Draft button with Uncle Sam

Rufus T. Firefly

Rufus is coming in town!
Jun 17, 2003
Freedonian North pole base
As the title sais, I have made the draft button for city screen with the classical "We want you for the US army" poster.




Join the Army!
What file do you have to paste that into?

Also, a noob question from a veteran...
Where is the draft button? I nver really needed it but, ummm, could never find it...
Yes, I've had Civ 3 for a year and a half and have never tried to play above chieftain. I probably could, it's just that I've never tried... :lol:
I spend too much time adding units to play. :lol:
Rufus T.Firefly said:
Corrected. And what a great consideration (good a work that you can't see! ;))

@Mr. Will:

put it in art/city screen folder

:lol: ... I know that you do always good job ... but I know too how to open a zip file and to have a look ... :lol:
Rufus T.Firefly said:
Zip but not Ace, if I remember correctly :p

Yes.. I hate .ace files :mad: ... The last time I take the soft to download your great modern worker... I was obliged to re-intall the zip soft after because nothing work anymore ... :lol:
You could do it Rufus T. Firefly Style. You Know "Join the Army and See the Navy" Just a thought. (I know you all are like "WOW")
That's awesome!:goodjob:
This is cool Rufus ...BTW, are the Green and Blue pictures on each end reversed? I believe the normal draft pictures are dark Blue on the left and Green on the Right. perhaps it makes no difference...anyway nice added touch.
Why do the draft buttons have different colours anyways?
P.S.Y.C.H.O. said:
Why do the draft buttons have different colours anyways?

I think maybe it has something to do with whether or not the button is active? Like if you can't draft any more units that turn...
Doesn't the draft button disappear if you can't use it?
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