also included was a Japanese drawing done in the same age (700-1500 AD).


More modern religious paintings showing a more advanced depiction of UFO's, along with a popular picture of Moses speaking to God? in the heavens.

Many interesting paintings here. There were many more then I felt like gathering for this thread, but considering the dating of some of the oldest cave drawings - these objects had a definate importance to them.

Let the debate begin!
So then religion is actually a way for aliens to influence the people of Earth. It's so clear now.
I've always thought that to be a possibility myself. I no longer doubt it after seeing the video which revealed much artwork including some of that above.
KaNick said:
So then religion is actually a way for aliens to influence the people of Earth. It's so clear now.

yes it makes perfect sense now!

religion is nothing more then Alien propaganda
That first picture is interesting. If that's not a helicopter in the top left...
What I think is so funny, is that admidst this whole UFO craze that people seem to have forgotten exactly what a UFO is. It is an Unidentified-Flying-Object, and that's all. It doesn't necessarily have to contain "Aliens." It's just something in the sky that people who see it can't identify as something familiar.
Fairly circumstancial if there's no text to accompany them.

What does the Japanese text say? For all I know it's a bowl for potpourri. Many may simply represent a kingdom in heaven - I mean, how would you depict that?
In sourboy's first post, in the top right picture, that dude is clearly a Cyberman!
How did they know about Doctor Who?!?!?!?
One word for you nuts:

comets! About 90% of those 'UFO in religious picture' ones are best explained as attempts to represent comets or meteors.
My theory: They tried representing something relatively simple, like the notion of heaven being a city, but modern man has (mis)interpreted it, and written sci-fi fantasy to fill in the gaps in his knowledge.
I've read this argument before, even seen some of these paintings and drawings before. But unless the aliens come down and own up or that we someday go out into space in full force and figure it out, there isn't much in the way of proving anything conclusive at this stage - you can argue it both ways forever. I'm just keeping an open mind for now.
XIII said:
you can argue it both ways forever. I'm just keeping an open mind for now.

Precisely the correct frame of mind.

As I has posted earlier (at some length) the notion "UFO's exist" and "UFO's do not exist" are both equally incredible and hence require incredible evidence. And we have evidence for neither side.

One word for you nuts:

comets! About 90% of those 'UFO in religious picture' ones are best explained as attempts to represent comets or meteors.

Maybe, but what about the rest 10%. We do not need hundreds of evidence to prove something. Just one will do.

Lastly, if we even manage to find proof of alien visitation then I would be surprised if we do not find that they have been visiting us for centuries (and hence we have historical evidence of it). aliens visiting us only in the late twentieth century only is very improbable and too coincidental.
Some of those are certainly not comets.

The one with lights in the picture of woman holding baby, that is almost definetely what we would call a UFO. Look at the zoomed in picture.

The one with alien in suit and spacesuit is very interesting.

Those two stand out for me.

This is a very interesting topic, but I don't have much to say about it: Just a big :confused:.

EDIT: What I wonder is, why are most of the UFOs in these paintings in the background, and not the center? How come no one painted huge pictures focused on UFOs?

BTW, about the alien and religion theory: Rubbish. Most paintings, IMO and kinda IIRC, are religious ones back in the day.

And I don't understand how UFOs in religious paintings prove that aliens control religion anyway.
cgannon64 said:
Some of those are certainly not comets.

True, but one might just be a helmet thrown in the air :p

The one with lights in the picture of woman holding baby, that is almost definetely what we would call a UFO. Look at the zoomed in picture.

I would have to see the original before I trust it to be a valuable source, but that could be...

1. whale, though what it's doing jumping that high, I dunno
2. tank, erm... see scientists trying to explain ghosts :p
3. wind-up toy

The one with alien in suit and spacesuit is very interesting.

Indeed. It has been theorised this was actually human time travellers... though why would they go to the Inca? :confused:

What I wonder is, why are most of the UFOs in these paintings in the background, and not the center? How come no one painted huge pictures focused on UFOs?

Could psychology suggest a reason?
stormbind said:
1. whale, though what it's doing jumping that high, I dunno
2. tank, erm... see scientists trying to explain ghosts :p
3. wind-up toy

:lol: Yes, the probability of a whale that can jump thousands of feet in the air is much better than aliens!


stormbind said:
Indeed. It has been theorised this was actually human time travellers... though why would they go to the Inca? :confused:

Whow knows. If they went back in time to change something, we wouldn't be able to explain it, because we would never see the before, just the after!

stormbind said:
Could psychology suggest a reason?

What reason would it suggest? :confused:
I'm not a psychologist.

How about politics. Would artists be allowed to depict "amazing things" outside a religious context? :confused:
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