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Europe - real terrain & resources 100x100


King of Kish
Jan 21, 2002
Hi folks!

Based on the Europe 100x100 map that RangerOne314 created I created a map of Europe including the real rivers, real terrain and so on.

I also inlcuded the starting positions for CivBreed (also included), easily executeable with a batch file.

I changed some civs. New are: Norway, Huns, Spain, Hungaria, Carthago, Ottoman Empire.
I used Norms Huge map of Europe to create the Hungarians and the Ottomans.

I tried to make this map good for gameplay but also historically accurate. For gameplay I increased England and Scandinavia in size (come on, give'em a chance!). For accuracy I added much forest in central Europe. Caesar describes Germania to be basically a vast woodland. The "Edda" refers to a huge dense forest called "Myrkwid" (Mirkwood) at the border of the Gothic and the Hun lands (thus somewhere north of the Black Sea - notice the dense forest!). The forest also causes the mediterranean civs to be better off at the beginning, but after the forest is cut, the Central European civs will prosper.

Then I tried to make trade interesting. Therefore almost every civ has one type of luxuries (not more). The civs in Central Europe are bad off (again), but as we all know we are mostly consumers... BUT every civ has at least one resource to make citizens happy... :)

I hope you have fun and let me know what you think!

Jan van der Crabben


  • thamis europe 100.zip
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Playing as france, its now 730ad, im experiencing a game crash whenever i try to trade with anyone for a gold per turn deal, it happened first a few turns ago when i offered horses to someone and they offered back a luxury and gold per turn, hit the accept choice, it crashed, tried the deal for just horses and the luxury, worked fine, so i thought it was just the gold per turn crashing it. then a couple turns later egypt demands i give them chivalry, i tell them to shove it, they declare war, game crashes. i load the autosave and gave into their demands, and i get to the end of the next turn, russians demand something, i tell em to shove it, they dont declare war, it crashes. went back and gave into their demand and it still crashed, so now ive gone back up to 3 turns trying different combinations to find out what the hell is causing this problem. anyone seen this before? its really pissing me off cuz i want to play marlas map but got sick of waiting 5 mins for every 2 min i actually play, so i play this map and now it crashes!!! i think the civgods dont want me to play or something

Dude you can use utilities made by civfanatics to make the world a flat map without resorting to mountains round the border...

The resource allocation isn't "realistic" and I dispute the shape of much of the landmasses...
Hey again!

Which tools can I use to make the map flat?

And well, the resources are NOT realistic (I never mentioned that they are), but good for gameplay. The same thing for the shape of the land. Another issue with the shape is the conversion from Civ2, because there the shape looked strange, too.

"Which tools can I use to make the map flat?"

I am pretty sure I saw some editor that allowed this...trying to remember which one!

FOUND IT: it is "Gramphos's Civ3MultiTool"

Version "v0.78 - Maps can be changed to FLAT"

So download it and readup about it! (it is also at civfanatics)
Have a problem with a crash situation as well...sucks too, I've just built up the Roman Empire to its height, crushed Egypt, consolidated the Iberian peninsula and North Africa...just when I am ready to crush Gaul...BOOM! it crashes every time a bunch of persian immortals move on the computer turn. Weird...
I've made a complete remake based on this map of Europe. My intention is to make a scenario with England, Greece, France, Spain, Rome, Russia, Germany and the Vikings, but for some reason the game crashes when I try to edit the civilizations and I can't seem to get the correct starting positions either. Any help with this is appreciated.

I wrote a long description of the map and the choices I've made, but all the text disappeared when I tried to upload an unvalid file. If you have any questions I'll try to answer them.


  • eur8great.zip
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Here is a minimap.


  • europe1.gif
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I placed the resources by looking at other maps of europe and the world, but they're not perfected and everything is not accurate. However I changed some placements and deleted some resources. I moved Berlin, but not Paris, because I think that would mess up the rivers (since I want Paris to be by the Seine river, not the Mosel) and I think the french and the germans would come too close then. I have created a Viking and a Spanish civilization that I hope will work (I replaced the Iroqouis and the Aztecs). For some reason I couldn't replace the Americans without crashing the game. I created a CPF file for that, so you can change the starting positions with Civ3 MultiTool, Savegame editor.

As it is now, the civilizations seem to expand nicely and in the "right" directions, but I'm thinking about maybe expanding the game with more civilizations, adding the Ottomans, Babylonians, Austrians and Egyptians and maybe Carthagians and Arabs/Persians. I think that would be possible without cluttering Europe too much.


  • eur8great.zip
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I have just noticed that CIVBREED doesn't work with Civ 1.17f, and probably won't work with later versions either. CTP does, though. Therefore I made a Civ Placement Tool file for the starting positions and I changed the europe100.bat file so that I now uses CPT (cpt.exe has to be in the same directory as europe100.bat and europe100.cpt).

You can get the latest version of CPT here


  • europe100.zip
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finally, I tried your map and enjoyed it, however late in the game ca.300 AD, I discovered that the Egyptians had started where the
Greeks where suppose to, the greeks were nowhere to be seen(it is possible they started were the egyptians were suppose to and were eliminated early in the game, but I doubt it, I think they were never in the game.) The Spanish and the Vikings were able to contact through the Diplomatics button(left, bottom corner) even though they did not have any cities, and the french had built cities in Spain as if the Spainsh had never started there, as had the germans in Norway where the Vikings were suppose to be.???

If you know anything about these problems or have an update on the map, please post it in this thread.

If you know how to remove the fog-of-war I could try it again and see if it was just a one-time incident.

(This post was meant for finally, the member)It is a confusing user name you got there:crazyeye:
I was wondering if anyone would like to help me make a map of the eastern hemisphere, the reason for this is because I think it would be great for a lot of different scenarios (such as imperialism of Asia, both the world war {I know it would not include America, but once the editor is finished that would be no problem}) I am very surprised that this has not been made yet (if someone knows where it exist please tell me) and think it would encompass enough terrain to make the game divers but still allow for Europa to be big enough to have a major role as opposed to the 10 cities at tops that can fit there on the world map.
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