Calculator for some date/score things


Shaken, not stirred.
Jan 1, 2002
Nanaimo BC Canada
Here's a calculator I wrote which can be used to:

1) Get the number of turns played so far and still to be played from a given date.

2) Get the date which is at a specified number of turns after/before a given date.

3) Estimate a game's score given some very big assumptions (i.e. that territory, population, and happiness will not change for the rest of the game.)

It should work ok in Internet Explorer 5 or later and in Netscape 6 (and Mozilla) or later.

Edit 2002/6/4. Updated attachment to version 1.1. This version has buttons to increment/decrement the date by one turn.


    2.7 KB · Views: 1,705
are you sure that when happiness stay the same it go down like for territory???

i tough the point you receive each turn was calculated with the number of happy poeple you had.
because my happyness normally catch up with my territory point in the end even if i have stop growing since all my cities are at there max.

But i may be misstaken.

But if i am right you should separate the happyness score calculation from the territory score calculation and add them together at the end.
Using the same calculation for your territory. And for your (happyness score increase) X (#turn left)

Sorry for my poor english, i am french (quebec) and have difficulties expressing myself correctly in english:)
Yes, I'm sure they both (territory and citizens) work the same way.

On each turn the game adds up your territory (1 point per tile), your happy citizens (2 points each), and your content+specialist citizens (1 point each.) Then it multiplies that total by the difficulty level and the result is the "per-turn" score. Then it adds up all the per-turn scores so far, then divides by the number of turns, and that result is your actual score.

So if your territory and happiness don't change from a particular turn till the end of the game (i.e. everything is already at full growth and maximum happiness) then it works fine to project the final score based on the current "per-turn" score and the arithmetic to multiply it all out.

I hope that is making sense!

I've confirmed the calculation in a few games. Once I reach maximum happiness and territory, the projected final score from the calculator is a very close match to the actual score when I play it out 100 turns or so later.
oki doki :)

thanks for the info.
Hey neato! Maybe you could modify it a little and make it also be a trade agreement renewal reminder. It would be nice if I could punch in a year and a civ, and have it give me a reminder a turn or two before a trade agreement is up for renewal. Just a thought.
you can use it and put a year like
10bc and ask the Calculator to add 20 turn and it will tell you 320 AD
so you just have to remember that in 320AD it will end up.
:goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob:

I just used your date/score calculator today and I LOVE it. This thing rocks! Thx. It's awesome to see that I already have a high score for the HOF, but if I make it to 2049 I'll have the #1 Monarch score [but not for long probably :) ] I thought my math might be screwed up, but it's easier to just let the confuser do the math anyway.

btw, I have a request for version 2 of it, if I can talk you into it. It's just because I'm so lazy. Could you add a window called 'next score' or something. After entering the new score and hitting enter the page would change the date to the next one in order and move the score from the current box to last year's box. We'd be entering 1 value instead of 3 if we want to use if for a few years in a row.

Thx for listening. (I'm posting this and emailing you a copy)

Originally posted by RufRydyr
btw, I have a request for version 2 of it, if I can talk you into it.
Ok, done! The new version has little buttons to increment/decrement the date. Using those buttons moves the previous/current score values.
Thanks! The internal score is an estimate of your current "per-turn" score. There's a description of what the per-turn score is about at the start of this thread: The estimate displayed is subject to some error because it is worked out from your previous and current turn actual scores, and both of those have been rounded to integers.
SirPleb, any plans for a C3C version?
Originally posted by superslug
SirPleb, any plans for a C3C version?
I think it will work fine as it is with C3C for milked games and also for other games at difficulties up to Emperor.

The only thing I know of which won't come out right is the bonus part of the score for an early win at Deity and Sid levels. I'll get an update in for those when I've used Conquests a bit more and made sure there aren't any other changes.
uhhh... i'm not getting any output for your score calculator- there are fields for entering turn, score, etc, but there is no compute button, or 'projected score field- am i missing part of the program from the zipped file? btw i'm using netscape 7.0 on a PC w/winXPpro...
Originally posted by Lord Jimbob
i'm not getting any output for your score calculator- there are fields for entering turn, score, etc, but there is no compute button, or 'projected score field - am i missing part of the program from the zipped file? btw i'm using netscape 7.0 on a PC w/winXPpro...
You're not missing anything, it is just one .htm file. And there isn't a compute button on the page, it automatically updates the displayed results as you modify the input fields.

It sounds like it just doesn't work with Netscape 7 :( I tested it with Netscape 6 but I don't have Netscape installed anymore, never tried 7.
thanks for the reply, SP. yeah, i suspected it was something like that- maybe i'm just not using the fields correctly. i'll fiddle with it again when i get home...
edit: ahhh... it wasn't working in Netscape 7.0, but works fine in Explorer- thanks for the useful tool, Sirp!
Other than this post, is there a way to either:
A. Get this thread to the top of the Forum, before it falls off the page! :lol:
B. Access a list of Downloadable utilities like this? (Without coming back to this Forum!)

It would be nice to see this Forum listed, optionally, by "Last Date Utility Program Downloaded/Viewed" :)

As I see it, this thread will "fall" down the Forum's pages unless somebody posts to this thread!? :eek:

P.s. @SirPleb: Congrats on passing the 2-year anniversary of the LAST update to this FINE utility program! :)
EMan, I hand out the link to this thread so much I just subscribed to it long ao so I know where to find the url...
That's Good 'slug! :goodjob:

The problem arises with "shy browsers/newbies" who look at the list of utility programs and try them out.............well they may think it's only worth checking out the 1st page of the Forum......mistakenly thinking the 1st page's utilities are the only ones worth looking at!

If nobody posts to this thread for say another 6 months, then this thread will drop OFF the 1st page!...............No matter how many people VIEW this thread OR download the utility!

Aye, there's the Rub! :eek: :eek:
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