The German Empire - Sucession Game


Unescorted Settler
Sep 18, 2001
The Old Pueblo
Time for the German sucession game:


1 - Ohwell
2 - Mike C
3 - donsig
4 - Knight-Dragon
5 - SkidiWili

Heres the turn order. I have some important stuff to do after this weekend, and must bow out for awhile. Five players is plenty, as we have found out. ;)

10 turns per player, the game is posted at the end of your story (summary) for the next player to download.

Good luck! -joespaniel:smoke:


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I'll be up for one. What rules are we using? Just the originals?

Also, I hope we are disabling airsuperiority somehow.

Timeframe for completing turns?

edit: What difficulty level would also help me :) Prince would be ok for me. Anything beyond Monarch and I am afraid I will get beat hard. :)
Thats five confirmed. If Knight-Dragon wants to join later, no problem. He is in Singapore and keeps different hours than us. :D


Would everyone be so kind as to DELETE all the posts before this one, to save room in the thread? Thank you.

Everyone should feel welcome to comment freely and discuss strategy, or post a screenshot, if you can, from your turn.

Screenshot from 3000 BC. The German tribe settles a lush river valley.


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4000 BC -

After nomadic wandering for centuries, the German tribe builds its first city, Berlin. A lone worker investigates a nearby village populated by people known as Vandals. We learn of ceremonial burial from them.

Warriors are trained and organized for defense and exploration. We are a war like people, and already have knowledge of archery and bronze weapon making. A new, stronger metal than this is thought to be made from ore, thus our wise men set upon this task.

3500 BC -

Other tribes such as the Kazahks are discovered nearby. They have many Gods and teach us about them. The Burgundy tribe disliked our intrusion and attacked our warriors. We were victorious, and now have elite troops.

3000 BC -

Settlers from Berlin begin a march to the sea, where there is Ivory. A new city is planned to be built there. The German people must expand in this age and ensure our survival.

A new Chancellor is about to take the reigns of power in Berlin!

* Ohwell is up next! I sent the settler as far as I could in my available time. One more step south-west was where I was going to plant Liepzig, making it a port city, then connecting the ivory.

Its all up to you now. Go forth!
The mighty Lord of Hammers starts his reign!

-2900 BC- Leipzig, a new town of our wonderful people, was founded. A Barbaric tribe had taught us an "alphabet", so we are smarter now.

-2750 BC- Our warriors have found a fellow tribe, the English. They seem to be welcome to trade. TRADE?

-2700- Tusks of the elephants have been found and collected, our people enjoy the color!

-2230- Our nomads from Berlin settled a town! They called it, Hamburg.

- 2070- Our nomads in Leipzig have set forth, moving to a new town site!

-2030 BC- Our warriors have discovered borders to a new tribe, they have no clue who, even our wise men can't figure it out. My fellow friends, I have grown old, Donsig, I give thee leadership of The Great German Empire!

#1. Joespaniel, sorry about the bother, hehe:goodjob:

#2. Donsig, I suggest you let the settler near Leipzig go to its destination, and settle there. Also, the warroir near russia(south) move it to russia to meet them. I see potential for a good rescouce spot near us. Good Luck!
Well, this is a VERY GOOD starting location. I see all terrain types, with very few jungles and desert:D . Lots of expansion space if we are quick. I settled 2 cities, damn near 3 in 20 turns!
Good job giving us a plane across the continent. No one can get behind us for awhile.

Donsig - I notice the English have a tech we dont, and very little gold. Why dont you try to offer 35 gold for their tech?

I strongly suggest NOT giving them ironworking. They have Iron and we dont. They dont know it yet either. *sigh* we may have to take London eventualy, if there is no iron in the dark area near Liepzig.

I also suggest more expansion to the south east quickly, before the English block us in. Remember, they ARE expansionist and will build right up to our front steps!

Our science rate should be raised up to 70 or 80 now. We are the scientific Germans! Lets develop literacy! Libraries are our friend.

Its all yours Donsig!
The English will not settle THAT fast, if we hurry we can probably settle very far east and south. Though we dont have iron, it will probably either just pop up, or the English will have some we can temporarily(or Permanently:D)borrow. Dont worry:goodjob: . Good luck Donsig!
Oh, I dont know... How about Cologne, Essen, Hannover, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Dortmund, Bonn, Magdeburg, Breslau, Kiel, Bremen, Emden, Wilhelmshaven, Rostock, Stettin, Munich, Nuremberg, Augsburg, Mannheim, Konigsberg or Danzig?

To name a few.:lol:

I'll check back in an hour or so. Give em hell!

I would deffinately trade gold for tech and raise the science rate to 70, maybe 80. I like to have pikemen and knights as quick as possible, because theyre so German!:hammer:

EDIT: How could I forget Dresden? Oy!
If skidiwilli and knight dragon are available, I'll slip into the 6 slot since Ding hasn't finished the game. I was waiting hoping to get my turn in before the going to bed but that is not possible. Going to bed now.

That means I will not be able to post my turns up until tommorow afterwork. If Sidiwili or Knight can get a couple of turns up between that timespan, go for it.

'night people.
I can play in 6-7 hrs' time (after getting off work). Remember I'm 12 hrs ahead of you guys. Want to slot me in after donsig? Or after SkidiWili if he's able to play after donsig?
This is my first try at this type of game. Hope I didn't let you all down...

2030 BC: More Germans put their thinking helmets on as 70% of our net income went into research and developement. Our settlers continued on their journey south only to find a band of barbarians nearby!:eek: The garrisons in both Berlin and Leipzig were dispatched in an attempt to save the day.

1990 BC: Our southern forces came upon Minsk and in a peaceful encounter bought a bunch of round things (called wheels) for 20 gold pieces. A road was begun from Berlin to Hamburg.

1950 BC: In a scene to be re
peated often over the next 500 years we removed our glorious German warriors from within Russia's borders (at Catherine's request). The barbarians menacing our settler were put down and horse were brought into Berlin! We noticed a new English settlement near Hamburg.

1910 BC: Our settlers menaced by more barbarians!:eek: :eek:

1870 BC: Our settlers massacred by Seljuk barbarians!:cry: German warriors take revenge. Spices found nearby.

1790 BC: German warriors disperse the Seljuks. One warrior now veteran. German treasure swells with Seljuk plunder. Irrigation project begun near Hamburg.

1675 BC: Our newest band of settlers rendevous with one of our warriors.

1650 BC: The newest German warrior is sent from Berlin to garrison Leipzig.

1625 BC: Frankfurt founded near Nottingham.

1600 BC: Learned from the English how to record our history for posterity. In return we taught them some mysticals arts and gave them 56 gold. Combined our fine German horses with those Russian bought wheel thingamajigs and made a chariot.

1525 BC: Raised new regiment of spearmen to defend Berlin. Found more horses south of Leipzig.

1500 BC: Our borders around Berlin have expanded! :)

1450 BC: Our newest settlers have made it south to Franfurt. Our chariot force is now veteran after demolishing the Alemanni (whose gold went into our treasury).

That's my reign. Sorry I took so long. This is great fun!:goodjob:

EDIT: Attachment deleted to conserve forum server space. Download all the saves from this thread here.
I built Frankfurt close to Nottingham in an attempt to hold off the English. Sent the other settler to Frankfurt hoping it would make another city along the English border. The English have 3 cities.

The Russians to the south have 5 cities already.:(

See you all tomorrow. I don't know what time it is where you all are but it's 1 am here in New York...:sleep:
Good work donsig. Keep those imperialist English at bay.;)

Knight-Dragon is up next. I would recomend going to 80% science and getting literature so we can build libraries.

As we get closer to London there is a danger of their culture taking over our cities. That would be bad. Libraries would counteract that, and maybe give us some of their cities.

Frankfurt could get a temple and a library to swollow up Nottingham. Yum!

I think we should capture London for its iron. If we have 6 or 7 solid cities to crank out troops, it could be very feasable. Mwah-hah-hah!
Suggestion - after each round, I suggest we cut down on the number of turns (20 now) cos each turn, more stuff is happening. Otherwise, when we come to the modern era, 20 turns will take forever with so many things happening (for those long games anyway).

Now, I shalt ascend the throne and rule!
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