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Robins Europa Mod


Nov 12, 2001
Skien, Norway
I've just made my first mod. An european one. Some ideas I might have got from others, some are my own. I have added a lot of cities and some leaders to the allready present european civs. Changed the units a bit.

Civs added (overwriting existing non-european ones)

The Netherlands

Norway got the Longship as a special unit
Spain got the Conquistador
Dutch got the VOC Galleon
Sweden got the Light Artillery

I have also added a few more units to the original euro-civs:
Hussar - to Germany instead of cavalry
Spetsnaz - an extra SU to Russia
SAS - an extra SU to England
Foreign Legion - an extra SU to France
Alpini - and extra SU to Italy
Panzergrenadier - to Germany instead of Mech Infantry

All the new units have entries in the Civelopedia. No entries for countries yet, will do it later. I have included a README file wich list the changes in units and also the stats for new units.

Some countries didn't get a SU this time, I was thinking about these though (what do you think):
Life Hussar to the Swedes instead of the Light Artillery
Arctic Ranger to the Swedes
BBE (Bijzondere Bijstands Eenheid) to the Dutch
GROM to the Polish
Partisan could perhaps go to Yugoslavia, but how should that unit be, since Partisans aren't regulary units.

But any suggestions for Denmark, Turkey, Yugoslavia and Poland?

Anyways, this is my first attempt:


  • robins_european_mod_v1.zip
    172.1 KB · Views: 1,436
I think in the spanish special unit should be the ¨Tercio¨. The Tercios were basically formations of pikemen and musketmen. They were organized at the beginning of the XVI century under the reign of king Charles I (who was emperor of Germany at the same time) . The formation of musketmen surrounded by defensive armored pikemen with very long pikes (up to 20 feet), together with the long experience accumulated in the endless wars against the muslims and all over Europe and America turned out to be amazingly powerful and effective. Very often crossbowmen were included in the tercios as well. These tercios formations and their skills were determinant in the enormous influence and power of Spain during the XVI century.

It would be really great if somebody would make an animation for these units. During this time the military dressings were very colorful and spectacular, with lots of red and yellow cloth and big helmets.
The Turkish unit could be the Jannissary. They could replace the Musketman, but have better movement. Poland had some powerful funny-looking knights with wings, and the Danish unit could be a good naval unit.
I know someone who plays Age of Kings...
Those funny Knights with wings are Hussars...
Danes were vikings too, they could maybe get Berserkers or something...
What about Kystjegere as special units for the norwegians? I hear they are among the best fighters in the world...
Or norwegian F16's instead of the usual jet fighters? They could have 1/1/1, or something. I hear they are among the worst fighters in the world...:cry:
I don't think Kystjegerne (Coast Jaeger) is one of the best units in the world, they are good, allthough I think even Marinejegerne is a better norwegian unit. And the F-16 is not a norwegian plane.... We don't have any of our own, just purchase them from others. I think the longship is the best for the Norwegians, since there was mainly Norwegians who settled islands. The Danes could probably get a more modern ship, but wich ship should they get.

Should the Jannissary treat all terrain as roads and have movement of 2?

Tercio: Perhaps, allthough in my opinion the Conquistadors are the most famous spanish unit in the history. Any where on the web I could find information about the Tercio.

But again, would GROM do it for the Polish? And is some of the stats on units way of target...
I allready have giving a Hussar unit to the German, but most of Europe had Hussar units, allthough they originally came form Hungary I believe. But if you are Polish, what about GROM?

Allthough I am not Polish, I can't think of any exceptional polish unit through the history, neither Danish for that matter. But I'm not Polish, so it's perhaps because I don't know the Polish history to well. But I believe GROM is a rather good modern unit, or...?
WHY in heaven's name light artillery for Sweden
as SU? Why not try something a bit more historically interesting?

The most clear example and My clear favourite candidate (coincides with prorpsed "Golden age" = 1612-1809)

"Carolin" or "Alottment soldier" (peasant community conscript). The idea of conscription is Swedish,and began as early as 1682 (YES!) by this
system. The system was abandoned 1904 for a
modern-style conscription. By this system Sweden could have a larg army, when one looks at the population. see: http://hem.passagen.se/mrwalker/military_b.htm
CivIII= Infantery with extra motivation= more HP.

I will in any case use this unit in my "own" modpack.

I have other ideas....

Napoleon XIII
Originally posted by Risbinroch
I allready have giving a Hussar unit to the German, but most of Europe had Hussar units, allthough they originally came form Hungary I believe.

Just to nitpick a bit, Hussars derive from the Byzantine "Hossarioi" which is a Greek word meaning "those who hide/ambush".

It started off as a type of light cavalry, not used in any "real" fights, but used as border guards and in patrolling duties. By the Byzantines the "Hossarioi" passed over to the rest of the Balkan population and especially to the Austo-Hungarian empire which started using the Hungarian "Hussars" pretty early (and effectively) as a type of tactical light cavalry.

Polish "Hussaria" are a later... invention, but they excelled in combat: They combined the mobility of the traditional hussars and the strength and effectiveness of the heavy cavalry.

The winged hussar is represented prettey nicely in a RTS called "Cossaks" :goodjob:

On the modpack:

I don't find it very attractive, due to an obvious lack of attention to the details and critical historical innacuracies, not to mention the complete lack of balancing.

But keep on the work and you might end up with something I'd want to use.
The golden ages in danish history is either around 1000 AD or 1700-1800 AD.
In 1000 AD the vikings roamed most of the north sea, capturing half of britain, setteling in russia, and plundering as far as to spain and italy in their longboats.
In 1700-1800 AD Denmark actually had the second largest fleet in the world, only outnumbered by britain. And was politically very strong.
Denamrk is not that big, and does not have any special characteristicas, but I believe that the viking age is the most special. So a viking beserker is perhaps the best solution.
The unit should be a 4/3/1 swordsman and cost 40 or 50 shields and require iron
The thing about growing up in North America is that all you ever hear about is North American and WESTERN European history. If someone were to do some actual research they would know that for much of the 1600's Poland controlled a vast area stretching from the Baltacs to the Black Sea, inluding Lithuania, and most of the Ukraine. They controlled this vast area for a good deal of time with their Winged HUSSAR. Poland's golden age came with the Hussar, and it was by far the most powerful hussar of its time.
Originally posted by Ad Hominem

Just to nitpick a bit, Hussars derive from the Byzantine "Hossarioi" which is a Greek word meaning "those who hide/ambush".

Just to nitpick myself, Hussar is derived from the Hungarian word for twenty, husz.
Originally posted by Vad Ember

Just to nitpick myself, Hussar is derived from the Hungarian word for twenty, husz.

Just to nitpick a bit more, I think we are reading different linguists. What's your source? And what's the background? Why "twenty" evolving into a word describing a military unit? My explaination makes sense... what's yours?
It isn't who invented the hussar who is important, it is who dominated with it (The Poles)

You don't give the British the Tank as their special unit cause they had the first tanks, you give the Germans the Panzer, cause they dominated with it.
Originally posted by Ad Hominem

Just to nitpick a bit more, I think we are reading different linguists. What's your source? And what's the background? Why "twenty" evolving into a word describing a military unit? My explaination makes sense... what's yours?

My source? Oral tradition - as I (incorrectly) understood it huszárs were originally in units of 20 (Hungarian military organisation is often named after the unit size- tized, század, ezred etc). But at any rate I'm hardly qualified in such matters so I searched a bit and found this http://ludens.elte.hu/~benczus/hussar.htm. So we both stand corrected!
How about the British Infantry square? or the finest/most feared infantry of the middle ages, the dreaded English longbowmen.

I think the Russians ought to have Gangut class Battleships, but I don't think they had enough impact on worldly affairs to even be mentioned.

Perhaps adding special modern era troops for the russians that are less powerfull, but cheaper than their counterparts for a cold war effect.

Perhaps some of the peoples that moved across europe in the middle ages could give their UU to the nation where they settled when running shy of UU's, but if you'd like to add more.
It is probably because I am French (though I have been to Poland a few times) but I would consider the Polish lancer for the Polish UU. Sure it was at a time Poland had lost a lot of its past greatness but these troops were pretty famous, terrific fighters and recruited in the Napoleonian guard.
Originally posted by Risbinroch
I've just made my first mod. An european one. Some ideas I might have got from others, some are my own. I have added a lot of cities and some leaders to the allready present european civs. Changed the units a bit.

Civs added (overwriting existing non-european ones)

The Netherlands

You've gone with Scandinavian over-kill! Why not add the Gutnish and Icelandics :lol:
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